Updated: 06/30/99
USCAA 1999 Nationals - Update 06/30/99
Comments/Questions? E-Mail Hank Lawson at hanklaw@ix.netcom.com
June 26, 1999 - Update #5
We have 20+ teams signed up with Oracle & Domino's being
new ones (still unconfirmed, however). Check them out at:
for up-to-date teams entered.
This is true for both Divisions but looks like it will effect
Div II teams mostly. If there are 8 or fewer teams signed up
for a particular event 7 days prior to the Nationals, then all
8 (or less) teams will be moved on to the finals and need not
run PRELIMS. If additional teams sign up for that event after
the 7 days, then those original 8 teams will still be moved on
to the finals without the need for running PRELIMS (we will
just double teams up in lanes if we need to). PRELIMS will
still be run if one or more teams wants to run (this would be
for FINALS lane assignments).
PRELIM assignments will be posted on the web 5-7 days prior
to the Nationals. Teams - please let me know what events
you are (or aren't) participating in.
The Open Pit concept will only be used for the Long Jump.
All other field events will have flights assigned but we
will do everything possible to accommodate changing of
flights. Just check in at the appropriate time and tell
the official you wish to change flights (or come early
if you want to get into an earlier flight).
Jose Casillas of GE has secured us water for the Road
Races. The course maps are still be worked on and will
be posted when completed. Teams - please get your
rosters into me as soon as you can and then send your
additions/changes as they happen. This will allow me
to get a head start on the data entry.
Thanks to Brian Gore we have secured the same band to
play at our party that we had for '92, '96 & '97.
A layout has been completed. Team captains - please send
me your #1, #2 & #3 choice of where you would like your
team to be situated. The placing will be done based on
sponsor $'s sent in and receipt of team entry. The layout
can be found on the web under CANOPIES.