'00 Track Pre-Meeting Minutes
Minutes of 1/19/00 SCVAL Pre-Season Track Meeting Number of Competitors Per School at Division Finals At the post-season evaluation meeting we will discuss whether we want to allow more than 4 persons per school to compete in an event. Help To Be Provided By SCVAL at CCS Finals & Semi Finals Gunn will run the HJ. We will decide at the division seeding meetins who will be the turn judges. Help To Be Provided By SCVAL at North Meet Gunn will do the HJ. Los Altos will do the boys discus. Girls disc is TBA but will come from the El Camino division. Cupertino will do the TJ. CIF Advisory Committee Track Proposals We voted 11-0 to reject the at-large proposal for the State Track Meet. We voted 8-3 in favor of a proposal to allow at-large entries to the State Meet if it does not result in additional heats. We voted 12-0 against the proposal to change the format of the State Meet to 4 divisions. All like the fact that the best get to compete against each other in one meet. Roberta Chisam asked that we have the CCS propose that the State change the sections so that they fairly divide the population of students. Coaches Alliance A discussion was held regarding the Coaches Alliance. It has a new president and he wants the viewpoints of all sections. Coaches of the SCVAL are encouraged to join this Alliance. Athletic Director Advisor to SCVAL For Track Paul Jones stated the Lee Volta of Santa Clara has replaced Earl Hanson. ByLaws Hal Daner wanted a clarification of Article II of the bylaws. It was the opinion of some that the fact that the DeAnza had one more team than the El Camino did not allow it to excee the 15-meet limitation. The DeAnza girls can only compete in 8 meets in addition to the league meets. After the meeting, Walt Van Zant read the CCS rules and concluded that the 15- meeet limitation was both an individual and a team limitation. As an example, if the Los Gatos girls compete in 7 dual meets, they can only enter a team of 8 or more girls in 8 additional meets. Individually, if a Los Gatos girls misses some of those team meets, she can make up the difference by entering in other invitationals as long as Los Gatos enters 7 or fewer girls in those meets. We discussed alternates to the North Meet from the El Camino and DeAnza Division finals. An alternate list will be prepared of those who competed in the Varsity finals. The athlete in each event with the best mark, regardless of whether he/she competed in the El Camino or DeAnza division will be the first alternate. Additional alternates will be listed based upon their marks. After the varsity list of alternates has been exhausted F/S and JV athletes may be considered. We discussed the new CIF rules regarding uniforms. They must now be tucked in. Also, uniforms cannot be stripped off in the stadium area. Violators of this rule will be given a warning the first time. The second time they will be disqualified from the event during which or after which they stripped. The third time they will be disqualified from the meet. Dates of Division Finals We have reserved DeAnza College at the cost of $300 per day for 5/1 thru 5/4. We agreed that the El Camino Division will hold its meeet on Monday and Wednesday (5/1 and 5/3) and that the DeAnza Division will hold its meet on the other two days. Post-Season Evaluation Meeting We will hold the post-season evaluation meeting on Monday - 6/5/00 -- at Harry Hofbrau in Mt. View from 5 to 7PM. Several coaches suggested that Paul Jones pay for our dinners that night. The CCS evaluation meeting will be held the following night - 6/6. Splitting of Duties For Director of Division Meet Paul Jones said that the athletic directors had suggested that the meet director be allowed to get rid of some of the duties of running the league meet. As an example, some other school could do a lot of the paper work. Most of the coaches did not like that idea as they believed that the paper work was the major headache to the job. If that was taken away from the director, he/she would not have much to do. Other At the conclusion of the joint SCVAL track meeting, coaches from the two divisions met separately. DeAnza Coaches We will hold our seeding meeting on Friday, 4/28/00, at 12 Noon. Paul Abbott of Milpitas will be the meet director. He will tell us later where the seeding meeting will be held. Hal Daner volunteered the use of St. Francis for the meeting. Roberta concurred. However, Paul has not yet decided where the meeting will be held. The following chores will be handled as follows: HJ - Gunn LJ - Wilcox TJ - St.Francis SP - Los Altos Dis - Gunn Hurd - Saratoga Scoring - Palo Alto Turn Judges & Timers - Each school will provide 2. except Los Gatos will provide 4 and Gunn none. We will use Hank LawsonÕs timing system free of charge. Willie Hartmatz will provide his timing system as a back up for a fee. All coaches will send the scores for all divisions of their dual meets to Hank Lawson or Walt Van Zant within 48 hours of the meet. Hank's FAX # is 408 446- 9060 and Hank and Walt's e-mails can be found on this e-mail distribution. El Camino Coaches The seeding meeting will be held on Friday 4/28/00 at a place and time to be determined by Kirk Mansfield (Monta Vista) the Meet Director. Meet Assignments are as follows: HJ - Homestead TJ - Fremont LJ - Cupertino Disc - Lynbrook Shot - Santa Clara Scoreing - Homestead Results - Lynbrook Hurdle Crew - Mtn View Program, Starter, Mgmnt of volunteers, Meet Director and "catch all" of everything else - Monta Vista Each school is to provide a timer and a judge, in addition to what they are responsible for. Timing will be done using Hank's Lynx system but will be operated by someone from Wilcox. Finals on Monday will be: - F/S & JVG 2 mile - F/S & JVG Field events all other finals will be on Wed Trials will only be held if there are more than 8 athletes signed up for an event. In the 800, we will use a Slow heat / Fast Heat, based on qualifying times, for the finals. Tentative start times for the meet are 2:00 field and 3:00 track.