Unofficial Minutes For CCS Pre-Season XC Meeting - 9/5/01

(by Walt Van Zant)

All of the league representatives from the various XC leagues attended the meeting.

1. Division Placements

We unanimously voted to make the division splits for both the boys and girls as follows:

I 1400 & Up

II 1100-1399

III 900-1099

IV 351-899

V 1-350

The enrollment figures to be used are for the 2000-2001 year. See the CCS web page for the listing of enrollment by school.

It should be noted that the CCS rules (as approved by the Board of Managers) have been changed so that no school may elect to move up.


The meet will be held at Crystal Springs on Saturday, 11/10/01. The makeup date in case of a postponement due to rain is Tuesday, 11/13/01.

All league representatives were asked to tell their fellow coaches that buses must not double park while letting off the runners and that the buses must not park in front of houses.

III Coaches Alliance

The merits of joining the Coaches Alliance were discussed.

IV At Large Computations

It was noted that the CIF will probably not publish the at-large standards until shortly before the CCS meet. Most likely the at-large standards for the CCS teams will be as follows:


Div 1 Boys = 80:00 Girls = 96:03

Div 2 Boys = 80:36 Girls= 99:23

Div 3 Boys = 82:35 Girls = 98:35

Div 4 Boys = 82:54 Girls = 101:33

Div 5 Boys = 85:30 Girls= 105:28

V Race Results

All coaches who want their results posted on Hank Lawson’s Lynbrook web page should send their results to Walt Van Zant at Wilcox HS or e-mail them to him at

VI Non-CCS Qualifiers XC Meet

Bill Daskarolis discussed a possible new XC meet to be held one week prior to the CCS meet. Those who had not qualified for the CCS meet would run in this meet. It would be scored on a co-ed basis. That is the top 3 boys and top 2 girls for each team would score. The coaches in attendance liked the idea. The meet cannot be initiated until 2002 because the date for requesting sanctioning of meets has already passed.

VII CCS Track Meet

It was noted that the CCS staff has recommended that the CCS track meets be reduced from three to two. That is, the North and South meets would be eliminated and we would start with the semi-finals. The Board of Managers will make its first review of this recommendation at its October meeting.