Unofficial 6/10/03 Post-Season CCS Meeting Minutes
8 of the 15 league representatives attended the meeting plus Ken Johnson and Eileen Roche of the CCS office and CCS meet directors Steve Filios and Rick Milan. The leagues represented at the meeting included:
Ocean Div of PAL DeAnza Div of SCVAL
Bay Div of PAL MTAL
In order to make any major rule revisions, there must be a 2/3 quorum of the leagues at the meeting. Inasmuch as less than 10 leagues were at the meeting, there was no quorum and no major rule revisions could be made. Thus, the meeting was limited to discussing various issues.
Procedure For Making Major Rule Revisions
Eileen Roche noted that the CCS Board of Managers had approved a new procedure for making major rule revisions. Any league can make a proposal but it must be approved by the League Commisssioner before it can be considered by the league representatives at the post-season meeting.
Alternates To the CCS Finals
Although no alternates will be allowed into the CCS semifinals after the deadline date, alternates will be allowed into the CCS finals. Coaches of athletes who know ahead of time that they are scratching from the CCS finals should notify the meet director as soon as possible so that the alternates can be notified.
40% Rule For the Pole Vault and High Jump
It was noted that the Girls Pole Vault was scheduled to open at 8-6 at the CCS semifinals when some of the girls had entering marks of only 7-0. Our track rules provide that the opening height can be as high as the 40 percentile of all the entrants in the pole vault and high jump. However, meet management has the authority to set the opening height at any height that it believes is appropriate as long as it is equal to the 40 percentile or less. Ultimately, the opening height was changed to 7-0 for the 2003 semifinals. Some coaches wanted assurances that the opening height will be equal to clearance of the last entrant in these events. Steve Filios explained that if the height is set too low, the better vaulters and jumpers may have to wait a couple of hours before they start jumping and that they are not allowed any warmup at that time. Thus, they may no-height due to the lack of a warmup and the long wait. Steve Filios will do his best to balance the needs of the weaker jumpers and the better jumpers when deciding upon an opening height in future years.
Hardship Rule
It was noted that Section 3E(2) of the by-laws is difficult to understand. This by-law states:
"At-large entries will be allowed in the 800, 1600
and 3200 to complete a full field of runners, as
long as an extra heat is not created."
Inasmuch as Section 3E(1) already explained when an at-large addition would be allowed to an event (top 8 finish), it was difficult to understand the purpose of Section 3E(2).
Roger Chagnon explained that we voted to add Section 3E(2) so that no additional heats would be held when an at-large addition was made to the 800, 1600 or 3200.
Eileen Roche noted that she would change the wording of section 3E(2) to better reflect its intent.
Scoring System For The CCS Meet
It was suggested that maybe the scoring for the CCS meet could be made similar to swimming with scoring going as deep as 16 places. Most of the coaches at the meeting stated that they liked the scoring system as it is.
Shot Put & Discus Starting Times
It was requested that the starting times of these events be staggered differently next year at the CCS finals so that coaches could have the opportunity to watch their athletes compete in both events. Steve Filios will see what he can do for next year.
Quality of CCS Finals
All agreed the the CCS finals were a well-run event this year.
Time Schedule For CCS Semifinals
Rick Milan noted that the time schedule will be changed next year to better reflect the actual length of the meet the past two years.
Qualification to the CCS Semifinals
Several coaches expressed dissatisfaction with the quality of runners allowed into the CCS meet. There was mention that in one event that at least 26 league-meet runners beat the mark of the last qualifier to the CCS semifinals.
Inasmuch as there was no quorum and the major-rule change procedures had not been met prior to this meeting, no recommendation was made to change the qualification procedure. Jim Marheineke of Serra said that he would have his league write a procedure and have it approved by the WCAL commissioner prior to our meeting next year. He would like to allow each league one entrant and have the remainder of the entrants based upon marks set at the various league finals.
Here is what the 9/26/02 League Commissioners Committee Meeting Minutes state:
-There should be no major format changes proposed by any League
Representative without the support of the League's coaches and a
sign-off of same by the League Commissioner that the item has been
-Major format changes may only be presented when a quorum of the
League Representatives (2/3) is present.
Here is what Steve Stearns said about this subject at the 8/29/02 League Commissioners meeting.
"Assistant Commissioner Stearns then commented on a growing concern that the CCS Staff has regarding the number of proposals coming out of the various CCS Sports Committees each year. The concern stems from the plethora of recommendations that appear to address only isolated situations from the present year's Play-offs, rather than addressing long-range considerations for the sport's Play-offs, rather than addressing long-range considerations for the sport's Play-offs. Another Staff concern is the lack of attendance at the post-Play-off Evaluation Meeings, especially held in the Spring at the end of the school year."
Eileen Roche said that the 9/26/02 Major Format change had been approved by the Board of Managers.