Gunn Questionaire- 9/25/07
Dear Class of ’73: The Gunn Class of ’73 35-Year Reunion Committee held its first meeting last week and work is underway for another terrific gathering next year. We may not feel that old, but we are that old. This letter has two purposes. First, to confirm whereabouts for our classmates. If you know of classmates who have moved since the last reunion, please have them contact us or send us their new contact information. Otherwise, we will unleash our intrepid Internet investigators to find them, and we’d prefer to avoid that use of resources. The second purpose is to get a sense of what kind of reunion you’d like to have, since this is, after all, your event. Please see the rankings below and let us know either by e-mail or U.S. mail what your preferences are. Category One: Price I would prefer a per-person price range of: A) $50-$75 B) $76-$100 C) $101-$125 Category Two: Venue D) Banquet E) Picnic Category Three: Time F) Summer G) Fall Please provide answers for all categories. For instance, if you’d like a really extravagant picnic, your answer would be C & E & F. We’re not sure how we’d throw a really extravagant picnic, especially in the fall, when the weather might be dicey, but we’re willing to try if that’s the consensus. Please respond by Oct 20th to Hank Lawson ( Regards, The Gunn Class of ’73 35-Year Reunion Committee Class of '73 Website Jane Alhouse Howard Baldwin Albert Cuisonot Hank Lawson Ben Loebner Robin Snyder Patrice Ventresca (and anyone else who’d like to join us)Sept 19, 2007 Minutes
Howard will develop an introductory questionnaire letter for distribution by Hank via e-mail by Monday, 9/24. Robin will research the “bouncees.” Ben will check out the Los Altos Youth Center and Shoup Park, especially checking on whether alcohol is allowed there. Jane will check out Foothill Country Club, Lucie Stern Community Center, and the Pacific Athletic Club in Redwood City. Albert will check out the Faculty Club. Next meeting: Wednesday, October 24th, noon, at the Tied House. Robin will be celebrating Howard’s 52nd birthday, but no one else has to. Howard Baldwin 408-830-9317;