Updated: 02/04/99

USCAA 1999 Nationals - Update 02/04/99

Comments/Questions? E-Mail Hank Lawson at hanklaw@ix.netcom.com

Feb. 4, 1999 - Update #2

Gordon Smith is working on a logo.  Will be used on program, medals,
literature, shirts, etc.

Saratoga Springs has been reserved and a $2000 deposit has been paid. 
Party is outside and we have the entire facility reserved for just
ourselves.  We have leads on DJ's if we are unable to secure a band.

An account at a local bank has been opened.  Seed money has come from
the local organizers but USCAA has said a check is forth coming.  Two
teams have paid full team entry price and they are LOCKHEED and GENERAL
ELECTRIC.  Danny Moon is putting together an Excel Spreadsheet for our

5K and 10K course layouts are complete, they can be found on the web. 
The maps will be improved as time progresses.  Marion Carter (Lock-Mart)
will assist in the certification process of the road races.  Gordon Smith
is working on rescoring the '96 and '98 National Road Races under the
new, proposed road race scoring method as an "FYI" for team captains.  I
will post once it becomes available.

The first and only team captain mailer will go out next week (weeks of
2/8).  Mailing list and e-mail lists have been received.

Are still under revision and not yet finalized.  Keep checking the web
for updates.

BACAA will be holding their Regional meet on the Los Gatos campus on
June 19th as a "dress rehearsal" for the Nationals.  We will be running
the 5K course only at the Regionals but will be contesting most of
the remaining Nationals events (we've added some of ours and taken
away others).