Minutes from Statewide Alliance Meeting and Ammendments to theConstitution.
California Track & Cross Country Coaches Alliance Annual Meeting - 1/27/01
Mt. San Antonio College
I. Present:
Executive Committee:
President: George Varvas, Woodbridge High
1st vice-president: Peter Brewer, Castro Valley High
2nd vice-president: Jim Clendaniel, Yucaipa High
Section Representatives:
Central Coast: Walt Van Zant, Wilcox High
Los Angeles: Scott King, Birmingham High
North Coast: Tim Bruder, Alhambra High
Oakland: Dave Ponas, Oakland High
San Diego: Keith VanAsdalan, Carlsbad High
Sacramento-San Joaquin: Dan King, Nevada Union High
Southern Section: Rich Mendellin
Appointed Positions:
Treasurer: John Mahr, Sultana High
Web Page Editor: Tim O’Rourke, Arroyo High (El Monte)
II. Organizational Review
George Varvas reviewed the Alliance goals, stressing mainly that we are continuing to emphasize promoting our sport. He pointed to two areas that remain top priorities namely presenting coaches’ concerns to the state CIF, and to increase membership.
Discussion ensued about these goals. The following areas were identified as specific targets for the Alliance to address:
• need to work on increasing feedback from coaches to representatives and the Executive Committee
• need to promote the Alliance to coaches more effectively
• build from the league level up
• incentives/particulars to join needed
-- member discount with sponsors
-- membership confirmed with an item (card, patch, key chain, et cetera)
-- offer coaching liability insurance with membership
• adopt a single logo (current logo on cards and flyers recommended) and use on all Alliance materials -- letterhead, cards, flyers, web site, et cetera
• investigate other coaching organizations in California to see if there is an conflict/overlap/cooperative potential
III. Treasurer’s Report:
John Mahr reported on the current balance of the Alliance. As reported by the Executive Committee 1/13:
The current financial status of the Alliance for the 2000-2001 year:
Opening balance
Membership and clinic registrations 10,577.00
Sponsorships 4,000.00
Brea Linda site fee
NetKruzer web site fee
Clinic Costs
Meeting travel expense
AAF Grant 31,230.15
========= =========
Current balance 33,205.01
The Hot Topics Clinic proceeds will be added in as they are tallied.
George reported that the Amateur Athletic Foundation (AAF) grant had been withdrawn, so we are no longer associated with them. A major source of funding the last 2 1/2 years, the AAF will still be pursuing providing coaches’ clinics in the greater Los Angeles area, but will be handling the clinics themselves, rather than underwriting the Alliance to provide the clinics.
George commended past president and Alliance founder Dennis McClanahan, who had secured the grant three years ago. The Alliance noted that a debt of gratitude is owed for the long hours and many years that Dennis worked to build up the Alliance.
IV. Constitutional Review
Peter Brewer brought several proposals for Constitutional amendments, most of them designed to clarify the selection process of the sectional representatives and establish a timeline for that process. The amended constitution is appended to these minutes, with revisions noted.
Article V, Section A, Item 2:
change the word "opposing" to "opposite"
Rationale: remove the confrontational tone of the language.
After discussion, the intent of the proposal was acknowledged, and the wording changed to "One of the vice-presidents must come from the northern half, and the other from the southern half as determined by the State CIF."
Passed 7-0.
Article V, Section D
change the wording to read "Sections’ representatives will be elected by regularly scheduled elections in odd numbered years."
Rationale: this would standardize the method of representative selection statewide.
Passed 7-0
Article V, Section D, Item 2
Change the wording to read: "There will be two representatives from each section. One will primarily represent the track and field concerns of that section, and the other will primarily represent the cross country concerns of that section."
Rationale: representation to the Alliance from each section is comprised almost entirely of cross country coaches, or track distance coaches. This change would ensure more equitable track representation in Alliance matters.
Discussion centered around concerns of now doubling the number of representatives and skewing representation; doubling the cost of Alliance meetings by funding representative travel costs; and the issue of a section electing one representative for both functions -- would this rep have two votes or only one vote and how would this impact of equitable section representation.
Failed: 4-2 with one abstention (not a 2/3 majority).
Article V, Section D, Item 3
Add an Item 3 to read: "Each section may determine an alternate method of choosing the representatives."
Rationale: An election may not suit the needs or desires of an individual section’s members, and this would give them the flexibility to choose another method.
Proposal died for lack of a motion.
Article V, Section D, Item 3
Add on an Item 3 to read: "The Executive Committee shall be able to choose a replacement or substitute representative should a vacancy occur during a regular term."
Rationale: During a two-year term a representative may have circumstances occur that preclude finishing a term; during a term a representative may have situations arise that preclude attending a given meeting. This would allow the Executive committee the leeway to choose a representative to insure that all sections remain represented at the decision level of the Alliance.
Passed 7-0
Three other amendments were proposed from the floor, and brought to a vote after discussion.
Article VIII, Section A
Adding the word "present" so that it would read: "This constitution may only be amended by a two-thirds vote of the section representatives present at the annual meeting"
Rationale: Make the language unambiguous to reflect what was considered the intent of the original wording.
Passed: 7-0
Article VIII, Section A
Adding the words "ballots cast" so that it reads: "By two-thirds of the membership ballots cast at a regularly scheduled election.
Rationale: Make the wording unambiguous to reflect what was considered the intent of the original wording.
Passed: 7-0
Article VIII,Section B
Add a Section B to read: "Any Alliance member may propose an amendment to the constitution by submitting it to the Executive Committee during the nominating period prior to a regularly scheduled election.
Rationale: This would allow individual members the opportunity to add input into the amendment process and get proposals presented to the general membership of the Alliance, much like the initiative process in California state elections.
Passed: 6-1
V. State Reports
George reported on the State Track and Cross Country Advisory Meeting. At that meeting, the general consensus was that the cross country season had gone well, and that the State Meet was a success even with the addition of more teams by the At-Large process. The only concern about the State Meet was the backing up of the chute of the Division I boys. The decision of the Advisory committee was to recommend capping each race at 24 teams instead of 25 teams. The At-Large state marks at Woodward Park, with the addition of the 2000 times and dropping the 1997 times, was adopted for approval. The at-large process went well generally, with the major concerns centering around Madera High school running afoul of its section not choosing to adopt time-comparisons, and Granada High being eked out of a spot by an executive ruling that points outweigh times on at-large considerations.
George also reported that he had again asked the State office to use the sections’ counts of Division V teams that had actually fielded complete teams at their various league finals as the basis of number of Division V teams, not just the number of schools in the state. This would be a more accurate representation of cross country divisions when they re-evaluate division enrollment boundaries.
George asked what the representatives wanted him to present as the opinion of the Alliance to the State on individual sections’ championship course-Woodward Park comparison standards. This past year rules interpretations had to be made and variances were granted, as each section was not able to come up with a three-year history of championship races on a single course to establish a team time comparison. The representatives were unanimous in directing George to communicate to the State that they felt that each section should have a three-year history on a site before they could use it to establish time comparisons for at-large berth considerations. The discussion centered on the fact that time comparisons on any fewer years would lead to skewed figures and time comparisons that were not remotely accurate. (The North Coast Section’s one-year history at Ukiah High School was a major example). If a section did not have a three year history, then that section would not be eligible for at-large berths. George reminded the representatives that the State Office had already established a precedent in granting variances to sections with less than a three-year history on a single course, and that might well be a continuing practice. The State has set up a committee to review and recommand on variances to the at-large proposal (less than three year history, etc). This committee will report its recommendations to the State Advisory Committee in September.
All of the sections have reported at-large time comparison, except Oakland and Central. George will forward these to ech section office and to the State, but there is no timeline as to when these standards will be posted. George was urged to post unofficial standards, so that coaches and athletes can at least get an idea ahead of time.
The 2001 State Track Meet is scheduled for Sacramento City College, but no meet director has been found yet. If no director, or managing group is found soon, the meet could be moved back to Cerritos College in Norwalk.
The at-large standards for advancing to the State Track meet have been adopted. These marks must be achieved in the section championship finals (or the last section meet of the year as in the Masters for the SS, etc.)to be considered. These standards are on file at each section office.
George reported that the use of the Hospitality Pavilions at the State Track Meet and the Mt. SAC Invitational generated a lot of interest in the Alliance. He was also able to distribute hundreds of surveys, asking for feedback on possible Alliance proposals. He was only able to get back a few dozen surveys total.
VI. Budget Proposals
All of the agenda items proposed for funding were approved.
VII Calendar
1/27 Super Bowl Saturday -- General Alliance Meeting in conjunction with the Mt. SAC Hot Topics clinic
Elections (2nd vice-president from the Northern part of the state and Representative elections)
2nd Monday in February -- solicit nominations for the 2nd vice president from the following sections: Northern, North Coast, Sacramento-Sac Joaquin, Oakland, San Francisco, and Central Coast)solicit nominations for representatives for each section from members of th at section
2nd Monday in March -- post nominations and candidate’s statements -- send out ballots
2nd Monday in April -- have a one week election period -- election by mail-in ballot or by e-mail.
3rd Monday in April -- announce winners
1st Saturday in May -- Executive Committee meeting, with appointed officers
1st weekend in June -- general meeting of Alliance at State Track Meet
2nd Tuesday in September -- State Advisory Committee for Track & Cross Country
Last Friday in November -- general meeting of Alliance at the State Cross Country Meet
1st Saturday in December -- Executive Committee Meeting with appointed officers
Last Saturday in January -- annual Alliance Meeting
1st Saturday in May -- Executive Committee Meeting, with appointed officers
1st weekend in June -- general meeting of Alliance at State Track Meet
last Friday in November -- general meeting of Alliance at State Cross Country Meet
1st weekend of December -- Executive Committee Meeting with appointed officers
It was noted that with school memberships ($75.00 for 5 or more coaches per school) that this could conceivably factor heavily in an election. It was suggested, and agreed, that for clarification, that each school that has a school membership submit on letterhead and signed by an administrator the names of the actual coaches on staff at that school that are covered by that membership. This would be the official recognition required by the constitution.
Respectfully submitted
Peter Brewer
Northern vice-president