Minutes For 6/3/02 SCVAL Post-Season Track Meeting
Coaches In Attendance
Earl Hansen AD Liaison from Palo Alto
Paul Jones Palo Alto
Elizabeth Cotter Palo Alto
Hank Lawson Lynbrook
Roberta Chisam St. Francis
Julie L’Heureux Santa Clara
Chuck Kappen Santa Clara
Ray Cornell Monta Vista
Samantha Read Mt. View
Paul Abbott Milpitas
Marshall Clark Saratoga
Walt Van Zant Wilcox
Ernie Lee Gunn
Eddie Sumpter Homestead
2002 League Finals
Gunn and Homestead directed the DeAnza and El Camino league finals. All thought that these meets were well directed this year.
Meet Director For Past and Future League Finals
Year DAL El Camino
1993 Unknown Wilcox
1994 Palo Alto Unknown
1995 Gunn Fremont
1996 Los Altos Lynbrook
1997 St.Francis Wilcox
1998 Saratoga Cupertino
1999 Los Gatos Mt. View
2000 Milpitas Monta Vista
2001 Palo Alto Santa Clara
2002 Gunn Homestead
2003 Los Altos Fremont
2004 Wilcox Cupertino
Allowing More Than Three Entrants In An Event
We discussed whether we wanted to change by-law 1.2 under Article V, dealing with allowing more than 3 athletes from one school to participate in an event. We voted 5-2 to not change the by-law.
We also discussed whether we wanted to revise the by-laws so that no more than three athletes per school could score in an event. We voted 6-4 to not revise the by-laws. Thus, more than 3 entrants per school can score in an event.
Notification of DQs at League and Qualifying Meets
It was noted that Monta Vista was not notified that its miler had been disqualified at the Qualifying Meet. We will do our best at future meets to notify the coach and runner when there is a disqualification.
Providing Help at the Qualifying and CCS Meets
We will determine which schools will provide the help for these meets each year at our pre-season meeting. Attempting to get help for these meets after that meeting has proved to be difficult.
Directorship of 2003 Qualifying Meet
The coaches voted to ask Willie Harmatz of Los Gatos whether he would like to direct the 2003 Qualifying Meet. Marshall Clark will talk to Willie.
Evaluation of CCS Meet
Paul Jones noted that he was extremely upset with the lack of food at this meet as he was barely able to make it through the meet with the six sandwiches that he brought with him.
It was noted that security along the rail near the finish line at the semi finals was not good.
The time schedule for the CCS semi finals should be revised to reflect the reality of how long it takes to run the various races. Although the meet was very well run, we were a half hour behind the schedule before the glitch prior to the two mile runs.
The coaches list at the gate limited the schools to 4 coaches each. We would like this number to be increased. Also, some schools found that a coaches’ list had already been compiled for them and it did not show the coaches that were actually helping at the meet.
It was noted that whoever was directing the discus at the CCS semi finals decided that they would only direct the boys discus. Thus, the start of the girls discus was delayed while we looked for someone else to run this event. What can be done to prevent this from happening in the future?
It was noted that the loudspeaker could not be heard in the discus area. Therefore, coaches should be notified in the pre-meet bulletin about important items rather than during the track meet. As an example, coaches were requested to fill out a form in the press box, showing the names of their relay members. Some coaches were unaware of this request because they could not hear the announcement.
The coaches want the CCS office to ask the CIF whether we can extend the date of our final entry list to the State Meet. Sometimes the coach will learn after the Friday night meet that an athlete cannot compete in the State Meet.
Most coaches would like to get rid of the jewelry rule and all of the various uniform rules.
At-Large Entrants To the CCS Meet
Presently, if an athlete does not finish high enough at his/her league meet to qualify for the CCS meet, he can still participate in the CCS meet if he/she is has one of the best 8 marks in the CCS at the league finals. We discussed whether we wanted to modify this rule in any way. The coaches voted 9-2 to leave the at-large rule as it is.
Re-Alignment of Schools
Based upon our by-laws, Saratoga will move to the DeAnza league next year and Santa Clara will move to the El Camino league.
We voted 6-2 to change the by-laws so that re-leaguing will be done every two years. Thus, the next change will not be made until the 2005 season.
We also want to again let the ADs know that the strong league/weak league does not work in sports that have coed teams. Los Gatos and Santa Clara were examples of this during the past season. Santa Clara had a very good boys team but their girls finished last in both the varsity and JVs. Los Gatos had a very good girls team but finished last in both the varsity and frosh/soph.
Honors Coaches
Hank Lawson was voted as our girls honor coach nominee and Ernie Lee was voted as our boys honor coach nominee.
League Representatives
We voted unanimously to change the by-laws so that the league representatives will be voted for every two years.
Chuck Kappen was elected as the El Camino representative for 2003 and 2004. Walt Van Zant was elected as the DeAnza representative.
Other By-Law Changes
We voted to change the by-laws to show that an athlete must finish in the top 3 in his/her event to earn all-league honors.
We voted that if there is a tie for the last spot to get into the Qualifying Meet that we will allow all of these athletes into the Qualifying Meet.
Other Items
We briefly discussed whether we wanted to change the JV girls 100-meter hurdle race to a 5-hurdle race. The proposal was rejected.
We briefly discussed time limits when checking out of field events during dual meets to participate in other events and whether to move the bar up in the high jump when an athlete has left to participate in another event. It was noted that as per the Natl Federation rules that these are all decisions that can be made by the Games Committee. The coaches are the Games Committee and we will decide upon the time limits during our pre-season meeting each year.
We briefly discussed whether we wanted to change how the league standings are determined for JV girls in the El Camino league since they rarely hold dual meet JV competition. The coaches voted to leave things as they are.