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Heptathlon: #1 Women 100 Meter Hurdles Junior


    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Points


Section  1   Wind: -2.1

  1 Ryanne DuPree                Texas-San Antoinio       14.48     912

  2 Tiana Riel                   unattached               14.75     875

  3 Shanon Meyer                 San Diego St             15.26     808

  4 Sally Mills                  Stanford                 15.51     775

  5 Jessica Stockard             unattached               15.97     718

  6 Julia Pederson               unattached               17.05     591

Section  2   Wind: -3.8

  1 Philipa Davies               unattached               15.40     790

  2 Sarah Gretzmacher            Jefferson Co             15.63     760

  3 Shani Boston                 Northside Re             15.91     725

  4 Linda Blake                  Seattle Paci             16.20     690

  5 Julie Hoch                   Wisc-Oshkosh             16.58     645

  6 Tonisha Henson               Fresno State             16.79     620

 -- Ashley Hintz                 Arizona Mult               DNS

Section  3   Wind: -2.2

  1 Danielle Ayers-Stamper       Seattle Paci             14.73     878

  2 Ashley Wilhelm               unattached               14.77     872

  3 Jennifer McCoy               unattached               15.31     801

  4 Lacey Welborn                California S             15.44     784

  5 Bonnie Meekins               William & Mary           16.15     696

  6 Katie Anderson               unattached               16.54     649


    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Wind H# Points



  1 Ryanne DuPree                Texas-San Antoinio       14.48  -2.1  1    912

  2 Danielle Ayers-Stamper       Seattle Paci             14.73  -2.2  3    878

  3 Tiana Riel                   unattached               14.75  -2.1  1    875

  4 Ashley Wilhelm               unattached               14.77  -2.2  3    872

  5 Shanon Meyer                 San Diego St             15.26  -2.1  1    808

  6 Jennifer McCoy               unattached               15.31  -2.2  3    801

  7 Philipa Davies               unattached               15.40  -3.8  2    790

  8 Lacey Welborn                California S             15.44  -2.2  3    784

  9 Sally Mills                  Stanford                 15.51  -2.1  1    775

 10 Sarah Gretzmacher            Jefferson Co             15.63  -3.8  2    760

 11 Shani Boston                 Northside Re             15.91  -3.8  2    725

 12 Jessica Stockard             unattached               15.97  -2.1  1    718

 13 Bonnie Meekins               William & Mary           16.15  -2.2  3    696

 14 Linda Blake                  Seattle Paci             16.20  -3.8  2    690

 15 Katie Anderson               unattached               16.54  -2.2  3    649

 16 Julie Hoch                   Wisc-Oshkosh             16.58  -3.8  2    645

 17 Tonisha Henson               Fresno State             16.79  -3.8  2    620

 18 Julia Pederson               unattached               17.05  -2.1  1    591

 -- Ashley Hintz                 Arizona Mult               DNS        2

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