League Finals
We are using the www.Athletic.net website for entering your athletes into the Trials. To do this, you as a coach, or a team parent that you work closely with, will need to establish a free account at the Athletic.net website, and then add your specific athletes to the Trials. This e-mail explains two ways of setting up a free account at Athletic.net. Which method you use is up to you: Method 1 - These instructions assume that your athlete list has been pre-loaded. Athletic.net is a resource for high school Track & Field and Cross Country coaches, offering free statistic tracking, easing meet registrations, and providing free tools to simplify common coaching tasks. Follow the 2 steps below to get started: 1. Locate your school and sign up for a free coach account In a web browser, go to the website: www.athletic.net or try this link that will take you directly to the page listing all CCS schools http://www.athletic.net/TrackAndField/California/CentralCoast.aspx Locate your state, and then your school - on the CCS page scroll down a bit and look under "SCVAL" about half way down the left column. Click on your school name. Once on your school's page, locate the "Sign Up Here" link, click it and follow the instructions - it asks for an e-mail address - enter a valid one because it will send a confirmation message to you instantly. After you have received the confirmation email, you may proceed to the next section. 2. Register athletes for the League Finals Again on your school's page, click "Meet Registration" in the "Coach's Toolbar" at the top, or click on "Register athletes for a meet" under "Task List" in the middle of the page. Locate De Anza or El Camino League Finals in the right column and click on it (under "Create/Edit Meet Entries" ) Use the boxes on the bottom of the page to add any additional athletes that may not be on the roster. Click on either 1) an Athlete's name - you can then add that athlete to the appropriate events along with their marks, or 2) click on an Event - you can then enter all the athletes for that specific event. Select the athletes you want to compete, the division they are competing in, and verify their seed mark Be sure to click the Update button to save your changes after updating the athlete or event To remove athletes from an event, select the '--' line Print your entries for use at the meet It is up to you to make sure you enter only 3 athletes per event. You can enter more if this is an "exception case" - expect a call from the meet director so he understands what's going on. Method 2 - Use the Athletic.net Meet Setup Wizard. This is supposed to guide you through what is necessary to register your athletes with the Trials 1. In a web browser, go to this page - http://www.athletic.net/Wizard/Default.aspx?Reg=T574953 - and follow the instructions. This method may ask you to enter your entire meet schedule and marks - don't bother. Just skip to the point where you can enter your athlete into their appropriate events. Hints: If/when you log in on the main page, look for your school name under "High Schools" in the left-most navigation bar. This will take you diretly to your school's page in Athletic.net where you can start working on your athlete information. Check the pre-season minutes to see when entries must be submitted by. Coaches (email sent 04-23-14) Just a little insight on Athletic.Net in case all of your athlete's marks aren't in their database. First off, you must have all of the meets on your Athletic.Net calendar or the marks for your athletes might not get loaded. "But why", you ask, "some are there now and I never created a calendar in Athletic.Net before". The reason why some are there is because Jim, myself or some other timer is a SITE-SUPPORTER (means we paid) of Athletic.Net and we added your team's event into your calendar (AthNet lets us do that if your a Site Supporter). Otherwise, the times might be "loaded" to AthNet but if it was done by a non-Site Supporter and it's not on your calendar then those marks will sit there in "limbo land" for weeks (at since were at the end of the season, you don't have weeks to wait for it anymore). So get into Athletic.Net, look at all of the CCS events that are listed in the CCS calendar and add the events you competed in on to your calendar if it's not already there. Do this for the final meets that you're running in the next 2 weeks as well. This way those "in limbo" marks will get tied to your athletes. hank