Interview with Melissa Grelli - 10/27/03
Photo: At 2002 Footlocker West Regionals
Lynbrook Sports: What was the injury that kept you out of the beginning of Cross Country and how did you get it?
I injured my right hip flexor at a running camp that I attended in late July. It gave me some trouble during the last few days
at camp. The injury was probably caused by an increase in mileage to quickly. I didn't realize the injury would be so
prolonged and I continued to run and train. But within a week or so it was apparent that I needed to back off and let my hip
rest. So I used that time to attend my college visits.
LS: What was your treatment to get over the injury and how did you train while you had the injury?
My treatment to get over my injury was active rest and intense physical therapy two to three times a week during the month
of August and September. During that time my workouts consisted of swimming laps, hundreds of laps! I also tried the
elliptical trainer and it was OK for a few weeks but it bothered my hip so it was back to swimming. As a precaution, I am
continuing physical therapy once a week.
LS: Now that you're back racing again, what kind of training/workouts are you doing?
I have been back to training for approximately four weeks. I can do hill workouts, long intervals and long runs, pain free! I
don't feel I have lost any of my base but I am definitely working on my speed. I am working towards being able to do hard
workouts at or near race pace.
LS: What is your favorite XC workout?
My favorite type of XC workout would definitely be long runs or long interval workouts. I like these type of long runs because
I love running through all my beautiful trails at Rancho and Los Gatos.
LS: What is your goal for this XC Season?
My personal goal for this XC season is staying healthy and fit, defending my State Championship, and qualifying for
Footlocker Nationals. My goal for the Pres team and as a team member is winning the WCAL League and qualifying for the
State Meet. Pres won the first league meet last week and we have two more to go!
LS: What are your plans for running in the future after HS?
I am very excited about running for my college team after I graduate from Pres. In college, I want to compete competitively
at NCAA Nationals and make All-American. I plan to run after college and always. I might run competitively after college as
well. It's difficult to see too far down the road and I don't want to miss anything along the way.