2002 SCVAL Pre-Track Season Meeting - Agenda

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Date: Jan 29, 2002 Time: 4:00 PM Place: Lynbrook HS (Library) Phone: (408) 506-6714 (Hank's cell phone) We hope to have an agenda up by Mon, Jan 21, 2002. If you have any agenda items, please send to Hank Lawson & Walt VanZant.


I. Introduction - phone & e-mail list II. Schedule of Track Meets 1) See attachment with this agenda for league schedule a) Are there any changes to this schedule? 2 Invitational Meets a) See the attachment with this agenda for a listing of sanctioned CCS meets. b) You cannot compete in non-sanctioned CCS meets. However, you can compete in non-sanctioned meets in other sections. III. SCVAL By-Laws 1) We made several changes at our post-season evaluation meeting but due to a change in the AD liason rep, these changes have not yet been presented to the Board of Managers for approval. Their next meeting in 3/6/02. 2) We must change our by-laws re. F/S and JV qualifying for the CCS meet. They cannot qualify unless they participate in the Varsity league finals. 3) We must change our by-laws re. qualifying for the CCS meet as the North and South sub section meets have been eliminated. a) Our # of qualifiers will decrease from 9 to 5 for the boys and from 10 to 6 for the girls. b) If we use our league championships as the method to qualify to the CCS, how do we accomplish this? c) Do we want to have a qualifying meet after the league finals to qualify for the CCS meet? i) Should we use standards for each of the events to qualify for this meet? ii) Should we allow F/S and JVs to compete in this meet if they meet the standards? iii) Holding a qualifying meet means that we must secure help to run the meet. iv) Holding an additional meet means that athletes must participate in one additional tough competition. v) Holding a qualifying meet means than we will not have a problem with determining the allocation of participants between the El Camino and DeAnza divisions. vi) Holding a qualifying meet means that you can use your runners at the league championships in the best manner to score well without worrying about their qualifying to the CCS meet. vii) Holding a qualifying meet means that F/S and JV could compete for qualification to the CCS. IV CCS Pre-Season Meeting Notes 1) See attached copy of uniform rule. 2) See attached copy of jewelry rule. 3) No alternates will be allowed to run in the CCS finals. We must give our final entry list to the CCS from the league finals/qualifier by 9AM on the Tuesday following the league finals/qualifier. 4) The CCS semi finals will be held at SJCC on Sat, 5/18/02. 5) The CCS finals will be held at SJCC on Fri, 5/24/02. 6 The SCVAL will be in charge of the high jump for both the semi finals and finals. V League Meet Duties 1) Homestead and Gunn will direct the league meets this year. 2) The El Camino and DeAnza coaches will meet separately to discuss the following. a) Sites and dates of the meets. b) Determine which schools will direct each field event. c) How many timers, place judges,and lane judges each school should provide. d) Who should do the scoring. e) Date of seeding meeting. f) DAL standards to qualify for league trials. g) Should we charge admission to the meet? VI Coaches Alliance 1) Encourage all to join. VII CIF Track & Cross Country Advisory Meeting 1) Roberta Chisam will brief us on the meeting. VII Post Season Meeting 1 We should hold it prior to the ADs meeting.


All schools in the SCVAL had a coach at the meeting except Cupertino, Milpitas, and Monta Vista. Earl Hansen, the athletic director in charge of track for the SCVAL, also attended. Please review the web link below to ensure your name and e-mail address is correct, if not, e-mail any changes to Hank Lawson:


The meeting was held at Lynbrook High School and lasted from 4PM to 6:00PM.

2002 Track Meets
All attendees were given handouts listing the SCVAL schedule and various invitational meets for 2002.

Revised By-Laws
All attendees were given a copy of our by-laws. It was noted that the by-law changes that the coaches recommended at our June 2001 meeting have not yet been presented to the SCVAL athletic directors. This will be done on 3/6/02.

Qualifying To The CCS Meet
It was noted that the CCS Board of Managers voted 21-17 at its 1/24/02 meeting to eliminate the North and South sub section meets. Athletes will qualify from their league finals straight to a CCS semifinals meet. The SCVAL will be allowed 5 boys and 6 girl entrants.

We discussed how we wanted to qualify athletes to the CCS meet. The possibilities included:

1 Leaving things as they are (that is, allowing a designated number from each division to qualify for the CCS meet except lowering the number),

2 Holding an additional qualification meet a week after the division finals, or

3 Eliminating the division finals meet (thus, the dual meets would determine the division champions) and holding a combined league finals.

We voted 9-1 to hold an additional qualification meet with the athletes with the best 16 marks in each event at the division finals (combining results) qualifying for the qualification meet. These marks include marks in the division trials if the athlete did not qualify for the division finals. As an example, if a girl ran 12.78 in the DeAnza 100M trials and this was not good enough to qualify for the finals but was one of the 16 best times run at the combined SCVAL trials and finals, then the girl would qualify for the SCVAL qualification meet.

We voted 10-0 to hold slow/fast heats for all events at the qualification meet. The athletes with the best 8 marks would compete in the fast heat/flight. The exception to this is the mile and 2 mile which will be a single heat of 16. It should be noted that if some of the athletes with marks in the top 16 do not compete, we will not fill the event. Thus, the #17 and #18 athletes will not be allowed to compete in the qualification meet. It should also be noted that if an athlete in the slow heat records one of the top 5 (6 for the girls) marks, he/she will qualify for the CCS semifinals from the SCVAL.

We discussed whether we wanted to drop the hardship rule. A proposal was made to delete the rule. Since the vote was 5-5, the hardship rule was left in our by-laws.

Next, we had an extensive discussion of how we should revise the hardship rule (The wording had to be revised because we now qualify straight to the CCS semifinals rather than to the North sub section meet). We voted 5-4 to change the wording so that an athlete had to have the 5th best mark (6th for the girls) in order to qualify for hardship. The runoff would be against the 16th best qualifier. However, if there were less than 16 qualifiers, then there would be no runoff. The main point of discussion regarding this issue was the fact that the hardship athlete was gaining an advantage over the other athletes if he/she did not have to run because they were competing in one less meet. However, other coaches did not want to have their athletes have to run one more race in a runoff if it wasn’t necessary. As an example, if only 12 were going to compete in the 2-mile when we could have had 16 runners in that event, why make the athlete participate in a 2-mile runoff when it means nothing.

Site and Date of the SCVAL Qualification Meet
The SCVAL qualification meet will be held on Saturday, 5/11/02. The coaches voted to hold the meet at Los Gatos high school. The cost will be $800. The league representative will check with the League Commissioner to see if this cost is acceptable. Gunn has volunteered to let us use their track for free. Santa Clara will check to see whether their long jump and triple jump runways are the required distance. If so, they are willing to hold the qualification meet at Santa Clara.

Results of Division Meets
The results of these meets must be given to Walt Van Zant by 9 AM on the Saturday (5/4/02) following the league finals so that he will have time to prepare for the qualification meet.

Discussion of CCS Pre-Season Meeting
All were given a copy of the National uniform rule.

All were given a copy of the Hal Harkness memo regarding the wearing of jewelry while competing (you cannot do so).

It was noted that no alternates will be allowed to compete in the CCS finals. The list of competitors that we submit to the CCS on the Tuesday prior to the CCS semifinals is final. Thus, if an SCVAL athlete qualifies for the CCS semifinals by finishing in the top 5/6 and decides not to compete in the CCS semifinals, his/her coach should notify the league representative immediately so that we can fill the event.

The CCS semifinals will be held at San Jose City College on Saturday, 5/18/02. The CCS finals will be held at San Jose City College on Friday, 5/24/02.

The SCVAL will be in charge of the high jump for both the CCS semifinals and finals. Gunn has agreed to direct this event. Our league must also provide two turn judges for both meets.

California Coaches Alliance
All were encouraged to join this coaches group. Two of its main benefits were providing liability insurance to its coaches and a web site with a lot of good coaching information.

CIF Track & Cross Country Advisory Meeting
Roberta Chisam attended this meeting on 1/22/02 and briefed us on it. She noted that the at-large provision for cross country will probably be dropped.

Division Finals
Homestead is in charge of the El Camino division finals and Gunn is in charge of the DeAnza division finals.

Post-Season Track Meeting
The post-season meeting will be held at 4PM on Monday, 6/3/02, at Lynbrook high school.

DeAnza League Finals
Gunn will direct the league finals. The trials and finals will be held at DeAnza College on 4/30 and 5/2. Chores will be handled as follows:

HJ                      --  Gunn
LJ                      --  Palo Alto
TJ                      --  Los Altos
Shot Put                --  St. Francis
Discus                  --  Lynbrook
Hurdles                 --  Los Gatos
Scoring                 --  Wilcox
Turn Judges & Timers    --  Each school will provide 2.

Ernie Lee of Gunn will take care of all of the other details.

The seeding meeting will be held at 9AM on Saturday, 4/27/02, 
at a site to be determined.  All DAL schools should submit their 
entries for the league meet to Hank Lawson by Friday, 4/26/02.

Wilcox is scheduled to direct the 2003 league finals.