Nationals - 2004

Name              Team         Sex Age 1st Attemp2nd Attemp3rd Attemp4th Attemp Best Mark Points Disc PoAth TotTeam To Pl
Scott Depanfilis  AT&T (1)     M   40  38'00.50  39'02.50  39'02.25  37'04.25     39'02.50  713    574   1287   2265   3rd
Dan Peters        AT&T (1)     M   60  31'11.75  30'11.50  32'06.50  32'02.50     32'06.50  588    390    978
Nancy Miller      AT&T (1)     F   60  19'03.00  17'03.00  18'05.25  16'03.00     19'03.00  496    322    818
John Stilbert     Exxon (1)    M   50  28'03.00  31'06.25  30'09.50  29'10.75     31'06.25  578    574   1152   2056   4th
Jovette Jolicoeur Exxon (1)    F   40  25'07.25  26'01.50  25'00.75  24'11.75     26'01.50  498    406    904
Rudy Houg         GE (1)       M   70  44'10.50  43'07.75  45'09.25  43'00.25     45'09.25 1019    957   1976   3399   1st
Joe Johns         GE (1)       M   45  40'07.00  40'03.00  41'00.25  40'02.50     41'00.25  832    591   1423
Kunie Lawson      GE (1)       M   30  45'02.50  45'07.00  '.        43'03.75     45'07.00  685    710   1395
Craig Shumaker    Lock-Mart (1)M   55  48'04.75  '.        48'07.25  48'03.25     48'07.25  940    692   1632   2493   2nd
Melissa White     Lock-Mart (1)F   45  21'09.50  21'10.75  22'08.50  23'05.50     23'05.50  478    383    861
Kerry Verschueren Lock-Mart (1)F   25  26'01.00  27'09.25  28'10.75  29'03.25     29'03.25  467    360    827

Jim Eberhardt     Booz-Allen (2M   30  40'00.25  35'11.25  41'08.25  42'04.25     42'04.25  636    627   1263   2190   3rd
Shayne McKenzie   Booz-Allen (2M   35  32'05.50  32'08.75  '.        33'03.50     33'03.50  548    379    927
Steve Skolochenko Booz-Allen (2M   60  30'03.25  28'07.75  28'03.75  28'08.00     30'03.25  547    377    924
Lonnie Lewis      TI (2)       M   50  46'07.50  47'00.50  45'08.25  47'05.75     47'05.75  871    611   1482   2833   1st
Dave Rothenbury   TI (2)       M   40  35'10.25  36'00.75  35'11.25  36'04.75     36'04.75  662    689   1351
Eric Fortin       Unum (2)     M   25  39'02.00  41'11.00  45'50.75  44'08.00     45'50.75  681    596   1277   2504   2nd
Rick Bois         Unum (2)     M   35  '.        37'03.00  37'11.00  38'08.50     38'08.50  638    589   1227
Judie Harisine    Unum (2)     F   50  22'01.75  22'07.75  21'01.00  21'08.75     22'07.75  496    347    843

Adam Teunissen    Aerospace (3)M   25                                32'08.25     32'08.25  452    451    903   1778  10th
Greg Lash         Aerospace (3)M   50                                26'09.25     26'09.25  491    384    875
David Adlis       Aerospace (3)M   40                                24'09.00     24'09.00  450    319    769
Jeff Amos         BankNorth (3)M   30                                45'05.25     45'05.25  682    641   1323   2361   6th
Charles Record    BankNorth (3)M   30                                35'03.00     35'03.00  529    509   1038
Marcia Amos       BankNorth (3)F   25                                31'00.00     31'00.00  494    374    868
Mike Snyder       BIW (3)      M   45                                42'10.50     42'10.50  869    591   1460   2754   1st
Lou Sandmaier     BIW (3)      M   50                                37'06.75     37'06.75  689    605   1294
Bill Stevens      BIW (3)      M   40                                34'03.25     34'03.25  624    526   1150
John Roberts      Core (3)     M   45                                25'03.75     25'03.75  513    414    927   1702  11th
Boris Becker      Core (3)     M   35                                27'10.00     27'10.00  458    317    775
Monica Girard     Core (3)     F   35                                21'11.25     21'11.25  392    331    723
John Maley        IDEXX (3)    M   55                                30'06.00     30'06.00  590    471   1061   2022   9th
Jim Russell       IDEXX (3)    M   35                                34'09.75     34'09.75  573    388    961
Steve Roy         IDEXX (3)    M   30                                31'04.50     31'04.50  471    455    926
Matthew Brown     LG&E (3)     M   25                                50'09.75     50'09.75  703    656   1359   2383   5th
Kellie Cheney     LG&E (3)     F   30                                36'02.00     36'02.00  610    414   1024
Doug Balko        LG&E (3)     M   45                                26'02.00     26'02.00  530     0     530
Scott Ankley      LL Bean (3)  M   35                                36'02.00     36'02.00  596    516   1112   2166   8th
Steve Reed        LL Bean (3)  M   60                                36'06.75     36'06.75  660    394   1054
Dennis O'Brien    LL Bean (3)  M   40                                31'10.75     31'10.75  580    455   1035
Warren Heaps      Portland (3) M   60                                30'01.50     30'01.50  544    386    930   1629  12th
Lisa Jensen       Portland (3) F   25                                23'03.75     23'03.75  372    327    699
Steve Headley     SCVAL (3)    M   60                                42'08.25     42'08.25  771    536   1307   2532   4th
Roland Baza       SCVAL (3)    M   50                                40'06.75     40'06.75  744    481   1225
Walt VanZant      SCVAL (3)    M   65                                29'08.00     29'08.00  613    407   1020
Virgil Paulsen    Tex Cap (3)  M   60                                45'06.50     45'06.50  823    665   1488   2735   2nd
Amy Paulsen       Tex Cap (3)  F   30                                39'05.25     39'05.25  665    582   1247
Joe Carlozzi      USM (3)      M   65                                39'03.25     39'03.25  812    654   1466   2558   3rd
George Cadigan    USM (3)      M   45                                29'09.25     29'09.25  603    489   1092
Karen Croteau     USM (3)      F   40                                23'09.50     23'09.50  453    315    768
Peter Serunian    Wright Ex (3)M   45                                33'09.00     33'09.00  684    542   1226   2296   7th
Sam Rinaldi       Wright Ex (3)M   40                                34'08.50     34'08.50  632    438   1070

Name              Team           Sex Age 1st Attempt2nd Attempt3rd Attempt4th AttemptBest Mark Points
Scott Depanfilis  AT&T (1)       M   40  '.         114'02.00  117'11.00  116'08.00   117'11.00    574
Dan Peters        AT&T (1)       M   60  79'05.00   77'02.00   76'03.00   '.           79'05.00    390
Nancy Miller      AT&T (1)       F   60  42'00.00   44'05.00   43'10.00   39'03.00     44'05.00    322
John Stilbert     Exxon (1)      M   50  116'05.00  '.         112'04.00  112'04.00   116'05.00    574
Jovette Jolicoeur Exxon (1)      F   40  76'04.00   76'11.00   77'07.00   77'10.00     77'10.00    406
Rudy Houg         GE (1)         M   70  142'07.00  135'11.00  138'06.00  145'00.00   145'00.00    957
Kunie Lawson      GE (1)         M   30  153'06.00  161'10.00  157'02.00  160'00.00   161'10.00    710
Joe Johns         GE (1)         M   45  112'03.00  109'08.00  114'03.00  '.          114'03.00    591
Craig Shumaker    Lock-Mart (1)  M   55  127'07.00  131'07.00  '.         131'03.00   131'07.00    692
Melissa White     Lock-Mart (1)  F   45  58'03.00   50'09.00   56'04.00   68'08.00     68'08.00    383
Kerry Verschueren Lock-Mart (1)  F   25  78'00.00   73'06.00   '.         74'04.00     78'00.00    360

Jim Eberhardt     Booz-Allen (2) M   30  '.         134'00.00  143'00.00  138'11.00   143'00.00    627
Shayne McKenzie   Booz-Allen (2) M   35  82'02.00   '.         70'02.00   '.           82'02.00    379
Steve Skolochenko Booz-Allen (2) M   60  62'01.00   70'01.00   76'10.00   63'10.00     76'10.00    377
Dave Rothenbury   TI (2)         M   40  136'03.00  140'11.00  141'07.00  139'05.00   141'07.00    689
Lonnie Lewis      TI (2)         M   50  107'01.00  105'08.00  124'00.00  '.          124'00.00    611
Eric Fortin       Unum (2)       M   25  136'00.00  125'10.00  '.         '.          136'00.00    596
Rick Bois         Unum (2)       M   35  127'05.00  125'07.00  120'11.00  '.          127'05.00    589
Judie Harisine    Unum (2)       F   50  54'08.00   47'02.00   46'04.00   57'06.00     57'06.00    347

Adam Teunissen    Aerospace (3)  M   25  85'05.00   103'00.00  92'07.00   89'06.00    103'00.00    451
Greg Lash         Aerospace (3)  M   50  76'10.00   74'00.00   77'10.00   '.           77'10.00    384
David Adlis       Aerospace (3)  M   40  '.         61'04.00   65'08.00   '.           65'08.00    319
Jeff Amos         BankNorth (3)  M   30  146'01.00  129'11.00  145'01.00  '.          146'01.00    641
Charles Record    BankNorth (3)  M   30  115'11.00  114'10.00  '.         116'01.00   116'01.00    509
Marcia Amos       BankNorth (3)  F   25  73'02.00   81'02.00   74'07.00   80'04.00     81'02.00    374
Lou Sandmaier     BIW (3)        M   50  122'08.00  97'03.00   '.         '.          122'08.00    605
Mike Snyder       BIW (3)        M   45  '.         108'09.00  114'02.00  92'11.00    114'02.00    591
Bill Stevens      BIW (3)        M   40  107'11.00  108'01.00  108'02.00  106'01.00   108'02.00    526
John Roberts      Core (3)       M   45  80'01.00   75'07.00   '.         78'05.00     80'01.00    414
Monica Girard     Core (3)       F   35  67'05.00   65'00.00   64'04.00   66'08.00     67'05.00    331
Boris Becker      Core (3)       M   35  '.         59'08.00   63'10.00   68'09.00     68'09.00    317
John Maley        IDEXX (3)      M   55  89'07.00   '.         '.         89'08.00     89'08.00    471
Steve Roy         IDEXX (3)      M   30  '.         103'08.00  103'01.00  89'03.00    103'08.00    455
Jim Russell       IDEXX (3)      M   35  84'01.00   74'06.00   71'06.00   71'05.00     84'01.00    388
Matthew Brown     LG&E (3)       M   25  143'00.00  145'05.00  138'10.00  149'08.00   149'08.00    656
Kellie Cheney     LG&E (3)       F   30  '.         87'07.00   73'25.00   89'08.00     89'08.00    414
Scott Ankley      LL Bean (3)    M   35  111'08.00  108'11.00  106'01.00  '.          111'08.00    516
Dennis O'Brien    LL Bean (3)    M   40  93'00.00   91'02.00   93'06.00   '.           93'06.00    455
Steve Reed        LL Bean (3)    M   60  75'04.00   '.         80'02.00   80'04.00     80'04.00    394
Warren Heaps      Portland/Semi (M   60  75'05.00   59'05.00   74'02.00   78'09.00     78'09.00    386
Lisa Jensen       Portland/Semi (F   25  '.         69'04.00   60'09.00   70'10.00     70'10.00    327
Steve Headley     SCVAL (3)      M   60  105'02.00  109'02.00  108'09.00  100'02.00   109'02.00    536
Roland Baza       SCVAL (3)      M   50  '.         94'04.00   '.         97'06.00     97'06.00    481
Walt VanZant      SCVAL (3)      M   65  69'00.00   75'07.00   63'00.00   69'06.00     75'07.00    407
Virgil Paulsen    Tex Cap (3)    M   60  122'09.00  125'01.00  129'03.00  135'04.00   135'04.00    665
Amy Paulsen       Tex Cap (3)    F   30  125'11.00  123'07.00  114'05.00  '.          125'11.00    582
Joe Carlozzi      USM (3)        M   65  108'00.00  107'05.00  113'10.00  121'03.00   121'03.00    654
George Cadigan    USM (3)        M   45  94'07.00   85'02.00   85'11.00   73'03.00     94'07.00    489
Karen Croteau     USM (3)        F   40  60'04.00   53'03.00   51'08.00   51'03.00     60'04.00    315
Peter Serunian    Wright Express M   45  98'02.00   99'01.00   '.         104'09.00   104'09.00    542
Sam Rinaldi       Wright Express M   40  90'01.00   83'07.00   86'08.00   85'08.00     90'01.00    438

Shot Put & Discus

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Shot Put
Division 1                       Division 2                       Division 3

   DIV 1  Shot Put - Individual Results - MEN


         Name                  Age     Team              Best Mark


     1   Craig Shumaker        55      Lockheed Martin   48-07.25

     2   Rudy Houg             70      GE                45-09.25

     3   Kunie Lawson          30      GE                45-07.00

     4   Joe Johns             45      GE                41-00.25

     5   Scott Depanfilis      40      AT&T              39-02.50

     6   Dan Peters            60      AT&T              32-06.50

     7   John Stilbert         50      Exxon             31-06.25

   DIV 1  Shot Put - Individual Results - WOMEN


         Name                  Age     Team              Best Mark


     1   Kerry Verschueren     25      Lockheed Martin   29-03.25

     2   Jovette Jolicoeur     45      Exxon             26-01.50

     3   Melissa White         45      Lockheed Martin   23-05.50

     4   Nancy Miller          60      AT&T              19-03.00


   DIV 2  Shot Put - Individual Results - MEN


         Name                  Age     Team              Best Mark


     1   Lonnie Lewis          50      Texas Instruments  47-05.75

     2   Eric Fortin           25      UNUM               45-05.75

     3   Jim Eberhardt         30      Booz-Allen         42-04.25

     4   Rick Bois             35      UNUM               38-08.50

     5   Dave Rothenbury       40      Texas Instruments  36-04.75

     6   Shayne McKenzie       35      Booz-Allen         33-03.50

     7   Steve Skolochenko     60      Booz-Allen         30-03.25

   DIV 2 Shot Put - Individual Results - WOMEN


         Name                  Age     Team              Best Mark


     1   Judy Hairsine         50     UNUM                22-07.75


   DIV 3 Shot Put - Individual Results - MEN


         Name                  Age     Team              Best Mark


     1   Matthew Brown         25      LG&E               50-09.75

     2   Virgil Paulson        60      Tex/Cap            45-06.50

     3   Jeff Amos             30      Banknorth          45-05.25

     4   Mike Snyder           45      BIW                42-10.50

     5   Steve Headley         60      SCVAL              42-08.25

     6   Roland Baza           50      SCVAL              40-06.75

     7   Joe Carlozzi          65      USM                39-03.25

     8   Lou Sandmaier         50      BIW                37-06.75

     9   Steve Reed            60      LLBean             36-06.75

    10   Scott Ackley          35      LLBean             36-02.00

    11   Charles Record        30      Banknorth          35-03.00

    12   Jim Russell           35      IDEXX              34-09.75

    13   Sam Rinaldi           40      Wright Express     34-08.50

    14   Bill Stevens          40      BIW                34-03.25

    15   Peter Serunian        45      Wright Express     33-09.00

    16   Adam Teunissen        25      Aerospace          32-08.25

    17   Dennis O'Brien        40      LLBean             31-10.75

    18   Steve Roy             30      IDEXX              31-04.50

    19   John Maley            55      IDEXX              30-06.00

    20   Warren Heaps          60      City of Portland   30-01.50

    21   George Cadigan        45      USM                29-09.25

    22   Walt VanZant          65      SCVAL              29-08.00

    23   Boris Becker          35      CORE               27-10.00

    24   Greg Lash             50      Aerospace          26-09.25

    25   Doug Balko            45      LG&E               26-02.00

    26   David Adlis           40      Aerospace          24-09.00

    27   John Roberts          45      CORE               25-03.75

   DIV 3  Shot Put - Individual Results - WOMEN


         Name                  Age     Team              Best Mark


     1   Amy Paulson            30     Tex/Cap           39-05.25

     2   Kellie Cheney          30     LG&E              36-02.00

     3   Marcia Amos            25     Banknorth         31-00.00

     4   Karen Croteau          40     USM               23-09.50

     5   Lisa Jensen            25     City Of Portland  23-03.75

     6   Monica Girard          35     CORE              21-11.25

Division 1                       Division 2                       Division 3

   DIV 1  Discus - Individual Results - MEN


           Name              Age       Team              Best Mark


     1    Kunie Lawson        30      GE                 161-10.00

     2    Rudy Houg           70      GE                 145-00.00

     3    Craig Shumaker      55      Lockheed Martin    131-07.00

     4    Scott Depanfilis    40      AT&T               116-08.00

     5    John Stilbert       50      Exxon              116-05.00

     6    Joe Johns           45      GE                 114-03.00

     7    Dan Peters          60      AT&T                79-05.00

     8    Kerry Verschueren   25      Lockheed Martin     78-00.00

   DIV 1  Discus - Individual Results - WOMEN


           Name              Age       Team              Best Mark


     1    Jovette Jolicouer   45        Exxon             77-07.00

     2    Melissa White       45        Lockheed Martin   68-08.00

     3    Nancy Miller        60         AT&T             44-05.00


   DIV 2  Discus - Individual Results - MEN


           Name              Age       Team              Best Mark


     1    Jim Eberhardt       30      Booz-Allen          143-00.00

     2    Dave Rothenbury     40      Texas Instruments   141-07.00

     3    Eric Fortin         25      UNUM                136-00.00

     4    Rick Bois           35      UNUM                127-05.00

     5    Lonnie Lewis        50      Texas Instruments   124-00.00

     6    Shayne McKenzie     35      Booz-Allen           82-02.00

     7    Steve Skolochenko   60      Booz-Allen           76-10.00

   DIV 2 Discus - Individual Results - WOMEN


           Name              Age       Team              Best Mark


     1   Judy Hairsine        50      UNUM                 57-06.00


   DIV 3 Discus - Individual Results - MEN


           Name              Age       Team              Best Mark


     1   Matthew Brown        25      LG&E                149-08.00

     2   Jeff Amos            30      Banknorth           146-01.00

     3   Virgil Paulson       60      TexCap              135-04.00

     4   Lou Sandmaier        50      BIW                 122-08.00

     5   Joe Carlozzi         65      USM                 121-03.00

     6   Charles Record       30      Banknorth           116-01.00

     7   Mike Snyder          45      BIW                 114-02.00

     8   Scott Ankley         35      LLBean              111-08.00

     9   Steve Headley        60      SCVAL               109-02.00

    10   Bill Stevens         40      BIW                 108-02.00

    11   Peter Serunian       45      Wright Express      104-09.00

    12   Steve Roy            30      IDEXX               103-08.00

    14   Adam Teunissen       25      Aerospace           103-00.00

    15   George Cadigan       45      USM                  94-07.00

    16   Dennis O'Brien       40      LLBean               93-06.00

    17   Sam Rinaldi          40      Wright Express       90-01.00

    18   John Maley           55      IDEXX                89-08.00

    19   Jim Russell          35      IDEXX                84-01.00

    20   Steve Reed           60      LLBean               80-04.00

    21   John Roberts         45      CORE                 80-01.00

    22   Warren Heaps         60      City of Portland     78-09.00

    23   Greg Lash            50      Aerospace            77-10.00

    24   Boris Becker         35      CORE                 68-09.00

    25   David Adlis          40      Aerospace            65-08.00

   DIV 3  Discus - Individual Results - WOMEN


           Name              Age       Team              Best Mark


     1   Amy Paulson          30      TexCap              125-11.00

     2   Kellie Cheney        30      LG&E                 89-08.00

     3   Marcia Amos          25      Banknorth            81-02.00

     4   Lisa Jensen          25      City of Portland     70-10.00

     5   Monica Girard        35      CORE                 67-05.00

     6   Karen Croteau        40      USM                  60-04.00

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