Minutes from CCS meeting on 6/5/2001

Dates for 2002 meets: North & South May 11, 2002 Semi-Finals May 18, 2002 CCS Finals May 24, 2002 Nancy Lazenby Blaser is going to recommend to the Board of Managers at their Oct meeting that they 'do away with' the North & South meets and just have two meets instead of the current three meets. Reasoning is because of the large (over 80 from the North alone) amount of 'no-shows' that were at the meet. No shows means empty lanes (not even the alternates were there to fill the lanes). South also had 'no shows' (numbers not available at the meeting) but their numbers were no where as much as the North. The SCVAL had 6 track 'no shows' and 12 field 'no shows'. The PAL had over 60 'no shows'. The WCAL had 6-12 'no shows'. The track coaches their vote 8-2 opposing dropping any meets. If you don't want to drop the North/South meet, you need to tell your AD and Principal that you are against this move. Another proposal is to go with Qualifying Standards that can be achieved anytime during the track season for advancement into the semi-finals (this was assuming that the North/South meets would be dropped). Discussion was held off based on whether we have two or three meets. Qualifying from League to North/South meets. Number of qualifiers from each League that go on will be re-evaluated and posted on the CCS web page by Jan 2002.