Andy Anderson Relays - 03/03/15
Meet Director: Julie L'Heureux of Santa Clara HS
Note: No results are available at this time - this was a scrimmage and no official results were kept.
Anderson Relays 2015 (Lynbrook splits)
4x600 boys Andy Shen 1:28.7 Justin Robison 1:31.53 Revanth Nagurla 1:32.0Jim Sussenguth 1.28.60
Chris Cheung 1.33 Ryan Sadjadi 1.33 Shawn Silverman 1.34 Vibhav Parimi 1.37
Kevin Chacko 1.35 Hugo Wu 1.40 Andrew Kou 1.37 Nachiket Ingle 1.37
Adam Askari 1.37 Nicolas Rios 1.45 Justin Hu 1.43 Joseph Tai 1.54
Jonathan Hung 1.48 Adhithya Kannan 1.45 Pransu Dash 1.44 Eric Lin 2.01
4x600 Girls Evita Babin 1.44.9 Anna Sussenguth 1.55 Angelia Liu 1.47.3 Anjali Pemmaraju 1.57.3
Elin Chee 1.58 Jessica Luo 1.58 Rachael Kim Leslie Sern 1.59
Amanda Shu 2.11 Jessica Shu 2.14 Olivia Wu 2.17
DMR Boys Revanth Nagurla 3.22.2Jim Sussenguth 53.75 Andy Shen 2.04.6 Justin Robison 4.39.28
Ryan Sadjadi 3.32 Chris Cheung 62 Shawn Silverman 2.08 Kevin Chacko 4.52
Nachiket Ingle 3.37 Adam Askari 60.0 Andrew Kou 2.28 Vibhav Parimi 5.27
Adhithya Kannan 4.01 Nickols Rios Jonathan Hung 2.28 Hugo Wu 5.07?
DMR Girls Angelia Liu 4.14 Evita Babin 64.3 Anjali Pemmaraju 3.01 Anna Sussenguth 5.57
Leslie Sern 4.34 Rachael Kim 69 Jennifer Su 2.50 Elin Chee 6.41
Amanda Shu 5.39 Jessica Luo 77 Jessica Shu Audrey Zheng
Heat 1 School Time Heat 1 L 10:59.7
Kassem W 9.6 L 06:00.2 H 11:29.4
Martinez SC 10.2 H 06:12.5 L 11:37.6
Vinh C 10.4 L 06:17.0 C 11:42.8
Angeles F 10.5 C 06:23.6 H 11:44.3
Bouzigues L 10.6 H 06:30.0 SC 12:11.0
Kosuke L 11.4 F 06:30.9 H 12:13.2
W 06:33.0 H 12:14.1
Heat 2 L 06:34.7 C 12:21.5
Shao L 9.9 H 06:37.7 F 12:25.1
Wang C 10.5 C 06:46.8 L 12:43.0
Choi L 11 W 06:57.2 H 12:51.2
Chen F 11.3 Heat 2 L 12:54.9
Blackburn L 11.4 H 06:40.3 SC 13:00.9
C 06:59.8 H 13:09.2
Heat 3 L 07:00.8 C 13:21.5
Batra L 11 W 07:06.5 H 14:11.7
Jawle C 11.1 F 07:18.7 L 14:17.6
La C 11.6 L 07:22.9 F 14:27.4
Leung L 11.7 H 07:33.4 SC 14:34.8
W 07:38.1 L 15:14.2
Heat 4 SC 07:45.0 W 16:31.3
Safo C 11.6 4X600 GIRLS L 17:45.1
Iyangar L 12.5 H 07:13.3
MacPhersonL 12.8 F 07:22.7
L 07:24.8
58m Hurdles C 07:29.1
Heat 1 H 07:45.8
Nguyen SC 9.4 W 07:55.4
Fan L 9.7 L 08:01.8
Tsai H 9.9 H 08:30.0
Perrier C 10.1Possible error in placement foW 08:38.3
Watanabe H 10.8 F 08:46.5
Jones F 11 SC 09:08.9
4X200 BOYS
Heat 2 Heat 1
Ho L 9.6 W 01:39.0
Hou L 10.3 L 01:39.6
Gagarin SC 10.7 H 01:40.5
Blanco F 11.4 C 01:41.6
Cheng H 12.1 SC 01:44.4 4X300 GIRLS
Flanenco H 12.7 F 01:45.2 Heat 1
H 01:47.1 W 02:59.4
Heat 3 L 01:48.2 C 03:02.4
Lee L 10.8 Heat 2 F 03:06.8
Pah L 11.7 H 01:45.2 H 03:11.2
Huynh L 11.8 C 01:45.5 SC 03:13.0
Otala F 11.8 L 01:47.8 L 03:17.3
Rak H 11.9 C 01:50.6 Heat 2
Chou F 12.8 H 01:52.5 H 03:17.6
L 01:54.5 W 03:25.9
4X100 BOYS H 01:55.1 W 03:40.7
Heat 1 SC 01:55.4 L 03:53.2
W 45.5 4X200 GIRLS
L 45.6 Heat 1
H 46.1 W 01:51.2 4x300 BOYS
SC 46.8 H 01:56.2 Heat 1
C 47.2 L 01:56.3 C 02:34.9
F 48.3 SC 01:58.0 W 02:38.9
Heat 2 H 02:01.2 H 02:40.7
W 46.5 F 02:11.6 L 02:49.2
L 48 Heat 2 SC 03:06.4
C 48 W 02:02.6 L 03:11.4
H 49.1 L 02:04.3 Heat 2
F 49.7 L 02:06.3 H 02:50.4
Heat 3 H 02:06.6 W 02:53.0
H 49.1 H 02:07.8 W 02:53.5
L 49.7 H 02:10.4 SC 02:58.7
W 49.8 H 02:22.0 L 03:05.4
H 52.1 L 03:11.9
C 52.6
H 53.5
SC 53.7
Heat 1
W 50.9
H 52.6
L 53.4
C 54.1
F 54.6
H 55.9
SC 59.5
Heat 2
L 55.4
W 57.6
H 58.3
H 59.7
H 60
SC 62.8
H(DQ) 70
Schedule of Events For 03/03/15 Relay Meet
(Note: Rain date is TBD)
Schedule subject to change
Attending Teams: Santa Clara, TBD
Track Events
3:15PM Boys 65M Hurdles
Girls 58M Hurdles
3:30 PM Boys 4 x 100 Relay
Girls 4 x 100 Relay
Coed 4 x 100 Relay
3:50PM Boys 4 x 660 Relay
Girls 4 x 660 Relay
4:15PM Boys 4 x 220 Relay
Girls 4 x 220 Relay
Coed 4 x 220 Relay
4:40PM Boys Distance Medley Relay (3-1-2-4)
Girls Distance Medley Relay (3-1-2-4)
5:20PM Boys 4 x 330 Relay
Girls 4 x 330 Relay
N.B. The girls will run the 2nd and 3rd legs of all coed
Field Events
3:00PM Boys Long Jump
Girls Triple Jump
Girls High Jump
Boys Shot Put*
Girls Discus
4:00PM Girls Long Jump
Boys Triple Jump
Boys High Jump
Girls Shot Put
Boys Discus
* We will have F/S competition in the boys shot put.
The placings in the field events will be determined by adding up the distances
of your top 4 participants. Your top 4 in each event will throw in the first
flight. Your next 4 will compete in the second flight and your third four, if
that many, will compete in the third flight. Only 3 attempts per field event
are allowed.