Nationals - 2004
Division 3 - Men's 5K

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Division III Men's 5K

Place      Team             Points   

  1       BIW                14

  2       SCVAL              12

  3       USM                11

  4       Aerospace          10

  5       City of Portland    9

  6       LL Bean             8

  7       BankNorth           7

  8       IDEXX               6

Pl   Name                Team        Sex  Div  Grp   Grp PAge  Time (mmsstWAVA 5K
1    O'Donnell.Shaun     GEl         M    1    00-24 1    24     15:12.0    85.3
2    Hemphill. Ethan     LLB         M    3    30-39 1    30     15:35.0    83.2
3    Hartshorn.Chris     GEl         M    1    30-34 1    30     15:45.0    82.3
4    Borschel. Tom       Loc         M    1    45-49 1    47     15:47.0    89.9
5    Boyd. Jeff          GEl         M    1    25-29 1    25     15:51.0    81.8
6    Flynn. Peter        GEl         M    1    25-29 2    25     16:03.0    80.7
7    Mulvaney. Ben       GEl         M    1    25-29 3    25     16:14.0    79.8
8    Bascoul.Fabrice     TIn         M    2    25-29 1    27     16:26.0    78.9
9    Rutledge. Mark      GEl         M    1    30-34 2    30     16:32.0    78.4
10   Coway. Nick         Aro         M    3    00-29 1    25     16:36.0    78.1
11   Molaison. Chris     GEl         M    1    25-29 4    27     16:41.0    77.7
12   Skaare. Justin      GEl         M    1    00-24 2    24     16:43.0    77.5
13   Lary. Don           Unu         M    2    35-39 1    38     16:59.0    78.3
14   Tompkins. Matt      SCV         M    3    00-29 2    29     17:01.0    76.1
15   Fischberg.Craig     GEl         M    1    35-39 1    35     17:03.0    76.3
16   Cusinato. Paolo     TIn         M    2    35-39 2    35     17:07.0    76.0
17   Samley. Chris       GEl         M    1    40-44 1    40     17:13.0    78.3
18   Loudon. Chad        Boo         M    2    25-29 2    27     17:17.0    75.0
19   Frost. Randy        GEl         M    1    45-49 2    45     17:23.0    80.4
20   Tebbe. Matt         Boo         M    2    25-29 3    28     17:29.0    74.1
21   VanDusen.Michael    GEl         M    1    40-44 2    40     17:30.0    77.0
22   Gross. Michael      GEl         M    1    35-39 2    35     17:31.0    74.3
23   Nickerson.Steve     GEl         M    1    45-49 3    45     17:35.0    79.5
24   Guilani. Lance      BIW         M    3    40-49 1    40     17:35.0    76.6
25   Nash. Greg          Loc         M    1    25-29 5    29     17:36.0    73.6
26   Canon. Dan          Loc         M    1    30-34 3    33     17:38.0    73.5
27   Roberts. David      USM         M    3    50-59 1    50     17:39.0    82.3
28   Finerty.Patrick     GEl         M    1    30-34 4    30     17:41.0    73.3
29   Tarutani. Marc      Boo         M    2    35-39 3    39     17:42.0    75.6
30   Gerber. Mark        ATT         M    1    35-39 3    39     17:45.0    75.3
31   Cohen. Gary         Loc         M    1    45-49 4    47     17:47.0    79.8
32   Kurtis. Dennis      Loc         M    1    50-54 1    51     17:48.0    82.3
33   Segers. Gui         BIW         M    3    40-49 2    40     17:49.0    75.6
34   Banger. Jeff        BIW         M    3    40-49 3    40     17:55.0    75.2
35   Gardiner. Tom       TIn         M    2    30-34 1    32     17:58.0    72.1
36   Jones. Mark         Boo         M    2    40-44 1    42     18:00.0    76.0
37   Griffiths. Dave     Unu         M    2    35-39 4    39     18:04.0    74.0
38   Steffen. Scott      TIn         M    2    40-44 2    42     18:07.0    75.5
39   Madore. Josh        Por         M    3    00-29 3    25     18:13.0    71.1
40   Colborn. Rob        GEl         M    1    50-54 2    50     18:16.0    79.5
41   Wiedner. Chuck      Loc         M    1    40-44 3    41     18:17.0    74.2
42   Chabot. Brian       Unu         M    2    25-29 4    28     18:22.0    70.5
43   Wayte. Peter        GEl         M    1    60-64 1    60     18:27.0    85.8
44   Drumm. Jim          TIn         M    2    45-49 1    46     18:29.0    76.1
45   Perreault. Brian    Bnk         M    3    30-39 2    30     18:30.0    70.0
46   Jenkins. JJ         TIn         M    2    50-54 1    52     18:33.0    79.6
47   Mann.Dave           USM         M    3    30-39 3    34     18:34.0    69.8
48   Rogers. Bill                    M         UNN               18:35.0    69.7
49   Brill. BB           Boo         M    2    25-29 5    28     18:37.0    69.6
50   Kohorst. Steve      ATT         M    1    50-54 3    54     18:39.0    80.5
51   Mandeville. Ray     TIn         M    2    50-54 2    50     18:47.0    77.3
52   Roth. Jeffrey       Boo         M    2    30-34 2    30     18:50.0    68.8
53   Schreier. Frank     GEl         M    1    50-54 4    50     18:50.0    77.1
54   Kriege. Mike        SCV         M    3    40-49 4    45     18:52.0    74.1
55   Toulouse. Jim       Unu         M    2    55-59 6    56     18:58.0    80.4
56   Pickul. George      Loc         M    1    35-39 4    35     19:09.0    67.9
57   Nibbelink. Bruce    Aro         M    3    30-39 4    30     19:11.0    67.5
58   Ryerson. Anders     Boo         M    2    25-29 6    27     19:13.0    67.4
59   Jendzurski.John     Boo         M    2    30-34 3    34     19:18.0    67.1
60   Kaul. Sidhartha     GEl         M    1    35-39 5    35     19:22.0    67.2
61   Woodson. Joel       Boo         M    2    00-24 1    24     19:26.0    66.7
62   Sickel.Tim          BIW         M    3    50-59 2    52     19:27.0    75.9
63   Aldrich. Rick       Boo         M    2    45-49 2    45     19:31.0    71.6
64   Velazquez. Hugo     Aro         M    3    50-59 3    50     19:34.0    74.2
65   Dalrymple.Scott     Unu         M    2    40-44 3    44     19:37.0    70.7
66   Greene. Ron         Loc         M    1    50-54 5    54     19:42.0    76.2
67   Norwood. David      Aro         M    3    40-49 5    40     19:44.0    68.3
68   Acre. Curtiss       ATT         M    1    50-54 6    54     19:50.0    75.7
69   Tilton. Gary        IDE         M    3    40-49 6    40     19:51.0    67.9
70   Richter. Ben        Boo         M    2    45-49 3    48     20:07.0    71.0
71   Fischer. Todd       GEl         M    1    30-34 5    30     20:10.0    64.2
72   Stewart. Dave       GEl         M    1    60-64 2    60     20:12.0    78.3
73   Joralemon. JJ       Unu         M    2    30-34 4    33     20:22.0    63.6
74   Flanagan. Jim       Loc         M    1    65-69 1    67     20:27.0    83.2
75   Botto. Bob          Exx         M    1    55-59 1    55     20:28.0    73.9
76   Young. David        Por         M    3    50-59 4    50     20:30.0    70.8
77   Slupianek.Larry     Exx         M    1    55-59 2    57     20:40.0    74.5
78   McNally. JD         Exx         M    1    25-29 6    26     20:50.0    62.2
79   Gugger. Dan         GEl         M    1    45-49 5    45     21:09.0    66.1
80   King. Rio           TIn         M    2    60-64 1    62     21:21.0    75.6
81   Kurz. Wally         GEl         M    1    65-69 2    65     21:23.0    77.8
82   Hurtado. Joe        Loc         M    1    60-64 3    63     21:41.0    75.2
83   Washburn. Malcolm   Por         M    3    50-59 5    50     21:41.0    67.0
84   Chambers. Barry     Exx         M    1    60-64 4    60     21:44.0    72.8
85   Hecht. Jim          Aro         M    3    50-59 6    50     21:45.0    66.8
86   Rugaba. Damas       Unu         M    2    30-34 5    34     21:48.0    59.4
87   Caoppolino. Joe     IDE         M    3    40-49 7    40     21:50.0    61.7
88   Ertha. Devon        USM         M    3    00-29 4    25     21:54.0    59.2
89   Brooks. Edward      USM         M    3    30-39 5    30     22:11.0    58.4
90   Dyer. Randy         Unu         M    2    40-44 4    43     22:18.0    61.7
91   Price. Don          LLB         M    3    40-49 8    40     22:22.0    60.2
92   Dibiese. Nick       IDE         M    3    30-39 6    30     22:23.0    57.9
93   Spurr. Greg         Bnk         M    3    40-49 9    40     22:24.0    60.1
94   LaPointe. Mark      Bnk         M    3    30-39 7    30     22:26.0    57.8
95   Kauta. Karl         Boo         M    2    40-44 5    42     22:32.0    60.7
96   O'Connor.Patrick    Boo         M    2    40-44 6    43     22:42.0    60.6
97   Williams. Jim       LLB         M    3    50-59 7    50     22:43.0    63.9
98   Boronow. Bill       Boo         M    2    50-54 3    50     22:45.0    63.8
99   Kirner. Tom         Unu         M    2    55-59 7    56     22:46.0    67.0
100  Sims. Jeff          Unu         M    2    40-44 7    41     22:48.0    59.5
101  Novell. Al          ATT         M    1    55-59 3    55     22:52.0    66.1
102  James. John         IDE         M    3    50-59 8    50     22:54.0    63.4
103  Gonzales. Ray       ATT         M    1    45-49 6    48     22:54.0    62.4
104  Boutet. Bruce       LLB         M    3    50-59 9    50     22:55.0    63.4
105  Slater. David       WEX         M    3    40-49 10   40     22:57.0    58.7
106  Roberts. David      Boo         M    2    50-54 4    52     23:01.0    64.1
107  Plymale. Wayne      ATT         M    1    50-54 7    53     23:01.0    64.6
108  Hollaway. Bill      Unu         M    2    60-64 2    61     23:02.0    69.3
109  Kress. Bob          ATT         M    1    55-59 4    56     23:36.0    64.6
110  O'Carroll.David     Exx         M    1    45-49 7    46     23:40.0    59.5
111  Garcia. David       Loc         M    1    50-54 8    53     23:43.0    62.7
112  Hiatt. Bill         Aro         M    3    50-59 10   50     23:48.0    61.0
113  Bradley. Tim        Unu         M    2    45-49 4    45     23:48.0    58.7
114  Nowak. Mark         LLB         M    3    50-59 11   50     23:51.0    60.9
115  Nevers. Blair       Cor         M    3    40-49 11   40     23:54.0    56.4
116  Mullen. Marty       Cor         M    3    30-39 8    30     24:13.0    53.5
117  Mathrani.Nirmal     Boo         M    2    50-54 5    52     24:15.0    60.8
118  Bouthillette.Dic    Unu         M    2    55-59 8    57     24:19.0    63.3
119  Karow. Bill         Bnk         M    3    40-49 12   40     24:22.0    55.3
120  Tyrrell. Jim        Unu         M    2    55-59 9    57     24:22.0    63.2
121  Kellie. Ed          BIW         M    3    50-59 12   50     24:52.0    58.4
122  Evans. Jef          Unu         M    2    65-69 4    66     25:54.0    64.9
123  Finnimore.Jason     Unu         M    2    25-29 7    29     26:01.0    49.8
124  Sloan. Jim          ATT         M    1    60-64 5    61     26:15.0    60.8
125  Guttenberger.Jef    ATT         M    1    60-64 6    63     26:25.0    61.7
126  Rusnock. John       Loc         M    1    65-69 3    67     26:34.0    64.0
127  Henrich. Lou        ATT         M    1    50-54 9    50     26:36.0    54.6
128  Cannon. Tom         ATT         M    1    60-64 7    61     26:37.0    60.0
129  Eyler. Bob          Unu         M    2    45-49 5    48     27:23.0    52.2
130  Shevenell. Ray      Unu         M    2    60-64 3    63     27:41.0    58.9
131  Heil. Rodger                    M         SPOUS      62     27:53.0    57.9
132  Oberley. Tony       Unu         M    2    40-44 8    44     28:10.0    49.2
133  Eastman. Chris      BIW         M    3    40-49 13   40     29:43.0    45.3
134  VanZant. Walt       SCV         M    3    60-69 1    65     33:46.0    49.3
135  Hamilton. Ed        ATT         M    1    70+   1    76     39:14.0    48.6
136  Headley. Steve      SCV         M    3    60-69 2    62     55:05.0    29.3

     BY TEAM

10   Coway. Nick         Aro         M    3    00-29 1    25     16:36.0    78.1
112  Hiatt. Bill         Aro         M    3    50-59 10   50     23:48.0    61.0
64   Velazquez. Hugo     Aro         M    3    50-59 3    50     19:34.0    74.2
57   Nibbelink. Bruce    Aro         M    3    30-39 4    30     19:11.0    67.5
67   Norwood. David      Aro         M    3    40-49 5    40     19:44.0    68.3
85   Hecht. Jim          Aro         M    3    50-59 6    50     21:45.0    66.8

24   Guilani. Lance      BIW         M    3    40-49 1    40     17:35.0    76.6
121  Kellie. Ed          BIW         M    3    50-59 12   50     24:52.0    58.4
133  Eastman. Chris      BIW         M    3    40-49 13   40     29:43.0    45.3
33   Segers. Gui         BIW         M    3    40-49 2    40     17:49.0    75.6
62   Sickel.Tim          BIW         M    3    50-59 2    52     19:27.0    75.9
34   Banger. Jeff        BIW         M    3    40-49 3    40     17:55.0    75.2

119  Karow. Bill         Bnk         M    3    40-49 12   40     24:22.0    55.3
45   Perreault. Brian    Bnk         M    3    30-39 2    30     18:30.0    70.0
94   LaPointe. Mark      Bnk         M    3    30-39 7    30     22:26.0    57.8
93   Spurr. Greg         Bnk         M    3    40-49 9    40     22:24.0    60.1

115  Nevers. Blair       Cor         M    3    40-49 11   40     23:54.0    56.4
116  Mullen. Marty       Cor         M    3    30-39 8    30     24:13.0    53.5

69   Tilton. Gary        IDE         M    3    40-49 6    40     19:51.0    67.9
92   Dibiese. Nick       IDE         M    3    30-39 6    30     22:23.0    57.9
87   Caoppolino. Joe     IDE         M    3    40-49 7    40     21:50.0    61.7
102  James. John         IDE         M    3    50-59 8    50     22:54.0    63.4

2    Hemphill. Ethan     LLB         M    3    30-39 1    30     15:35.0    83.2
114  Nowak. Mark         LLB         M    3    50-59 11   50     23:51.0    60.9
97   Williams. Jim       LLB         M    3    50-59 7    50     22:43.0    63.9
91   Price. Don          LLB         M    3    40-49 8    40     22:22.0    60.2
104  Boutet. Bruce       LLB         M    3    50-59 9    50     22:55.0    63.4

39   Madore. Josh        Por         M    3    00-29 3    25     18:13.0    71.1
76   Young. David        Por         M    3    50-59 4    50     20:30.0    70.8
83   Washburn. Malcolm   Por         M    3    50-59 5    50     21:41.0    67.0

134  VanZant. Walt       SCV         M    3    60-69 1    65     33:46.0    49.3
14   Tompkins. Matt      SCV         M    3    00-29 2    29     17:01.0    76.1
136  Headley. Steve      SCV         M    3    60-69 2    62     55:05.0    29.3
54   Kriege. Mike        SCV         M    3    40-49 4    45     18:52.0    74.1

27   Roberts. David      USM         M    3    50-59 1    50     17:39.0    82.3
47   Mann.Dave           USM         M    3    30-39 3    34     18:34.0    69.8
88   Ertha. Devon        USM         M    3    00-29 4    25     21:54.0    59.2
89   Brooks. Edward      USM         M    3    30-39 5    30     22:11.0    58.4

105  Slater. David       WEX         M    3    40-49 10   40     22:57.0    58.7


4    Borschel. Tom       Loc         M    1    45-49 1    47     15:47.0    89.9   1st  GEI              5
43   Wayte. Peter        GEl         M    1    60-64 1    60     18:27.0    85.8   2nd  Lockheed Marti   9
1    O'Donnell.Shaun     GEl         M    1    00-24 1    24     15:12.0    85.3   3rd  At&T             14
2    Hemphill. Ethan     LLB         M    3    30-39 1    30     15:35.0    83.2   4th  Exxon            20
74   Flanagan. Jim       Loc         M    1    65-69 1    67     20:27.0    83.2
3    Hartshorn.Chris     GEl         M    1    30-34 1    30     15:45.0    82.3   1st  TI               5
27   Roberts. David      USM         M    3    50-59 1    50     17:39.0    82.3   2nd  UnumProvident    7
32   Kurtis. Dennis      Loc         M    1    50-54 1    51     17:48.0    82.3   3rd  Booz Allen       8
5    Boyd. Jeff          GEl         M    1    25-29 1    25     15:51.0    81.8
6    Flynn. Peter        GEl         M    1    25-29 2    25     16:03.0    80.7   1st  BIW              5    TB=76.6
50   Kohorst. Steve      ATT         M    1    50-54 3    54     18:39.0    80.5   2nd  SCVAL            5    TB=76.1
19   Frost. Randy        GEl         M    1    45-49 2    45     17:23.0    80.4   3rd  USM              8    TB=82.3
55   Toulouse. Jim       Unu         M    2    55-59 6    56     18:58.0    80.4   4th  Aerospace        8    TB=78.1
7    Mulvaney. Ben       GEl         M    1    25-29 3    25     16:14.0    79.8   5th  City of Portla   12
31   Cohen. Gary         Loc         M    1    45-49 4    47     17:47.0    79.8   6th  LL Bean          16
46   Jenkins. JJ         TIn         M    2    50-54 1    52     18:33.0    79.6   7th  BankNorth        18
23   Nickerson.Steve     GEl         M    1    45-49 3    45     17:35.0    79.5   8th  IDEXX            19
40   Colborn. Rob        GEl         M    1    50-54 2    50     18:16.0    79.5
8    Bascoul.Fabrice     TIn         M    2    25-29 1    27     16:26.0    78.9
9    Rutledge. Mark      GEl         M    1    30-34 2    30     16:32.0    78.4
13   Lary. Don           Unu         M    2    35-39 1    38     16:59.0    78.3
17   Samley. Chris       GEl         M    1    40-44 1    40     17:13.0    78.3
72   Stewart. Dave       GEl         M    1    60-64 2    60     20:12.0    78.3
10   Coway. Nick         Aro         M    3    00-29 1    25     16:36.0    78.1
81   Kurz. Wally         GEl         M    1    65-69 2    65     21:23.0    77.8
11   Molaison. Chris     GEl         M    1    25-29 4    27     16:41.0    77.7
12   Skaare. Justin      GEl         M    1    00-24 2    24     16:43.0    77.5
51   Mandeville. Ray     TIn         M    2    50-54 2    50     18:47.0    77.3
53   Schreier. Frank     GEl         M    1    50-54 4    50     18:50.0    77.1
21   VanDusen.Michael    GEl         M    1    40-44 2    40     17:30.0    77.0
24   Guilani. Lance      BIW         M    3    40-49 1    40     17:35.0    76.6
15   Fischberg.Craig     GEl         M    1    35-39 1    35     17:03.0    76.3
66   Greene. Ron         Loc         M    1    50-54 5    54     19:42.0    76.2
14   Tompkins. Matt      SCV         M    3    00-29 2    29     17:01.0    76.1
44   Drumm. Jim          TIn         M    2    45-49 1    46     18:29.0    76.1
16   Cusinato. Paolo     TIn         M    2    35-39 2    35     17:07.0    76.0
36   Jones. Mark         Boo         M    2    40-44 1    42     18:00.0    76.0
62   Sickel.Tim          BIW         M    3    50-59 2    52     19:27.0    75.9
68   Acre. Curtiss       ATT         M    1    50-54 6    54     19:50.0    75.7
29   Tarutani. Marc      Boo         M    2    35-39 3    39     17:42.0    75.6
33   Segers. Gui         BIW         M    3    40-49 2    40     17:49.0    75.6
80   King. Rio           TIn         M    2    60-64 1    62     21:21.0    75.6
38   Steffen. Scott      TIn         M    2    40-44 2    42     18:07.0    75.5
30   Gerber. Mark        ATT         M    1    35-39 3    39     17:45.0    75.3
34   Banger. Jeff        BIW         M    3    40-49 3    40     17:55.0    75.2
82   Hurtado. Joe        Loc         M    1    60-64 3    63     21:41.0    75.2
18   Loudon. Chad        Boo         M    2    25-29 2    27     17:17.0    75.0
77   Slupianek.Larry     Exx         M    1    55-59 2    57     20:40.0    74.5
22   Gross. Michael      GEl         M    1    35-39 2    35     17:31.0    74.3
41   Wiedner. Chuck      Loc         M    1    40-44 3    41     18:17.0    74.2
64   Velazquez. Hugo     Aro         M    3    50-59 3    50     19:34.0    74.2
20   Tebbe. Matt         Boo         M    2    25-29 3    28     17:29.0    74.1
54   Kriege. Mike        SCV         M    3    40-49 4    45     18:52.0    74.1
37   Griffiths. Dave     Unu         M    2    35-39 4    39     18:04.0    74.0
75   Botto. Bob          Exx         M    1    55-59 1    55     20:28.0    73.9
25   Nash. Greg          Loc         M    1    25-29 5    29     17:36.0    73.6
26   Canon. Dan          Loc         M    1    30-34 3    33     17:38.0    73.5
28   Finerty.Patrick     GEl         M    1    30-34 4    30     17:41.0    73.3
84   Chambers. Barry     Exx         M    1    60-64 4    60     21:44.0    72.8
35   Gardiner. Tom       TIn         M    2    30-34 1    32     17:58.0    72.1
63   Aldrich. Rick       Boo         M    2    45-49 2    45     19:31.0    71.6
39   Madore. Josh        Por         M    3    00-29 3    25     18:13.0    71.1
70   Richter. Ben        Boo         M    2    45-49 3    48     20:07.0    71.0
76   Young. David        Por         M    3    50-59 4    50     20:30.0    70.8
65   Dalrymple.Scott     Unu         M    2    40-44 3    44     19:37.0    70.7
42   Chabot. Brian       Unu         M    2    25-29 4    28     18:22.0    70.5
45   Perreault. Brian    Bnk         M    3    30-39 2    30     18:30.0    70.0
47   Mann.Dave           USM         M    3    30-39 3    34     18:34.0    69.8
48   Rogers. Bill                    M         UNN               18:35.0    69.7
49   Brill. BB           Boo         M    2    25-29 5    28     18:37.0    69.6
108  Hollaway. Bill      Unu         M    2    60-64 2    61     23:02.0    69.3
52   Roth. Jeffrey       Boo         M    2    30-34 2    30     18:50.0    68.8
67   Norwood. David      Aro         M    3    40-49 5    40     19:44.0    68.3
56   Pickul. George      Loc         M    1    35-39 4    35     19:09.0    67.9
69   Tilton. Gary        IDE         M    3    40-49 6    40     19:51.0    67.9
57   Nibbelink. Bruce    Aro         M    3    30-39 4    30     19:11.0    67.5
58   Ryerson. Anders     Boo         M    2    25-29 6    27     19:13.0    67.4
60   Kaul. Sidhartha     GEl         M    1    35-39 5    35     19:22.0    67.2
59   Jendzurski.John     Boo         M    2    30-34 3    34     19:18.0    67.1
83   Washburn. Malcolm   Por         M    3    50-59 5    50     21:41.0    67.0
99   Kirner. Tom         Unu         M    2    55-59 7    56     22:46.0    67.0
85   Hecht. Jim          Aro         M    3    50-59 6    50     21:45.0    66.8
61   Woodson. Joel       Boo         M    2    00-24 1    24     19:26.0    66.7
79   Gugger. Dan         GEl         M    1    45-49 5    45     21:09.0    66.1
101  Novell. Al          ATT         M    1    55-59 3    55     22:52.0    66.1
122  Evans. Jef          Unu         M    2    65-69 4    66     25:54.0    64.9
107  Plymale. Wayne      ATT         M    1    50-54 7    53     23:01.0    64.6
109  Kress. Bob          ATT         M    1    55-59 4    56     23:36.0    64.6
71   Fischer. Todd       GEl         M    1    30-34 5    30     20:10.0    64.2
106  Roberts. David      Boo         M    2    50-54 4    52     23:01.0    64.1
126  Rusnock. John       Loc         M    1    65-69 3    67     26:34.0    64.0
97   Williams. Jim       LLB         M    3    50-59 7    50     22:43.0    63.9
98   Boronow. Bill       Boo         M    2    50-54 3    50     22:45.0    63.8
73   Joralemon. JJ       Unu         M    2    30-34 4    33     20:22.0    63.6
102  James. John         IDE         M    3    50-59 8    50     22:54.0    63.4
104  Boutet. Bruce       LLB         M    3    50-59 9    50     22:55.0    63.4
118  Bouthillette.Dic    Unu         M    2    55-59 8    57     24:19.0    63.3
120  Tyrrell. Jim        Unu         M    2    55-59 9    57     24:22.0    63.2
111  Garcia. David       Loc         M    1    50-54 8    53     23:43.0    62.7
103  Gonzales. Ray       ATT         M    1    45-49 6    48     22:54.0    62.4
78   McNally. JD         Exx         M    1    25-29 6    26     20:50.0    62.2
87   Caoppolino. Joe     IDE         M    3    40-49 7    40     21:50.0    61.7
90   Dyer. Randy         Unu         M    2    40-44 4    43     22:18.0    61.7
125  Guttenberger.Jef    ATT         M    1    60-64 6    63     26:25.0    61.7
112  Hiatt. Bill         Aro         M    3    50-59 10   50     23:48.0    61.0
114  Nowak. Mark         LLB         M    3    50-59 11   50     23:51.0    60.9
117  Mathrani.Nirmal     Boo         M    2    50-54 5    52     24:15.0    60.8
124  Sloan. Jim          ATT         M    1    60-64 5    61     26:15.0    60.8
95   Kauta. Karl         Boo         M    2    40-44 5    42     22:32.0    60.7
96   O'Connor.Patrick    Boo         M    2    40-44 6    43     22:42.0    60.6
91   Price. Don          LLB         M    3    40-49 8    40     22:22.0    60.2
93   Spurr. Greg         Bnk         M    3    40-49 9    40     22:24.0    60.1
128  Cannon. Tom         ATT         M    1    60-64 7    61     26:37.0    60.0
100  Sims. Jeff          Unu         M    2    40-44 7    41     22:48.0    59.5
110  O'Carroll.David     Exx         M    1    45-49 7    46     23:40.0    59.5
86   Rugaba. Damas       Unu         M    2    30-34 5    34     21:48.0    59.4
88   Ertha. Devon        USM         M    3    00-29 4    25     21:54.0    59.2
130  Shevenell. Ray      Unu         M    2    60-64 3    63     27:41.0    58.9
105  Slater. David       WEX         M    3    40-49 10   40     22:57.0    58.7
113  Bradley. Tim        Unu         M    2    45-49 4    45     23:48.0    58.7
89   Brooks. Edward      USM         M    3    30-39 5    30     22:11.0    58.4
121  Kellie. Ed          BIW         M    3    50-59 12   50     24:52.0    58.4
92   Dibiese. Nick       IDE         M    3    30-39 6    30     22:23.0    57.9
131  Heil. Rodger                    M         SPOUS      62     27:53.0    57.9
94   LaPointe. Mark      Bnk         M    3    30-39 7    30     22:26.0    57.8
115  Nevers. Blair       Cor         M    3    40-49 11   40     23:54.0    56.4
119  Karow. Bill         Bnk         M    3    40-49 12   40     24:22.0    55.3
127  Henrich. Lou        ATT         M    1    50-54 9    50     26:36.0    54.6
116  Mullen. Marty       Cor         M    3    30-39 8    30     24:13.0    53.5
129  Eyler. Bob          Unu         M    2    45-49 5    48     27:23.0    52.2
123  Finnimore.Jason     Unu         M    2    25-29 7    29     26:01.0    49.8
134  VanZant. Walt       SCV         M    3    60-69 1    65     33:46.0    49.3
132  Oberley. Tony       Unu         M    2    40-44 8    44     28:10.0    49.2
135  Hamilton. Ed        ATT         M    1    70+   1    76     39:14.0    48.6
133  Eastman. Chris      BIW         M    3    40-49 13   40     29:43.0    45.3
136  Headley. Steve      SCV         M    3    60-69 2    62     55:05.0    29.3

Company      Name                  Time      Age Group  Place   Div   Score

         Heil. Rodger "62         0:27:53      SPOUS      1

Aro      Coway. Nick              0:16:36      00-29      1      3      8

Aro      Velazquez. Hugo          0:19:34      50-59      3      3

Aro      Nibbelink. Bruce         0:19:11      30-39      4      3

Aro      Norwood. David           0:19:44      40-49      5      3

Aro      Hecht. Jim               0:21:45      50-59      6      3

Aro      Hiatt. Bill              0:23:48      50-59     10      3

BIW      Guilani. Lance           0:17:35      40-49      1      3      5

BIW      Segers. Gui              0:17:49      40-49      2      3

BIW      Sickel.Tim !52           0:19:27      50-59      2      3

BIW      Banger. Jeff             0:17:55      40-49      3      3

BIW      Kellie. Ed               0:24:52      50-59     12      3

BIW      Eastman. Chris           0:29:43      40-49     13      3

Bnk      Perreault. Brian         0:18:30      30-39      2      3      18

Bnk      LaPointe. Mark           0:22:26      30-39      7      3

Bnk      Spurr. Greg              0:22:24      40-49      9      3

Bnk      Karow. Bill              0:24:22      40-49     12      3

Cor      Mullen. Marty            0:24:13      30-39      8      3

Cor      Nevers. Blair            0:23:54      40-49     11      3

IDE      Tilton. Gary             0:19:51      40-49      6      3      19

IDE      Dibiese. Nick            0:22:23      30-39      6      3

IDE      Caoppolino. Joe          0:21:50      40-49      7      3

IDE      James. John              0:22:54      50-59      8      3

LLB      Hemphill. Ethan          0:15:35      30-39      1      3      16

LLB      Williams. Jim            0:22:43      50-59      7      3

LLB      Price. Don               0:22:22      40-49      8      3

LLB      Boutet. Bruce            0:22:55      50-59      9      3

LLB      Nowak. Mark              0:23:51      50-59     11      3

Por      Madore. Josh             0:18:13      00-29      3      3      12

Por      Young. David             0:20:30      50-59      4      3

Por      Washburn. Malcolm        0:21:41      50-59      5      3

SCV      VanZant. Walt            0:33:46      60-69      1      3      5

SCV      Tompkins. Matt           0:17:01      00-29      2      3

SCV      Headley. Steve           0:55:05      60-69      2      3

SCV      Kriege. Mike             0:18:52      40-49      4      3

USM      Roberts. David           0:17:39      50-59      1      3      8

USM      Mann.Dave !34            0:18:34      30-39      3      3

USM      Ertha. Devon             0:21:54      00-29      4      3

USM      Brooks. Edward           0:22:11      30-39      5      3

WEX      Slater. David            0:22:57      40-49     10      3

         Rogers. Bill             0:18:35