CCS Post season meeting minutes - 2012
Coaches: Here is the highlights from the CCS meeting held on June 5. Attached is the 2013 State At-Large Marks and the 2013 CCS At-Large Marks. Note that the times for CCS have not been rounded off. The 2013 CCS By-laws will have the rounded off marks in January. 1) TCAL / MBL are merging. Based on population numbers, the merger will not change the number of automatic qualifiers they receive. 2) Areas of concern for both the CCS and State Meet were discussed. Steve Filios requested that if anyone notices any facilities problems at CCS, to notify him ASAP. 3) The site for next year CCS meet was discussed. No site has been chosen, but CCS knows that BVAL, SCVAL and other leagues would like to return to San Jose City College. One area of concern for SJCC is the cost of having the meet there and the community support. Although the vice president of SJCC would like to have the meet, the SJCC police determines how many officers must be on duty ($70 per hour/ policeman). Also, graduation at SJCC may interfere with the meet. 4) By-law change 1- A motion was made to have 1 heat of the girls' 3200m and 1 heat of the boys' 3200m at the CCS semifinals. John Wise, head starter, showed us an IAAF format to run up to 44 runners in 1 race. The motion was seconded and approved by the track reps. The change must be approved by 4 gov. boards with the final approval by the BOM in late Jan. 2013. If it is approved, it will be in the participation bulletin issued in late April of 2013. 5) By-law change 2 - A motion was made by the WCAL league to change Section 3 A2 from at least 2 automatic qualifiers to 1 automatic qualifier. This section details how the automatic qualifiers are determined for each league. This change if implemented this year would have given an extra boy qualifier to the WCAL and the WBAL would have lost 1 boy qualifier, giving them only 1 boy qualifier. This was approved by the track reps., 6-5 in favor of the motion. The change would follow the same procedure as item 4 for final approval by the BOM. I will be submitting Archie Ljepava and Bridget Hall as nominees for the CCS Honor Coach Award. If you have any questions, let me know. Thanks. Julie