2017 SCVAL Coaches List School Coach Home Phone Work Phone Cell E-Mail Address CUPERTINO Paul Armstrong 408-691-3022 coacha@prodigy.net CUPERTINO Shani Armstrong shani_armstrong@fuhsd.org FREMONT Mark Shields 408-243-8861 408-691-3898 sylvmarks@yahoo.com FREMONT Regina DeCesare 408-504-6561 GUNN PattiSue Plumer 650-949-1116 650-533-4527 coachpattisue@gmail.com GUNN Hal Daner 650-964-9996 haltrack@hotmail.com GUNN Curtis Liang 650-283-2343 cliang@pausd.org HOMESTEAD Kenrick Sealy 408-410-7654 kenricksealy80@hotmail.com LOS ALTOS Gerri Baldwin 408-828-0756 408-828-0756 gerrib@sbcglobal.net LOS ALTOS David Barth 650-823-5167 dbarth86@gmail.com LOS GATOS Ernesto Salinas 408-310-7078 salinas.ernesto23@gmail.com LOS GATOS Matt Snee 408-472-8306 mattsnee2007@gmail.com LYNBROOK Jake White 408-353-4329 jakeantoin@yahoo.com MILPITAS Bridget Hall 925-586-3496 bhall@musd.org MILPITAS Andrew Bennett 408-480-8780 andrewjbennett89@gmail.com MONTA VISTA Kirk Flatow 408-893-7021 kirk.flatow@gmail.com MONTA VISTA John McKeeman 650-575-3227 jamckeeman@gmail.com MONTA VISTA Rick Blomquist 408-499-0847 rdblom@pacbell.net MTN VIEW Scott Ishizaki sish51@yahoo.com MTN VIEW Craig Blockhus 650-669-9436 swenrunner@comcast.net PALO ALTO Michael Davidson 650-207-5580 mdavidson@pausd.org SANTA CLARA Julie L'heureux 408-247-9779 408-247-9779 jolheureux@aol.com SARATOGA Archie Ljepava 408-656-5158 archie295124@yahoo.com SARATOGA Peter Jordan 408-309-9280 pjordan@lgsuhsd.org WILCOX Jim Wilks 408-423-3763 408-540-4105 jwilks@scusd.net WILCOX Walt Van Zant 408-246-2651 408-206-7903 waltvz@aol.com AD Track Rep Curt Johansen (Gunn) cjohansen@pausd.org SCVAL Comm Brad Metheany 408-522-2204 brad_metheany@fuhsd.org Starter/SchedulerMark Greenough 415-518-7468 mgreenough@greenoughgroup.com LynbrookSports.coHank Lawson 408-460-6785 hanklawtrack@gmail.com E-mail all SCVAL Coaches & AD Rep (if it doesn't work then RIGHT CLICK on the link and select COPY EMAIL ADDRESS then create a new email and PASTE into your TO box) 2017 SCVAL Coaches List - Updated 1/18/17