Watsonville Wildcat

Cross Country Invitational

This years edition of the Invitational will be held at Pinto Lake County Park due to problems at Mt. Madonna. The Pinto course is our home course and is 2.9 miles of rolling terrain around Pinto Lake.

Divisions: Men’s Races – Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior

Women’s – Junior Varsity, Frosh/Soph, Varsity

In the Men’s races runners must run in their respective divisions. There is no moving up or moving down in a division. Teams that do so will be disqualified in the particular race that it happens in and will not be eligible for the Over All Championship Award. This also holds for Women’s races.

In the Women’s races the top five (5) runners must run Varsity. If you have fewer than 5 runners they must run Varsity or F/S if they are Freshmen or Sophomores. JV Runners are any Junior or Senior not qualifying for your Varsity squad.

Awards: Plaques to the winning teams in each division. In addition there will be a plaque for the Over All Championship team. The Over All championship will be based on the following point system:

10 pts. to the winning team in a division

08 pts. to runner-up; 6 pts. for 3rd place; 4 pts. for 4th place; 3 pts. for 5th place; and 2 pts. for 6th place.

Medals: Medals will be awarded to the top seven (7) members of the winning team in each division. Then the top ten runners not on a winning team will receive a medal.

Fees: $30.00 per team entered. Max. Fee -- $135.00

$5.00 per individual entered (if fewer than five in a race)

Make checks payable to:

Watsonville High School ASB Cross Country Account

Deadlines for Entries: September 15th!

Type or print legibly :

SCHOOL _____________________ COACH _______________ PHONE (SCHOOL) ______________________ (H) __________

Freshman Runners Sophomore Runners


















Junior Runners Senior Runners














Women’s Varsity Women’s Junior Varsity










Women’s Frosh/Soph














FEES: $30.00 X _____________ = _________________

$5.00 X ______________ = _________________

Total Fees: ____________

Entries Due no later than September 15th.















Time Schedule

Women’s F/S 8:30am

Freshman 9:00am

Women’s JV 9:30am

Sophomores 10:00am

Juniors 10:30am

Women’s Varsity 11:00am

Seniors 11:30am

Awards 12:15















SEPTEMBER 21, 2002 8:30 AM