Minutes of 1/22/03 SCVAL Pre-season Track Meeting
All schools in the SCVAL had a coach at the meeting except Fremont. Earl Hansen, the athletic director in charge of track for the SCVAL, also attended.
Track Schedule
All were given copies of the DeAnza and El Camino schedules that were approved by the SCVAL Board of Managers. It was noted that the schedules prepared by league reps were not used by the Board of Managers. The SCVAL league commissioner prepared the El Camino league schedule because it was not submitted to him until September. The AD Liason stated that he gave the DeAnza schedule prepared by the league rep to the Commissioner in June 2002 and the Commish stated that he used the DeAnza schedule given to him by the AD. However, the schedule approved by the Board of Managers was completely different from the schedule given to him by the AD. Thus, one conclusion is that the Commissioner prepared the DeAnza schedule that was approved by the Board of Managers (However, the Commissioner denies that he prepared the DeAnza schedule). The coaches reviewed the schedules approved by the Board of Managers and made a few revisions. These revisions have been given to the AD Liason. The fact that two different schedules were prepared caused confusion for the coaches and meant that starters and other officials for the dual meets had to be re-contacted to make the changes.
Track By-Laws
The track by-law changes that the coaches recommended at our June 2002 meeting have not been seen or approved by the SCVAL Board of Managers. The AD Liaison stated that he gave the revisions to the league commissioner in June and had a copy of the revisions that he said that he gave to the commissioner. The league commissioner states that he never got the revisions. The DeAnza league rep gave another copy of the revisions to the league commissioner last week. Hopefully, these revisions will be approved by the Board of Managers at their March 2003 meeting.
We did not go over the by-laws at our meeting but all coaches were encouraged to read them.
Notes From the CCS Pre-Season Meeting.
The SCVAL will get 6 boy and 5 girl entrants to the CCS semifinals meet. It was announced at our meeting that we would get 6 girl entrants. However, the CCS website was revised after our meeting to show that we only get 5 girl entrants. Each league gets at least 1 entrant. There is girls competition in the WBAL league but none for the boys (because it is an all-girls school league). Determining the number of entrants to the CCS meet is a 3-step process. We are the last school to get an additional entrant under step #3. Thus, because there is 1 less entrant allowed for girls under step #3, we only get 5 girl entrants.
CCS semifinals will be contested on Saturday, 5/24/03 and the finals will be contested on Friday, 5/30/03.
SCVAL must take care of the high jump and provide 2 lane judges for both of these meets. The schools taking care of these assignments are as follows:
High Jump - Gunn
Turn 1 Judges for 400R/1600/Hurdles Wilcox & Santa Clara
Start of Turn 2 Judges for 400/100/800/300H Milpitas & Lynbrook
End of Turn 2 Judges for 200/3200/1600R Saratoga & Monta Vista
High Jump - Gunn
Turn 1 Judges for 400R/1600/Hurdles Los Altos & Palo Alto
Start of Turn 2 Judges for 400/100/800/300H Mt.View & Homestead
End of Turn 2 Judges for 200/3200/1600R Cupertino & Fremont
Each team will be allowed 5 free entries for its coaches at the participants gate. If any coach gives the officials a difficult time regarding this rule, the school will lose all free entries for all sports at the CCS meet.
Changes to CCS by-laws 3E, 3F, and 4B2 will probably be approved at the 1/30/03 Board of Managers meeting. See the CCS website for details.
The CCS semifinals and finals will be run on the San Jose CC track. No liquids other than water will be allowed on the track nor will athletes be permitted to use seeds while on the track. Spikes must be no longer than 1/4 inch. A new parking garage has been built on the Leigh Ave side of the campus. The old parking lot on Moorpark has been removed.
SCVAL Qualification Meet
We will hold the SCVAL Qualification meet on Saturday, 5/17/03 on the Los Gatos high school track. Willie Harmatz will be the meet director
Willie will take care of all job assignments except:
Hurdle Crew Los Altos
Shot Put Palo Alto
Discus Fremont
Triple Jump Monta Vista
Long Jump - Homestead
High Jump Gunn
Pole Vault Santa Clara
Turn Judges
Turn 1 for the 400R/1600/Hurdles Mt.View & Cupertino
Turn 2 for the 400/100/800/300H Saratoga & Milpitas
Turn 2 for the 200/3200/1600R Wilcox & Lynbrook
Results from the El Camino and DeAnza league meets must be given to Hank Lawson by Saturday, 5/10/03, so that heat sheets and programs can be prepared in a timely manner.
Entries for the CCS semifinals must be submitted to the CCS office by 9AM on Tuesday, 5/20/03. No replacement of scratches will be allowed after that date. Therefore, coaches should notify the league reps immediately if any of the qualifiers from the Qualification meet have decided to scratch.
A list of all CCS sanctioned meets was given to the coaches.
Dual Meet Rules
As stated at our post-season league meeting for 2002, we will determine certain dual meet field event rules at the start of each season.
We determined that all field event athletes may check out no earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start of a track event in which they are entered and must report back within 10 minutes of the end of the track event. As per the written rules, they must notify the event official when they check out and when they report back. The event official should allow them multiple attempts prior to the athlete checking out of the event if the athlete desires to make multiple attempts.
If an athlete is participating in two field events at the same time, he/she should go back and forth between the two events as quickly as possible.
The high jump bar should not be moved up more than one increment above the height that an athlete has cleared while he/she is away competing in another event.
It should be noted that the rules and other procedural rules may be waived if the two head coaches at a dual meet agree. As an example, an open-pit procedure can be used at a dual meet if both coaches agree. If they do not agree, then the normal league rules will be used.
Post-Season Meeting
We want to hold our post-season meeting prior to the ADs last meeting of the school year, which will be held on 5/28/03. Therefore, we agreed to hold our post-season meeting at 5PM on Tuesday, 5/20/03, at Harrys Hofbrau on Saratoga Ave.
Coaches Alliance
All coaches were encouraged to join this organization.
Division Finals
Los Altos is in charge of the DeAnza league finals and Fremont is in charge of the El Camino league finals. Wilcox and Cupertino are in charge of the 2004 finals. The directors of recent and future league meets include:
Year DAL El Camino
1993 Unknown Wilcox
1994 Palo Alto Unknown
1995 Gunn Fremont
1996 Los Altos Lynbrook
1997 St.Francis Wilcox
1998 Saratoga Cupertino
1999 Los Gatos Mt.View
2000 Milpitas Monta Vista
2001 Palo Alto Santa Clara
2002 Gunn Homestead
2003 Los Altos Fremont
2004 Wilcox Cupertino
2005 Lynbrook Mt.View
2006 Saratoga Monta Vista
The scheduled meet directors for 2005 and 2006 may be changed if Lynbrook, Saratoga, Mt.View, or Monta Vista are moved to a different division for those two years.
The dates of the El Camino trials and finals are 5/5 and 5/7 and the dates of the trials and finals for the DeAnza league are 5/6 and 5/8.
DAL Division Finals
As was previously noted, Los Altos is in charge of this meet. The DAL coaches voted to hold the meet at DeAnza College. Hank Lawson will check to see if that site is available. If it not available, Los Gatos was the only school to volunteer its track as the backup site.
The duties for this meet were assigned as follows:
Scoring - Wilcox
Finish Line & Turn Judges - Each school will provide 2 helpers
High Jump Gunn
Hurdle Crew Los Gatos
Long Jump Saratoga
Triple Jump Wilcox & Lynbrook
Shot Put Palo Alto
Discus Los Altos