1986 Each morning of an away meet, the time to be excused from class will be announced during the morning announcements. The time will be different for each meet. There will be times when only part of the teams will be leaving, and there will be meets where some runners will leave earlier than other runners. If you are confused by all this, please give me a call in Room 50. Our hope is to keep as many runners in class as long as we can. Since we have to travel great distances to our meets, we hope you understand our problem. The runners should indicate in advance the days that they will have to miss class. 12th Grade Elliott, Bryan Gunby, Lee Haag, David Herring, Doug Hsia, Eric Hyde, Mike Hurd, Colleen Jerdes, Larry McElravey, Toby Miller, Joel Pardini, Mike Pietrowicz, Steven Thayer, Janice Yacoub, Rosie 11th Grade Allen, Andrew Blumstein, Greg Braunstein, Jeff Dennis, Don Feltman, John Hiatt, Eric Kim, David Lee, Daryl O’Brien, Dennis Park, Sam Utter, Garth Yuen, Mark 10th Grade Abdul-Malak, Pierre Hopkins, John Hsia, Curtis Kessel, Shawn Lamasney, Pat Maloney, Kieran Perasco, John Prudhon, Nicole Ochoa, John Seck, Matt Srikantiah, Padimi Stein, David Thayer, John Kolotouros, James 9th Grade Carpenter, Lew Cauthen, Beth Hetrick, Tim Le, Dat Likins, Krag Moyer, Bill O’Jea, Amil Sibley, Perice Wyatt, Matt Yacoub, John