Coaches Alliance

Jan 15, 2001

Posted by George Varvas on January 15, 2001 at 12:33:42: Executive Board Meeting Saturday January 13, 2001 Irvine, CA Present: George Varvas, president Peter Brewer, 1st vice-president Jim Clendaniel, 2nd vice-preseident Meeting convened at 10:00 a.m. Financial Report - George presented the current deposits and leger accounts from John Mahr and Tim Hunter (financial committee) for the current fiancial year 2000-2001. George also had from Dennis McClanahan the final financial reports for the 1998-1999 and the 1999-2000 financial years. The current financial status of the Alliance for the 2000-2001 year: Opening balance Membership and clinic registratons 10,577.00 Sponsorships 4,000.00 Brea Linda site fee NetKruzer website fee Clinic Costs Expense AAF Grant 31,230.15 ========= ========= 45,807.15 ========= Current balance 33,205.01 2. Representative Elections It was agreed to adopt Tim O'Rourke's suggestion to create a 2nd section representative spot so that there would one focusing on primarily cross country issues and one to represent track concerns. This,however, would require an amendment to the Constitution. The matter will be placed on the agenda for the general meeting 1/27. There was discussion on creating a standard timeline for all sections for representative nominations, "campaigning" (nominees posting statements), and balloting. Peter agreed to come up with a proposal for the general meeting 1/27. The upcoming representative election was discussed. A review of the Alliance Constitution (Article V) showed that representatives are selected for a two-year term. Since the Constitution was adopted in 2000, those representives in place at the start of the 2000-2001 term cycle are still in place for the 2001-2002 term. Thus, an election at this time is unnecessary. The Board then agreed that the current list of nominees then be used as a resource to designate section alternates, since the Constitution recommends that each section select more reps to assist the Lead Representative. It will be suggested that each section designate these assistant representatives as track representatives. 3. General Meeting agenda George has posted on the website a request for agenda items for the the general meeting. It was agreed that we continue to stress to the representatives and members the overall need for the Alliance to continue to recruit new members. George will set the agenda items and post on the web site. 4. Website -- There was discussion on continuing to make the website a better tool for the Alliance. Suggestions that have been made were to add a separate page link for each individual section. This way the individual office, section elections, schedules, meetings and the like could have an individual area, all linked to the main Alliance page. Additional ideas included asking prep writers Doug Speck and Rich Gonzales to move to our site. This would involve addtional cost, that potentially could be recouped by charging more for sponsorships with the leverage of the increased net traffic these authors would bring. 5. Coaching Education - The committee okay’d George’s decision to put a link button on the Alliance web page to George Payan’s coaching education site. George Payan is the Coaching Education co-ordinator of the Alliance, appointed to that position at the 5/20/2000 Executive Committee meeting. 6. Clinics -- George reported that plans for the Mt. SAC clinic on 1/27 are going well, with Art Venegas and Mike Powell the featured speakers. It was lamented that we were unable to secure a clinic director and site for a Northern track clinic this winter, given that one of our Alliance objectives is to strive for as much balance between Northern and Southern Alliance activites as possible. The AAF grant goes through to September of 2001, so we have summer cross country clinics still to plan. We need to identify clinic directors and sites for Southern and Northern clinics. Indications from the AAF are that they would like to assume direct contol of the clinics after that date. 7. Calendar -- Preliminary dates were set up for the upcoming Alliance business year. 1/27 General Alliance Meeting 6:00 p.m. (right after the Mt. SAC clinic social) 2nd Sat in April Election for 2nd vice-president --Northern sections 1st wknd in May Executive Committee Meeting 1st wknd in Dec Executive Committee Meeting other meetings to be called as required 8. Current Alliance concerns -- George reported that all concerned felt that the cross country State Meet had gone well in the first year of the at-large process. The CIF cross country and track & field advisory board had also felt that it had gone well. Areas that still need to be addressed in the process are coming up with a process for addressing the situations of those sections that do not have a three year history of their championship course, or have a zero year (no previous championship races on that course) history. We also need to get at-large standards from each section established as soon as we can, and certainly well in advance of the section championships in 2001. George also presented his notes on the State Advisory Board meeting. Meeting adjourned 4:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Peter Brewer 1st vice-president ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jan 8, 2001

Dear Coach, The Coaches' Alliance (in partnership with AAF) is committed to provide the education necessary to help make the participation by our youngsters in our two sports a most valuable experience in their lives! It is not a coincidence that the number of quality teams and athletes in track and cross country have improved tremendously since these clinics started a few years ago. This is another one in a series of great clinics. Quite possibly the greatest lineup of speakers ever! Check out the names and topics involved in the attachment! I would personally like to invite you and all of your assistants to attend the Cal Coaches' Alliance-AAF Hot Topics Clinic (at MtSac on 1-27-2001 at 8:00 a.m.) as you prepare to start the upcoming track season! The line up of speakers is probably the best we have ever put together. Every aspect of track & field will be covered by very well-known, experienced and knowledgeable speakers. Check the attachment (in Microsoft Word format) for a complete list of the speakers and the topics that they will be covering! Your school principal and District have special money that they can cover the registration (even travel expenses) for you and your assistants if your budget does not have the funds for this! Check our web site! for specific suggestions (Eisenhower funds, etc., etc.). On top of this, the Coaches' Alliance has a big favor to ask of each of you: Could you help promote this Hot Topics Clinic? Specifically what we would like for you to help the Alliance with is to commit to the following: Using your Country Mail System, mail the attached flier to each of the schools in your County by this coming Friday (1-12-2001) (if you cannot duplicate the flier or get the envelops free from your school, the Alliance will reimburse you for the cost of the 60 or so envelops). Please let me know if this is not possible for you to do! The Alliance appreciates your support in helping to advertise this outstanding clinic! George Varvas Woodbridge High School Cal Coaches' Alliance President CALIFORNIA COACHES’ ALLIANCE & AAF SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 2001 MT SAC 8:00 $45.00 (ALLIANCE MEMBERS) $65.00 (NON-ALLIANCE MEMBERS) $60.00/ $80 AFTER 1-20-2001; *** If you pre-register, you can bring your school money on 1-27!) 1. ART VENEGAS (SHOT PUT, DISCUSS, PREPARING ATHLETES FOR BIG MEET, STRENGTH TRAINING FOR ALL THE TRACK EVENTS) 2. MIKE POWELL (LJ, TJ: JUMP DRILLS, PERFECTING THE APPROACH, TECHNIQUE) 3. JAN JOHNSON (POLE VAULT: DRILLS, TECHNIQUE, WORKOUT PLANS) 4. MANNY BAUTISTA & IRV RAY (DISTANCE: ORGANIZING YOUR WORKOUTS FOR THE SEASON TO PRODUCE OPTIMAL RESULTS) 5. CURTIS GOSS (SPRINTS: SPEED DEVELOPMENT DRILLS, TECHNIQUE AND WORKOUTS) 6. DOUG NORDQUIST (HIGH JUMP: DRILLS, WORKOUT PLANNING AND DEVELOPING TECHNIQUES TO COACH THE H.S. HIGH JUMPERS) 7. CHARLES LEATHERS (HURDLES: DRILLS, TECHNIQUE AND WORKOUTS FOR HURDLERS) NAME: _________________________________ SCHOO/SECTION: ____________________________ HOME ADDRESS: _____________________________________________ ZIP: ____________________ CITY: _____________________________________ HOME PHONE: ___________________________ EMAIL: _______________________________________________ FAX: _________________________ Mail to: John Mahr (Sultana High School); 6740 Kenyon Ave; Hesperia, CA 92345

Jan 3, 2001

Hi everyone, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I would like your help on one of the projects of the Alliance: On January 27, 2001, the same day as the outstanding Hot Topics Clinic, the Alliance will hold its 2nd Annual Statewide meeting of the Section Lead Reps and coaches at MtSac at 6:00 p.m. Some of you attended last year's meeting on behalf of your section and was obviously very helpful with his input. The Alliance pays travel and lodging expenses for the Lead reps to attend this meeting. What the Alliance would like to see for the upcoming meeting is: a. Each section sends one rep at least! The rep(s) is a member of the Alliance! b. That this rep is selected by the coaches of that Section or the Section Office as opposed to me asking coaches that I am acquainted with to be the Lead reps. Being selected in a democratic way (no recount though please) will give credibility to this person! Even if only a few coaches vote/select, the process establishes the tradition to build on for the future years. Ideally, the Section president (if one exists) is an example of a democratic selection that could represent the coaches from your section with credibility. Also, if the section has a Coaches' advisory committee, the chair of that committee would also be considered as a credible rep for your section. c. Find out for me when your section will have its track coaches meeting (if your section has one at all). I would like to try to attend this meeting so that I can meet the coaches and the coaches can meet the Alliance president. This in hope of increasing communication between the Alliance and the Coaches and thus making the Alliance an even stronger tool for the coaches. The more confidence the coaches have that the Alliance is working for all the programs in the State will lead to more memberships in the Alliance and therefore more cloud with the State Office. Could you please help in this Alliance activity by organizing/establishing a selection (voting) process by which your Section will identify/select the Lead Rep that will represent your Section coaches for the Alliance? Please place your names on this list and add any other names that would apply and fly a ballot/flier (or which ever method you feel would give credibility to the person that will be speaking on behalf of your Section coaches for the Alliance) around to identify the Lead Rep! Even if only one name is listed (if the other coaches decline the opportunity) and only a few people vote, it will be sufficient for now. This could be done over the phone or with email as well! Thanks George Varvas Coaches' Alliance president