Lynbrook Cross-Country
Runners of 1998 - we are now at the beginning of not only a new year
but a new chance. A new chance to make this season one the Lynbrook
runners, students and Alumni will remember for years to come. I
believe we have a team that can make great things happen. Our
DESTINY is in our own hands, now we must all believe that we can MAKE
IT HAPPEN - and then go out and do so. Golfer Dave Stockton was once
asked at the start of the Masters' Tournament to name the player he
most feared in that field of golf champions. "Me," he answered
without hesitation. He couldn't be more right. It's what goes on
INSIDE that counts most in athletic performance.
On the Mens' side, we return 4 out of our 7 Varsity runners. On the
Womens' side, we return 6 of our 7 Varsity runners. We were young
last year and inexperienced - that changes this year. We've had more
people running through the summer than I have ever experienced before
- this will give us STRENGTH. We are loaded with Upper Classmen -
this will give us MATURITY and LEADERSHIP. We have built a program
that grows year after year - this gives us DEPTH. Most importantly,
we have continued to grow the team as a family - this gives us
SUPPORT. When one has an off day, the others can pick up the slack.
There are 2 very important words I want you to always remember -
DESIRE and CONFIDENCE. Desire is the drive for success. This
striving for excellence allows you to "Do the best you can with what
you've got." Confidence is a belief in your ability. It is having
faith in your talents and accepting all challenges that test your
limits. Remember these things and you will have only success within
your Cross Country Family.
Los Gatos will be tough, they also have a new head coach and
struggled through a tough Track season last year - they can be beat!
Monta Vista will be large, they too are in limbo with coaching and
had a difficult track season - they can be beat! Homestead is small,
having lost 2 of their Top 5 and having no women - they can be beat!
Cupertino lost their Top 3 runners but have some new women - they can
be beat! Saratoga is unknown - they can be beat! Fremont - they can
be beat! Do you get the message?
My goal for this year is to start a streak - a streak of 1. To do
that we will need a maximum performance from each and every one of
you. We are only as strong as our weakest link. If we all focus and
concentrate on the task at hand then SYNERGY will kick in and amazing
things will start to happen. This will lead to a great chemistry;
that in turn will lead to consistency in practice and racing on a
daily basis. Cross-Country is 7 days a week. You eat, sleep and
breath Cross-Country.
Our mission for 1998 is to get Lynbrook up at the top where it
belongs. We've been there before and we're going to get there again.
We will do this in 3 ways. First, by being ASSERTIVE ... that means
you will take appropriate risks to be successful. Second, by
PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY ... which means you are responsible for your
actions, having a willingness to face up to your shortcomings and to
pay the price of trying to correct them. Third, by SELF-DISCIPLINE
... which means you are willing to develop and then stick to your
personal "Game Plan." Remember, everytime you go out there to
compete you take the risk of losing to someone you shouldn't, looking
foolish, having a bad race, disappointing yourself, parents, coach,
friends - failure. My response is this: we want runners who view
pressure and crisis as challenges, not as threats, and as
opportunities to grow and learn more about ourselves. You must be
willing to test yourself under difficult situations. You must love
more than just winning; you must love what it allows you to
experience. You can't fear nervousness. You must want to be
nervous, that's the idea. That makes it fun, it allows you to do
great things if you let it. Our theme for '98 ... "It starts at 1!"