St Francis Invitational Information - 04/05/03
The 20th Annual
St. Francis High School
Track and Field Carnival
Saturday, April 5th, 2003
Enclosed you will find meet entry information for the 20th annual St. Francis High
School Track and Field Carnival. This year’s meet will be held on Saturday,
April 5th, 2003 at St. Francis High School in Mt. View.
To avoid any confusion, please read all of the information before filling out and sending
in your entries
Meet Entry Information:
1. Please review the time schedule. We will try and keep the meet moving and on time.
If there are a lot of scratches, then we will move forward onto the next race.
2. When entering, make sure to list the athlete’s seasonal best mark for this year only.
It is difficult to place any athlete in his/her proper heat/flight without this mark.
Athletes without a mark may not be included in the meet. Regardless of ability.
If an athlete has not made a mark yet this season, please write “update” under the mark
listing. When the mark has been made, call in the update.
3. Updates: You may update any mark until 12 (noon) on Monday, March 31st. Please
call (650) 968-1213 ext. 678 and leave the following information: School, Name of
athlete(s), event, new mark. Please speak slowly and clearly.
4. In the middle distances, (800, 1 mile) there will be 2 sections:
Section #1 - slow. Section #2 - fast.
5. Two entries per school per individual event. A third entry will be allowed if the
athlete has a mark that falls within the top 1/3 of entered marks.
6. In the field events (TJ, LJ, SP, discus), each athlete will receive 4 attempts.
No Finals! The marks listed on the time schedule are minimum measurement marks or
starting heights. Consider them when entering your athletes.
7. Please make sure to list both home and school phone numbers on your entry forms.
You will be notified during the week of the meet regarding the status of your entries.
You will be notified if the athletes were not included due to lane/flight limitations.
If you do not receive a call, then all of your athletes will be included in the meet.
8. Entry fees: are listed on each of the entry forms. For those schools with a large
number of entries, meet management has instituted a maximum entry fee of $300.00.
Please make checks payable to : St. Francis High School Track and Field. There
will be a $25.00 late fee added to those who have not paid by the day of the meet.
9. Refunds: will only be given to those athletes/relay teams that are not included due
to limitations. Request for refunds must be written on school letterhead with a clear
explanation of the athletes/relay teams that were affected. Please send these requests
to Chris Adams at St. Francis High School.
10. Awards: will be given to the top 3 athletes/relay teams in each event.
11. Entry Deadline: All entries must be received by meet directors, Chris Adams and
Mike Saso by Saturday, March 22nd. You may also hand entries to members of the St.
Francis coaching staff at the Stanford Invitational.
12. Late Entry Policy: Entries received after the deadine will be included in the meet
only if there is an opening available.
13. Seeding Meeting: will take place on Monday, March 31st. At this time, heats/flights
will be determined. You should expect a call to your school number by Wednesday, April 2nd
informing you on the athletes that will have to be left out due to lane/flight size
restrictions. If you don’t receive a call, then all of your athletes have made the meet.
If you have any questions during the week of the meet, please call Mike Saso at
650-968-1213 ext. 678.
14. The St. Francis High School Track and Field Program looks forward to having your team
attend our meet. We are now preparing to put on another successful event.
Thank you for your interest in our meet.
Meet Directors:
Chris Adams, Head Girl’s Coach
Mike Saso, Head Boy’s Coach