Watermelon Run - 09/19/86
Watermelon Run XC Scores 9/19/86 2.36 Miles Name Grade Time RECORDS: 1 Miller, Joel 12 12:54.3 boys Fitchen, Todd (112:23.2 2 Utter, Garth 11 12:57.1 girls Seck, Michelle(115:12.9 3 Pietrowicz, Steve 12 13:04.2 4 Hiatt, Eric 11 13:05.0 5 Yuen, Mark 11 13:46.3 6 Seck, Matt 10 13:47.3 7 Gunby, Lee 12 13:48.1 8 McElravey, Toby 12 13:50.0 9 Hsia, Eric 12 14:01.4 10 Adbul-Malak, Pierre 10 14:15.2 11 Kessel, Shawn 10 14:23.6 12 Allen, Andrew 11 14:24.0 13 O'Brien, Dennis 11 14:24.3 14 Braunstein, Jeff 11 14:29.2 15 Dennis, Don 11 14:33.9 16 Pardini, Mike 12 14:40.6 17 Lee, Daryl 11 14:52.6 18 Thayer, John 10 14:52.9 19 Carpenter, Lew 9 15:15.8 20 O'Jea, Amil 9 15:15.8 21 Kim, David 11 15:34.9 22 Perasco, John 10 15:40.6 23 Elliott, Bryan 12 15:57.1 24 Blumstein, Greg 11 16:10.8 25 Moyer, Bill 9 16:13.6 26 Le, Dat 9 16:29.1 27 Hetrick, Tim 9 16:30.0 28 Lamasney, Pat 10 16:49.7 29 Kolotouros, Jim 10 16:52.0 30 Hurd, Colleen 12 16:52.5 31 Maloney, Kieran 10 16:52.9 32 Hsia, Curtis 10 17:08.0 33 Feltman, John 11 17:35.9 34 Ochoa, John 10 17:42.3 35 Thayer, Janice 12 18:10.4 36 Yacoub, Rosie 12 18:18.6 37 Cauthen, Beth 9 20:39.9 38 Srikantiah, Padmini 10 20:45.7 39 Sibley, Perice 9 21:50.2 Congradulations are due the following runners: Joel Miller for winning the Watermelon Run from start to finish. He si also the most improved. Coleen Hurd for winning the girls division Garth Utter for being the best Junior runner Matt Seck for being the best sophomore runner Lew Carpenter and Amil O'Jea for being the best freshmen runners Srikantiah, Padmini for being the most improved girl runner and an improvement of over four minutes. John Thayer for running the last half of the race as it should be run Lee Gunby for being the "come back kid" in 1986 COMMENTS The boys varsity time (first five runners) was the second fastest ever. The 1986 tiem was approximately 65:46.0 whiel the record time in 1974 was 64:50. The third best time was in 1975 & 1981 with a of around 66:48.0 and 66:49.0. In the senior times, Joel Miller recorded the sixth fastest time with a 12:54.3, and Garth Utter becomes the second fastest Junior with a time of 12:571.. Eric Hiatt becomes the third fastest Junior ever with a 13:05.0 time. Colleen Hurd becomes the sixth fastest girl ever in 16:52.0. and Kieran Maloney becomes the seventh fastest girl in 16:52.9. The cool day and excellent conditions plus the fast early pace of Joel Miler resulted in the fastest overall race in history. Although the coaches have suffered thru several days of agony, (accused of having the team run so long and hard) the hard work and longer runs paid off with excellent times. There are several runners in both boys and girls divisions that still need more mileage. If you didn't run as well as you thought you might, please remember that every year some runners who didn't run well in the Watermelon Run end up the season as one of our better runners. 1986 will be no different. What the Watermelon Run did show was that the Boys Varsity should be ready to go out and beat some of the upcoming teams. I would like to see Lynbrook have its best placing at Stanford. The Vikes have four good runners that will probably change places in most meets, depending on the course and how each feels. It is also clear that there will be a dog-fight for the remaining places on the team. About seven or eight runners can make it. Coach Fishback and I will be very concerned about where our 5th, 6th, and 7th runners are in the race. They will carry the team one way or the other. For the first time in several years, Lynbrook has some depth so please stay healthy. The frosh/sop team looks stronger this year as does a junior varsity team for Stanford and Serra. In the girls division, we need everyone healthy. If we do we might surprise most of the schools in our league. Thanks to the aprents who attended the watermelon Run. Lynbrook almost always runs well with a large group of parents at the meets. I hope to see more of you in the future. Great job everyone.