1965 Fall Sports Award Program - 01/12/66
Introductory Remarks .......................... Mr Kendall Stranger, Principal
Introduction of Coaches ..................... Mr Gus Talbot, Director of Athletics
"D" Basketball ...................................... Mr Donald Linden
"C" Basketball ...................................... Mr Clayton Bowling
Cross Country ...................................... Mr Verne Thornburg
Frosh Football ...................................... Mr Fred Ertman
Frosh/Soph Football ........................... Mr John Nicholas
Water Polo ........................................... Mr Richard Blick
Lynbrook Yells ................................... Cheer Leaders
Lynbrook Fight Song ....................... Mr Rocco DiStasio and
Lynbrook Pep Band
(Cheer Leaders & Song Girls)
Refreshments ................................... Served by Letter Girls
"D" Basketball
COACH: Donald Linden
TEAM: Bob Applegate, Shawn Bagley, Todd Bogart, Tom Doody, Bob Doody,
Dave McGory, Dennis Shover, Kent Spiller, Arno Stock,
John Tendeland, Greg Westrum, Jeff Young
"C" Basketball
COACH: Clayton Bowling
TEAM: Russ Bishop, Mark Eldsvoog, Barry Krowne, Greg McFall,
Doug Porter, Jeff Potter, Gary Rollinson, Scott Rule,
Mitch Sano, Jerry Schmidt
Cross Country
COACH: Verne Thornburg
TEAM: Freshman - Steven Ashby, Alan Bonsteel, Peter Boudreau,
James Carroll, Brett Dearing, Monte Faust, Leonard Gomolicke, Dennis Hanson,
David Harding, Ralph Jordan, Curtis Keswick, Paul Stinson
Sophomores - Earl Burke, Vinitus Carter, Cary Davis, Randy Doyle, Mark Gibbs,
John McCoy, Bert McMahon, Don Morris, Michael Rapson, Randy Reeve,
Patrick Spencer, Craig Spingath, Howard Webber
Managers - Michael Alfred and Victor Rizzo
Frosh Football
COACHES: Fred Ertman, David Barker, Robert Garratt
TEAM: Douglas Allen, Jerry Bellefeville, Bill Black, Tim Brand, Jim Brandon,
Tom Burke, Bob Cole, Mike Coleman, Scott Conrad, Mark Decker, Mark Dewhirst,
Dan Dommert, Bruce Drury, John Dudley, Joe Eich, Jim Ellsworth, Richard Espinoza,
Scott Fanning, Steve Fanucchi, Paul Ferreira, Mike Fish, Eutiquio Gomez, Phil Graves,
Roy Hildestad, Craig Maltman, Rick Maltman, Terry McGonigal, Dennis McVey,
Glenn Ohara, Paul Olson, Dave Parker, Phillip Robinson, Stan Sager, Ken Schmitz,
Joe Serrano, Bob Skinner, Greg Swart, Bill Washington, Tom White, Jim York,
Don Zils, Chris Zukin
Frosh/Soph Football
COACH: John Nicholas, William Mansfield, Tom Vestal
TEAM: Charles Anshutes, Dennis Barrett, Gordon Blais, Alan Blane, Mike Bruton,
Roddy Chandler, Steve Chastain, Jim Clark, Bruce DeBoer, Dale Dickert, Gary Drake,
Mark Elstad, Robert Emler, Mike Fischer, Richard Floyd, Jay French, Larry Hadley,
Brent Harline, Dave Jolly, Harry Lee, Mike Lovaglia, Bill Mancuso, Bill Marsella,
Mike McGee, Gary Miller, Bob Morotti, Tom Neu, Steve O'Conner, Lance Osborne,
Dave Pennington, Brian Pitcher, Mike Pleban, Dave Potestio, Mike Rodgers,
Dave Schneider, Ken Silvey, Doug Stone, Andy Thomas, Brad True, John Wall,
Jim Walton, Bud White, Dave White, Don Wiggin, Jim Zils
Water Polo
COACH: Richard Blick, Stanley Boone
TEAM: Tim Brown, Jeff Coen, Gary Cole, Craig DeManty, Bruce Dionne,
Steve Farmer, Kirt Forrest, Greg Gibson, George Gilmour, Bob Hill, Bill Ivison,
Jim Johnston, Pat Kinn, Paul Lavella, Rick McCoid, Bill Meyer, Mark Nolan,
Terry Sordall, Steve Spencer, Chris Tammaro, Gary Tranter, Jim Wiezel,
Steve Winters, Felix Young
Every Lynbrook athlete who successfully completed the fall season will receive
this certificate, signed by the principal, coach, and student body president.
To be eligible to receive this award a boy must have earned full athletic
points for the particular sport season, and must also possess the highest
academic record of that group. This trophy rewards the desirable
combination of outstanding athletic and academic achievement.
Candidates for this award must not only have earned full athletic points
for the particular sport season, but must also have demonstrated the
ability to motivate and "inspire" their fellow team members to greater
efforts under both favorable and adverse conditions. This trophy
symbolizes the true Viking spirit.
Ly-Ly Lynb
ro-ro rook
Lynbrook, Lynbrook;
Go, fight, Lynbrook!
Who are the Vikings, (clap-clap-clap-clap)?
We are the Vikings, (clap-clap-clap-clap)
What kind of Vikings (clap-clap-clap-clap)?
Fighting Vikings (clap-clap-clap-clap)
Fight you Vikings (clap-clap-clap-clap)
Lynbrook Vikings
Hats off to thee!
To our colors
True we shall ever be,
Firm and strong
United are we !!
Rah, Rah; red, white and blue
Rah, Rah; oh Vikings true
Fight on for Lynbrook High!