Minutes of 5/19/03 SCVAL Post-Season Track Meeting


All schools in the SCVAL had a coach at the meeting except Los Gatos. Earl Hansen, the athletic director in charge of track for the SCVAL, also attended. The meeting was held at Wilcox high school and lasted from 5PM to 7:30PM.

Division Finals

Los Altos directed the DeAnza meet and Fremont directed the El Camino meet. Both did a good job.

Qualification Meet

Willie Harmatz directed the meet. It was a well-run meet except for a couple of minor errors, including the fact that only 6 girls rather than 7 were allowed 3 additional attempts in the field events. A suggestion was made that we put flags across the jump runways because athletes were crossing the runways while the competition was in process.

League Re-Alignment

Our rules state that the divisions will not be re-aligned again until after next season. We discussed whether we wanted to change the by-laws and re-align this year but decided against it. We will review our re-alignment rules next year.

Honor Coach Nominations

Julie L’Heureux and Jason Fung won the nominations. We did not determine who would represent the girls and who would represent the boys. They will decide that issue.

Post-Season CCS Meeting

No suggestions were made regarding this meeting.

Rain-out of Dual Meets

It was noted that as per section 2 of Article IV of our by-laws that rained-out meets shall be made up.

Division Final Awards

The coaches voted that obtaining the Division final certificates should be the job of the league chairmen and that they should do it in a timely fashion so that they are available when the division final results are tabulated.

The coaches also expressed their desire that the first three finishers in each event be given medals. Julie L’Heureux will determine the costs and give this information to Earl Hansen. He will in turn discuss the issue with the athletic directors.

Protest of Judgment Calls

It was noted that as per the National Federation rules that judgment calls cannot be protested. However, mis-interpretation of the rules can be protested. It was also noted that when we argue judgment calls that we run the risk of losing officials.

Help At The CCS Semifinals and Finals

All coaches were reminded that they must perform the jobs that they agreed to at the pre-season meeting for the 2003 CCS semifinals and finals.


High Jump - Gunn

Turn 1 Judges for 400R/1600/Hurdles – Wilcox & Santa Clara

Turn 1 Judges for 400/100/800/300H – Milpitas & Lynbrook

Turn 1 Judges for 200/3200/1600R – Saratoga & Monta Vista


High Jump - Gunn

Turn 1 Judges for 400R/1600/Hurdles – Los Altos & Palo Alto

Turn 1 Judges for 400/100/800/300H – Mt.View & Homestead

Turn 1 Judges for 200/3200/1600R – Cupertino & Fremont

Free Entries To The CCS Semifinals and Finals

All coaches were reminded that we are only allowed free entries for 5 coaches. If you want to get additional free entries, you must get you AD’s permission on a signed form that will be left at the spectator’s gate. The 5 designated coaches will enter through the coaches/athletes entrance.

By-Law Discussion

We voted that whenever there is a reference in the by-laws to the 800 meters, 1600 meters, or 3200 meters that the reference be changed to 800M/880Y, 1600M/mile, 3200M/2 Mile so that the schools with dirt tracks will be in compliance with the by-laws when they run yard distances rather than metric distances.

We voted to change the order of the mile to varsity girls, varsity boys, JV girls, and frosh/soph boys so that it would be in the same order as most of the other running events.

We voted to make the order of the short hurdle races the same as for the CCS meet.

We discussed the issue of the lane seeding at the Qualification Meet for runners, jumping order for jumpers, and throwing order for throwers when there are tied marks. We voted that whenever there were actual ties among athletes in the same division (not broken by the tie-breaker rules) or ties between athletes from different divisions that the ties would be broken by placing the tied athletes in descending alphabetical order in even years and ascending alphabetical order (starting Z, Y, etc) in odd years.

We voted 13-0 to add the following sentence at the end of section 2.1 of Article VI:

"But the athlete must have a top 16 finals time in order not to

be replaced by an athlete from the trials."

This additional sentence does not change the meaning of section 2.1 but, hopefully, makes it clear that a runner who does not finish in the top 16 at the division finals will not be allowed to run in the Qualification Meet.

We also voted that when determining whether a runner beat another runner in the trials for purposes of section 2.1 of Article VI that we would compare trials times.

We discussed whether we wanted to give the league commissioner the right to overrule the by-laws in unusual situations and decided against it.

We discussed whether we wanted to change the distance of the frosh/soph short hurdle race and the height of the hurdles. We voted 8-5 to make a change. Then, we voted 13-0 to change the distance to 110 meters (the same distance as for the varsity boys) and to leave the height at 39 inches.

We voted to change the wording of section 3.1 of Article V to make it clear that this section applies only when we determine to hold trials on days separate from the finals. That is, if we hold trials for the long jump on day 1 and then finals for the long jump on day 2, then the provisions of section 3.1 apply.

We voted to change section 4.1 of Article VI to allow three additional attempts in the shot put, discus, long jump, and triple jump to the number of athletes qualifying to the CCS semifinals plus one with the best marks after the first three attempts by all competitors in the event. As an example, if 6 boys will qualify from the SCVAL to the CCS semifinals in the long jump, then the top 7 boys after the first three jumps will be allowed three more jumps.

We held a lengthy discussion about our hardship rules and decided to make only one change – hardship requests should first be given to the two league chairmen. If they agree that the situation meets our by-laws, the case will be referred to the league commissioner. If the league chairmen cannot agree, the case will be referred to their athletic directors. If the ADs cannot agree, then the AD liason (presently, Earl Hansen) will break the tie.

We discussed whether we wanted to hold an overall league finals rather than separate division finals and a qualifier meet. If we did that, the team league championship would be based upon dual meet results. The league finals would just determine the individual champions for each event. We decided to not pursue this possible change this year as there is very little time between now and the athletic directors meeting. We will consider this issue again next year.

We discussed whether to change our by-law that allows outstanding F/S boys and JV girls to participate in the Qualification Meet. We decided to not change the by-law.

We voted to change Article VI of our by-laws in all instances where a specific number was shown as qualifying to the CCS semifinals. The by-laws should be revised to show that we have as many entries as the CCS allows.

We discussed whether we wanted to revise the by-laws to allow each school one entry in the Qualification Meet in the relays, even if they were DQd in the Division finals or did not compete in the Division finals. The coaches voted overwhelmingly to keep the by-laws as they are written.

We discussed whether we wanted to increase the number of athletes/teams in the slow heat when there are three or less scheduled to run in the slow heat. We voted to keep the rule as is. That is, the top 8 will compete in the fast heat and all of the remaining teams/individuals in the slow heat. However, if the qualification meet is run on a 9-lane track and there are only 9 competitors in the event, then all 9 can run in the fast heat. The coaches felt very strongly about this issue. We want the top athletes to compete head-to-head against each other when determining who our best athletes/teams are in each event. We voted 13-0 on this issue.