Updated: 07/11/99
USCAA 1999 Nationals
Comments/Questions? E-Mail Hank Lawson at hanklaw@ix.netcom.com
Team Captains:
Please get your Road Race & Field Event Rosters into me ASAP. Even if
they are incomplete, you can always make changes/additions as the meet
gets closer. I do not want to have to enter 20 teams worth of athletes
the final few days before the meet starts. You can e-mail me at:
or FAX to me at (408) 446-9060. The forms for both events can be found
on the National Web page at:
You will get all of your Road Race #'s when you pick up your packet on
Friday night. Field Event flight assignments and Preliminary heat
assignments will be posted one week prior to the Nationals.
After 5:00 on both Friday & Saturday nights, all road race additions
will be done using a "Self Service" style of registration. On Friday
night, the race numbers will be located at the Team Captain check in.
On Saturday night the race numbers will be at the Team Captains meeting.
I will be unavailable after 5:00 on both those nights due to a show that
I'm doing (Joseph & The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, there's my plug
for the show). The process for assigning a new race number to an athlete
is as follows:
1) On the 8 1/2 by 11 sheet of paper (found on the clipboard with the race
numbers) print:
Race # you are taking
Athletes First & Last name
Sex (M or F)
Age Group of athlete
2) Take the race #(s)
401 - 998 for Div I ** CHANGE **
1 - 400 for Div II ** CHANGE **
and on the bottom tear off tag of the race # print the same data that
you just printed on the paper above.
3) Take whatever safety pins you need.
Note: If it's Friday night, Div I teams, take BOTH race #'s that are
identical (i.e. if you get # 507, take two race #'s 507 - one for the
5K and one for the 10K - even if you don't plan on racing both races).
On Saturday night, you'll only need to take one race number (and Div
II won't need to take any on Saturday night since they don't race the
10K on Sunday. Both divisions, be sure you take the correct race
number based on the range specified above. If you choose the wrong
one, you'll be entered in the wrong division, even if you give me all
of the correct data.
You also need to take a NEW race # if you're planning on changing the
age division of one of your athletes. Do NOT just change the data on
the label or fill in new data for an existing race number - take a
brand new race number and fill the data out on the entry sheet.
Field Event changes can be made at the site of the event. However,
be sure that any age/sex changes are recorded on the events score
sheet with your athletes marks. If they don't get recorded, and the
athlete competes, I cannot make those changes after the fact. Be
sure that your athletes review their information before they compete.
Hank Lawson