All SCVAL - 1968
Dear Coach,
The criteria used in dertermining the S.C.V.A.L. Cross Country team is
as follows: (1) League time, (2) Region and section, time and place, (3)
Postal meet time, (4) time and place in major invitationals and, (5)
consistency in major meets of the year. Coach Thornberg and myself spent three
hours viewing past performances of ALL boys considered for the team. We
feel the boys selected meet best the criteria for team selection. This
same criteria has been used the previous two years in selecting the team.
Yours in Sport,
Coach Renner
Count Name School Year
1 Brassell, Tom Homestead 11
2 Brown, Ric Los Altos 11
3 Christenson, JackHomestead 12
4 Cruz, Dan Wilcox 12
5 Ferguson, Mike Homestead 12
6 Flynn, Steve Homestead 12
7 Gaesser, Paul Homestead 11
8 Hanes, Jack Homestead 12
9 Johnson, Kirk Los Altos 12
10 Larrson, Jack Fremont 12
11 Rios, Al Wilcox 12
12 Stahl, Randy Homestead 11
Rank Name School
1 DeSelms, Kevin Lynbrook
2 Hager, Frans Awalt
3 Lima, Mark Cupertino
4 Mahan, John Cupertino
5 Messerth, Andy Wilcox
6 Mills, Walter Awalt
7 Skinner, Paul Lynbrook
8 Thompson, Terry Cupertino
9 Verette, Tom Awalt
10 Wilson, Brian Wilcox
Rank Name School
1 Bailey, Marc Buchser
2 Bardett, Mark Cupertino
3 Berka, Chris Los Altos
4 Deppe, Jack Fremont
5 Fontain, Grant Awalt
6 Hager, Paul Awalt
7 Howell, Mike Homestead
8 Lott, Mike Cupertino
9 Noeske, Brodie Sunnyvale
10 Rodriguez, Frank Cupertino