2025 SCVAL Coaches List

School           Coach                 Home Phone    Work Phone   Cell                         E-Mail Address
CUPERTINO        Alex Koukoutsakis                   408-366-7388 650-704-2569 Alex_Koukoutsakis@fuhsd.org                          
CUPERTINO        Paul Armstrong        408-244-6431               408-691-3022 coacha@prodigy.net                                   
CUPERTINO        Leonard Morris                                   408-830-7133 leonard_morris@fuhsd.org                             
FREMONT          Adam Miranda                                     408-393-2424 adammiranda@rocketmail.com                           
FREMONT          Lewis Louie           408-859-2002               408-859-2002 lewislouie721@gmail.com                              
FREMONT          Alejandra Flores      408-832-6447               408-832-6447 alejandra.xc26@gmail.com                             
GUNN             Hal Daner             650-964-9996               650-793-1885 haltrack@hotmail.com                                 
GUNN             Karen Saxena                                     650-740-3872 heypalermo@aol.com                                   
GUNN             Sean Seley                                       408-425-7477 seanseley@gmail.com                                  
HOMESTEAD        Kenrick Sealy                                    408-410-7654 kenricksealy80@hotmail.com                           
HOMESTEAD        Marina Levy                                      408-431-3611 homestead.xc.tf@gmail.com                            
HOMESTEAD        Curtis Liang          650-283-2343               650-283-2343 curtisliang@gmail.com                                
LOS ALTOS        Gerri Baldwin         408-828-0756               408-828-0756 gerribaldwin@gmail.com                               
LOS ALTOS        Charles Alexander                                650-390-7397 charlesa1105@gmail.com                               
LOS ALTOS        Drew Russert          650-833-8557               650-833-8557 drewrussert@gmail.com                                
LOS GATOS        Kent Kappen           408-313-1336               408-313-1336 kent@leadsportsusa.com                               
LOS GATOS        Danny "Doc" Colton                               310-704-3281 paindoctor@aol.com                                   
LOS GATOS        Geoff Elmore                                     408-598-5574 coachgelmore@lgsuhsd.org                             
LYNBROOK         Bernie Ramos                                     408-836-7669 bernie_ramos27@yahoo.com                             
LYNBROOK         Ronald Huynh                                     408-807-7792 rhuynh120@gmail.com                                  
MACDONALD        Burt Codera                                                   bcodera@scusd.net                                    

MILPITAS         Austin Nguyen                                    408-680-6372 milpitastf@gmail.com                                 
MILPITAS         Franco Mannucci                                  408-966-4400 coachmannucci@gmail.com                              
MONTA VISTA      David Sciplin         408-858-3299               408-858-3299 coachsciplin@gmail.com                               
MTN VIEW         Jonathan Hubbs                                                coachhubbs@gmail.com                                 
PALO ALTO        Michael Davidson      650-207-5580               650-207-5580 mdavidson@pausd.org                                  
SANTA CLARA      Julie L'heureux       408-839-3422  408-839-3422 408-839-3422 jolheureux@aol.com                                   
SARATOGA         Archie Ljepava        408-656-5158               408-656-5158 aljepava@lgsuhsd.org                               
SARATOGA         Amanda Follmar                                   408-761-9969 coachafollmar@lgsuhsd.org                            
WILCOX           Lisan Douglas         772-812-9306               772-812-9306 douglas.lisan@gmail.com                              
WILCOX           David Garza           408-483-2936               408-483-2936 djgarza@scusd.net                                    

AD Track Rep     Curt Johansen (Gunn)                                          cjohansen@pausd.org                                  
SCVAL Comm       Brad Metheany                       408-522-2204 408-522-2204 brad_metheany@fuhsd.org                              
Starter/SchedulerMark Greenough                                   415-518-7468 mark.m.greenough@gmail.com                           
LynbrookSports.coHank Lawson                                      408-460-6785 hanklawtrack@gmail.com                               

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