To: SCVAL Track Coaches

From: Eric Paulson

Re: Grievance

Date: June 8, 2001


Dear Coaches:


The SCVAL Board of Managers met on June 6 and discussed your grievance with the SCVAL Commissioner. As you know, the commissioner is a non-voting member of the SCVAL Board of Managers. According to the league constitution, the Board of Managers shall determine the commissioner’s duties and responsibilities.

In regard to your grievance, the Milpitas High School athletic director (Jeff Lamb) asked the league commissioner for guidance and assistance in handling the issue surrounding the league 3200 track event. At this point and due to time constraints, the Board of Managers (by unanimous vote) felt that the action taken by the league commissioner were fair and appropriate. Further, the Board of Managers felt that this was an "emergency situation" and that the commissioner was well within his scope of power to issue a ruling.

Further and according to the Governing Rules of Track & Field, there is "no such thing" as someone running " "Unofficial". Because this athlete competed in the event, her results (second place) stand, as official and thus she must be allowed to move on to the next level of competition.

This is clearly an issue that Milpitas High School should have settled on its own. For whatever reason, this did not happen and school personnel asked for help from the league commissioner.

In direct response to your two action items:

1. The league commissioner has the permission of the Board of Managers to act

in emergency situations.

2. The league commissioner’s decision regarding this matter was discussed with

the league’s track representative, Chuck Kappen, Santa Clara High School.

If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please call me at (408) 366-7371.



Eric Paulson


SCVAL Board of Managers