Schedule - 1980
There is a Boosters' Club Breakfast this Saturday morning from 8:30 to 10:30 am in the Lynbrook Cafeteria.
Please plan to be there with our family. It is for a good cause. Yours.
I want signed (both sides) physical cards NOW NOW NOW. I will hold them until the day that we all go together to the ASB bank.
On 9-18-80 is cross country day. You will need your student body card, physical card, $25.00 fee, and in some cases the
$2.00 insurance fee. These you will present to the ASB bank. I'll give you back the physical card before we go over. This
way you will not lose it.
Friday Sept. 19 Watermelon Run @ Lynbrook 3:00 PM
Wed Sept. 24 At Homestead 3:00 PM
Sat Sept. 27 At Sunnyvale 9:30 AM
Sat Oct. 4 At Aptos 9:30 AM
Wed or ThursOct. 8 or At Gunn 3:00 PM
Mon Oct. 13 At Stanford 3:00 PM
Sat Oct. 18 At St. Francis/Foothill 9:30 AM
Thursday Oct. 23 At Center Meet/Crystal Springs 3:00 PM
Sat Oct. 25 At National Postal/West Valley 9:00 AM
Thursday Oct. 30 At Center Meet/Crystal Springs 3:00 PM
Wed Nov. 5 League Meet at Crystal Springs 2:30 PM
Thursday Nov. 13 Region II at Crystal Springs 3:00 PM
Tues Nov. 18 CCS at Crystal Springs 3:00 PM
Sat Nov. 22 NORCAL at Crystal Springs High noon
**** There may be changes. Not everyone goes to all these meets. Fancy schedule next
week, as this is just an idea of the meets.
Testing dates to note:
SAT dates Oct. 11 with closing Sept. 19
SAT dates Nov. 1 with closing Sept. 26
ACT dates Oct. 18 with closing Sept. 19
PSAT is Oct. 25
Green field at Lynbrook is 773 yards long.
880 is one lap blue blue door (2nd)
1320 is one lap plus almond tree
Mile is two laps plus yellow bumpstrip
2 Miles are 4 laps plus meeting of j & p
3 miles are 6 laps plus corner of baseball nets
Crazy Eight is 1 mile to west side of dugout. Lynbrook course is 2.35 miles.