Unofficial Notes From 12/4/02 CCS Post-Season XC Meeting

Start Time of CCS Meet Races

We voted to reduce the interval between races to 30 minutes after the start of the boys races and 35 minutes after the start of the girls races and to start the first race at 10:00 rather than at 9:30. The meet will finish 30 minutes sooner under this system.

Site of 2003 CCS Finals

It was explained to the coaches that the CCS office has the discretion to determine the site of all CCS events. The CCS office will do its best to arrange that the 2003 meet be held at Crystal Springs. However, there is no guarantee that Crystal will be the site of the 2003 meet. The CCS office may wait as long as next April to start working on sites for fall 2003 sports.


The coaches recommended that 3 team awards be given in XC rather than 2 awards. The CCS office noted that all other sports get 2 awards. Our recommendation will be given to the Awards Committee.

Qualification of Individuals to the CCS Meet

It was noted that individuals on division 4 and 5 teams in large leagues that are mostly comprised of division 1, 2, and 3 schools might have trouble qualifying for the CCS meet even though they would do well if they ran in the CCS division 4 and 5 finals. Therefore, the coaches recommended that a new rule be adopted that allows the top individual in each division on non-CCS qualifying teams at league finals to qualify for the CCS meet.

Entries To The CCS Meet

We voted to change the method of sending entries to the CCS office for the CCS meet next year. All league representatives will prepare the league meet results in Excel format and e-mail these results to the CCS office by noon on the Monday prior to the CCS meet.

Entry of A & B Teams in Meets

The CCS by-laws limit schools to 13 events per season prior to the CCS meet. The CCS office stated that whenever a school entered both an A and B team in a race that this would count as two meets for the school.

Also, it is their preliminary opinion that if a school enters teams in both a "sweeps" and a varsity race at the same meet that this will count as two meets for the school. The CCS office is unsure of what to do when meets are run by grade. That is, there is no varsity race. All seniors run in one race, all juniors in one race, etc. The CCS office will think about this latter situation and issue an opinion later.