Entry counts from League to CCS

An email from Walt VanZant (Wilcox) concerning how many auto entries each League gets into the CCS Trials. "The MTAL/MBL/TCAL has proposed that all leagues be allowed a minimum of two entrants in each event at the CCS semifinals. The proposal was considered by the CCS Board of Managers at its October 2005 and January 2006 meetings with no final decision being made. As per Nancy Lazenby, the proposal will be again considered at the 5/3/06 Board of Managers meeting. If the proposal passes, some of the leagues that already receive more than two entries to the CCS semifinal will lose entries equal to the number gained by the leagues with only one entry at this time (MTAL, PSAL, and WBAL). If the proposal passes at the 5/3/06 meeting, Nancy is unsure what will happen if it will be for this year or next. The vote itself is in question and may be challenged by the MTAL/MBL/TCAL Ultimately, it is up to the Board of Managers to decide if the proposal passes, when the proposal will take effect and it could occur as early as the 2006 CCS semifinals. We will know more if we get a proposal of some kind from the MTAL/MBL/TCAL that will go to the Board of Managers. Nancy believes those leagues will forward something." Walt The 2005 distribution of entries was as follows: BVAL.Finals(Boys-9&Girls-9)