Updated: 06/29/99
USCAA 1999 Nationals
Comments/Questions? E-Mail Hank Lawson at hanklaw@ix.netcom.com
The Stuart Rental Company
430 Totama Drive
Sunnyvale, Ca. 94089-2106
Contact: Ginger Masten
voice mail (408) 640-4484
15' x 15' for the weekend is $495.00
20' x 20' for the weekend is $695.00
Note: Design of the stands on the finish line side of the track allow for 4
- 20' x 20' canopies, 12 - 15' x 15' canopies and 3 open spaces to allow
viewing from the announcers box.. More canopies can be added on the other
side of the track.
Super cooler for the weekend is $25.00
All order should go direct to Ginger Masten and can be paid by check or
credit card.