MtSAC Invite - CCS Runners only - 10/25&26/2002
2.91 miles @ MSAC JC
Web Results available: Thanks to Walt VanZant of Wilcox HS
10/26/02 - Mt.SAC Invitational
Combined Boys Team Times For CCS Teams
Pl Team Time Race #
1 North Monterey County 80:45 #33
2 King City 82:42 #40
3 San Lorenzo Valley 82:50 #33
4 James Lick 84:38 #12
5 Watsonville 84:47 #65
6 Los Altos 85:08 #12
7 Monterey 85:32 #40
8 Gunn 87:15 #40
9 Half Moon Bay 88:42 Combined
10 Los Gatos 89:36 #40
11 Yerba Buena 96:49 #39
Individual Results For CCS Boys
(N.B. Complete results for Race #33 are missing)
Pl Runner School Time Race #
1 Alex Dunn SLV 15:00.0 #33
2 Jeremy Mineau Menlo-Atherton 15:15.0 #48
3 Andrew Lipkin Gunn 15:42.0 #40
4 Keli Parker NMC 15:51.0 #33
5 Eric Padilla NMC 16:03.0 #33
6 Jorge Oliveros King City 16:03.0 #40
7 Nathan Huerta NMC 16:07.0 #33
8 Taff Dirks Los Altos 16:11.0 #12
9 Jose Guitierrez Lick 16:13.0 #12
10 Victor Camacho Watsonville 16:18.0 #65
11 Roberto Lopez Monterey 16:33.0 #40
12 Jeremy Taylor Los Altos 16:34.0 #12
13 Marco Ayala King City 16:36.0 #40
14 Jose Morales King City 16:37.0 #40
15 Rafael Ramirez King City 16:39.0 #40
16 Eder Tostado Watsonville 16:39.0 #65
17 Brent Nichols Lick 16:43.0 #12
18 Joe Gonzales Monterey 16:45.0 #40
19 Samuel Martinez King City 16:47.0 #40
20 Mike Lucio NMC 16:51.0 # 1
21 Zach Brown Gunn 16:55.0 #40
22 Matt Hayes Monterey 16:58.0 #40
23 Roger Mendez Lick 17:03.0 #12
24 Beau Gradone Watsonville 17:04.0 #65
25 Jose Tapia Watsonville 17:05.0 #65
26 Chris Christensen Monterey 17:13.0 #40
27 Juan Montiel Lick 17:15.0 #12
28 Martin Lizard King City 17:17.0 #40
29 Jesus Campos King City 17:17.0 #40
30 Dan Grech HMB 17:19.0 #21
31 Andrew Buysse Los Altos 17:20.0 #12
32 Tony Aguilar HMB 17:22.0 #24
33 Enrique Mendoza Los Altos 17:23.0 #12
34 Efrain Estrada Lick 17:24.0 #12
35 Greg Geldman Los Gatos 17:25.0 #40
36 Aurel Hernandez Lick 17:39.0 #12
37 Jose Perez (12) NMC 17:39.0 # 1
38 Fletcher Adam Los Altos 17:40.0 #12
39 Cody Ramirez Watsonville 17:41.0 #65
40 Leslie Choong Gunn 17:47.0 #40
41 Marcus Huynh Los Gatos 17:50.0 #40
42 Tyler DeSantis Los Gatos 17:51.0 #40
43 Aaron Wilson HMB 17:52.0 #21
44 Jack Recine HMB 17:59.0 #19
45 Mitch Masuda Monterey 18:03.0 #40
46 Sean Bardes Los Gatos 18:04.0 #40
47 Jan Bennett Yerba Buena 18:07.0 #39
48 Victor Rendon Lick 18:10.0 #12
49 Tristan Jones HMB 18:10.0 #24
50 Damian Martinez Watsonville 18:11.0 #65
51 John McGee Gunn 18:25.0 #40
52 Don Gospar Los Gatos 18:26.0 #40
53 Rishi Gupta Gunn 18:26.0 #40
54 Libo Hernandez NMC 18:29.0 # 1
55 Victor Hernandez Watsonville 18:30.0 #65
56 Jason Schafer HMB 18:37.0 #24
57 Anders Mobert HMB 18:39.0 #24
58 Amos Irwin Gunn 18:39.0 #40
59 Jose Perez (11) NMC 18:44.0 # 1
60 Ryan Abernathy NMC 18:54.0 # 1
61 Cliff Dean Monterey 18:56.0 #40
62 James Tingco NMC 18:56.0 # 1
63 Oliver Mondina Yerba Buena 19:00.0 #39
64 Jeremy Cleveland Los Gatos 19:00.0 #40
65 John Daleiden Monterey 19:04.0 #40
66 Charles Abadie HMB 19:07.0 #24
67 Ryan Havice HMB 19:21.0 #24
68 Tri Nguyen Yerba Buena 19:40.0 #39
69 Luis Rico Yerba Buena 19:55.0 #39
70 Dauni Camargo Yerba Buena 20:07.0 #39
71 Leonard D'Elia Los Altos 20:22.0 #12
72 Ian Rogen HMB 21:12.0 #24
10/26/02 - Mt.SAC Invitational
Combined Girls Team Times For CCS Teams
Pl Team Time Race #
1 San Lorenzo Valley 95:21 #31
2 Gunn 97:26 #50
3 Half Moon Bay 102:16 Combined
4 Presentation 103:03 #30
5 Los Gatos 103:49 #44
6 North Monterey County 104:32 #13
7 Yerba Buena 111:04 #43
8 Monterey 112:03 #44
9 Watsonville 117:46 #69
Individual Results For CCS Girls
Pl Runner School Time Race #
1 Ruth Graham Gunn 17:20.0 #50
2 Raquel Barrientos SLV 17:58.0 #31
3 Melissa Grelli Presentation 18:01.0 #30
4 Tori Tyler Gunn 18:22.0 #50
5 Emily Romo SLV 18:49.0 #31
6 Lindsey Cooper SLV 19:19.0 #31
7 Erica Yung Gunn 19:32.0 #50
8 Kelli Deane SLV 19:35.0 #31
9 Stephanie Hamilton SLV 19:40.0 #31
10 Mandy Williams Presentation 19:43.0 #30
11 Kristen Gallup Monterey 19:50.0 #44
12 Alyson Millett HMB 19:50.0 #20
13 Erica Williams Los Gatos 19:59.0 #44
14 Rachel Williams SLV 20:13.0 #31
15 Sierra Siemer Presentation 20:26.0 #30
16 Adrienne Tabag NMC 20:28.0 #13
17 Carolyn Penner Los Gatos 20:30.0 #44
18 Kathe Fulp-Allen HMB 20:30.0 #20
19 Leilani Ortiz HMB 20:37.0 #27
20 Aimee Kirmayer HMB 20:37.0 #20
21 Megan Fung Gunn 20:39.0 #50
22 Tori Steeves HMB 20:42.0 #27
23 Ali Rubnitz Los Gatos 20:43.0 #44
24 Marissa McReynolds SLV 20:44.0 #31
25 Grecia Garcia NMC 20:45.0 #13
26 Shana Ravel Los Gatos 20:53.0 #44
27 Vivian Chiu Los Altos 20:55.0 #14
28 Fabiola Sanchez Yerba Buena 20:55.0 #43
29 Jessica Sanchez NMC 20:57.0 #13
30 Ashley Hughey HMB 21:04.0 #23
31 Meri Hawkins NMC 21:06.0 #13
32 Amy Gibbs NMC 21:16.0 #13
33 Morgan Davies Presentation 21:18.0 #30
34 Liza Hitchner HMB 21:20.0 #23
35 Lynn Connell-Price Gunn 21:33.0 #50
36 Lacey Hughey HMB 21:37.0 #27
37 Erendira Reyes Yerba Buena 21:42.0 #43
38 Emily Gordon Los Gatos 21:44.0 #44
39 Allie Lemon Los Gatos 21:51.0 #44
40 Jessica Santos NMC 21:51.0 #13
41 Jezebel Ortiz HMB 21:56.0 #27
42 Stephanie Wilcox Los Gatos 21:56.0 #44
43 Ashley Kirmayer HMB 22:04.0 #20
44 Ashley Harris Los Gatos 22:12.0 #38
45 Annie Wiley Gunn 22:14.0 #50
46 Athena Pierre Monterey 22:18.0 #44
47 Liz Keegan Watsonville 22:26.0 #69
48 China Cho NMC 22:27.0 #13
49 Jessica Camargo Yerba Buena 22:33.0 #43
50 Leah Eisen Monterey 22:43.0 #44
51 Audrey Fulwiler HMB 22:48.0 #23
52 Daisy Lamont HMB 22:53.0 #27
53 Pauline Guerrero Yerba Buena 22:54.0 #43
54 Vanessa Hume Monterey 22:57.0 #44
55 Vanessa Corona Yerba Buena 23:00.0 #43
56 Kim Acenas Presentation 23:35.0 #30
57 Alexandra Calerdine Watsonville 23:35.0 #69
58 Lupita Chavez Watsonville 23:39.0 #69
59 Liliana Bailon Yerba Buena 23:41.0 #43
60 Arden Fitzgerald Los Altos 23:42.0 #14
61 Linda Cosio Watsonville 23:43.0 #69
62 Choncy Shu Los Altos 23:46.0 #14
63 Ellen Biley Presentation 23:48.0 #30
64 Jessica Carrow Presentation 24:06.0 #30
65 Kayti Maddox Monterey 24:15.0 #44
66 Chanel Dority Monterey 24:17.0 #44
67 Denise Tostado Watsonville 24:23.0 #69
68 Meg Diesenroth Los Altos 25:14.0 #14
69 Aida Woldu Yerba Buena 26:06.0 #43
70 Lilia Espinosa Watsonville 26:32.0 #69
71 Leah Walsh HMB 28:21.0 #27
72 Brook Bierdeman HMB 28:21.0 #27
73 Michelle Espinosa Watsonville NT #69