Lynbrook HS - Cross Country

2007 Highlites & Lowlites

- Team is 24 girls (most ever), 44 guys & 3 Coaches (2nd biggest squad ever). - Marshall Clark 4 Miler has 9 Lynbrook runners compete. - Missy is back and John is a 'newbie' as Coaches. - Cindy Ju and Lauren Comisar are 300 Mile clubbers for the 3rd year in a row. Lynbrook Center Meet: - We're back on our HOME course. - 'Fresh Meat' continues its tradition. - Great start with teams taking 2nds behind the dominant Mtn View. Firebird Invite: - Cindy, in 4th with a 500 to go, nabs a second - shows what a good night sleep will do. - Andrew Jang leads JV Boys race until the last 500 - ends up 4th. - Coach is on crutches. - Fundraiser adds $170 to the coffers. - Pierson starts her tradition of smiling for the camera. Saratoga Invite: - "Which way do I go" Cindy - and she takes 15 ladies with her. - "Look at this NICE track", says Vashisht. - Varsity Boys win first race in 10 years. - Vincent Li finds the "Sweet Spot". - Chianna looks at a locker CLOSE UP. Pepperdine Invite: - At the first rest stop we can't find Brandon & Tiffany but we do pick up Dhruv & Daria. - WiFi on the bus! Coach is happy. - Security tells us to, "quit wandering the halls". - THE RAIN! - Cindy continues her pattern, "did he say left or right". - FS Girls win, VB & JVB get 3rd (nice BIG plaques for all). - 26 out of 30 grab hardware. - We're a SMALL school. - Charades on The Promanade (we get a crowd just be explaining the rules). - The guys (rooms 310 & 314) rearranging their rooms. Central Park Invite: - Pack running is the order of the day (they do this in College all the time). - JV Boys & Girls and the Varsity Girls all grab 4th place team finishes. - Head towards the RR tracks - right Brianna & Linnea? - Pasta feeds (and non-pasta feeds) are a regular tradition. - Hash Run, Jamba Juice Run, Slurpee Run ..., you get the idea. - You guys will never find me under the bridge. - In the Rallye Run, the team of Anna, Lauren, Jamie, Helen, Nandy & Daria beat the guys of Archit, Andrew, Andrew & Gene (26.5 to 23). - Priya's six times (Luca) and Eric's 1:36 to the top. Artichoke Invitational: - 30 minutes to go 30 miles, 45 minutes to go 15 miles. - Varsity Boys take 4th, Varsity Girls take 3rd, JV Girls & F/S Boys take 2nd ... drumroll please ... JV Boys take ... 2nd by 1 point! - Pumpkin Patch gets its share of pictures & pies. Crystal #1 - So this is what hills look like... - 10 parents show up - biggest rooting section we've ever had at Crystal. - Varsity Guys & Gals both show that they are ready for business at Leagues. - Soph Boys ran so fast that people thought they cut the first mile short. - Wind took my hat, the tarp and people lying on it for a ride. - Running on a sprained ankle for two miles can't be fun - just ask Dhruv. - Last turf & surf before the weather turns cool. - Sharks & Minnows - Joshua, Tiffany & Chianna keep from getting ete. - Now how many strides is that... six or eight? - Mathematical Impossibility: 400-200-200 at Rainbow Park (ask Lauren). - Graduation Run happens on the Friday before Leagues and 90% of the team make the entire 9 mile trip (all for a donut). - Nandi runs in to a biker on the run and knocks him over. - Vashisht has a Sponge Bob Square Pants wedgy. - And now get ready for some Stats: : 1763 XC team runners for Lynbrooks History (1431-B & 332-G) : Dual Meet winning percentage - Boys 59.4 & Girls 79.3 (highest since I've been here). Lynbrook Invite/FUHSD Championships: - Varsity Girls take the title away from Monta Vista. - F/S & JV Boys and JV Girls take 2nd (to who else, MV). - Over 95% of the team PR's for the year. - School/age group records (Top 3) were set by: : Luca Signore #2 AT Lynbrook course : Cindy Huang #1 AT & #1 Frosh Lynbrook course : Lauren Tang #3 AT & #3 Frosh Lynbrook course : Chianna Wang #3 Soph Lynbrook course DAL: - Cindy Huang misses the bus, thank goodness for lunchtime traffic. - This is what we have ALL trained for. - Luca pulls up lame at the mile - guys miss time by a mere 12 seconds. - Eric Surprenant is the lone male CCS qualifier. - Girls put it together with a School Record and qualified to CCS. - Alvin Chang is F/S All-League - Cindy Huang, Lauren Tang & Chianna Wang are VG All-League. - Andrew Jang and Archit Sheth-Shah go 1-2 and are JVB All-League. Top 65 All-Time - Lauren Tang ( 3) and # 1 Frosh - Cindy Huang ( 4) and # 2 Frosh - Chianna Wang (12) and # 4 Soph - Michelle Yee (13) and # 6 Soph - Kristen Bryson (16) and # 8 Soph - Jamie Ngo (37) and #16 Junior - Brianna Tucker (50) and #27 Soph - Lauren Comisar (53) and #25 Senior Top 130 All-Time - Luca Signore (21) and # 6 Soph - Amrit Subramanian (65) and #28 Soph - Eric Surprenant (63) and #41 Senior - Gene Burinskiy (72) and #43 Junior - AJ Flint (77) and #44 Junior - Alvin Chang (105) and #26 Frosh - Archit Sheth-Shah(121) and #67 Junior TEAM TIMES at Crystal - Frosh 2nd best since I've been at Lynbrook. - F/S also 2nd best. - JVB are #10 All-Time. - Soph are #7 All-Time. - VB 2nd best since I've been at Lynbrook. - JVG are #3 All-Time. - VG are # 1 All-Time (SCHOOL RECORD!). - DAL Records: 2007 / 2006 / 2005 F/S 23 - 8 (74%) / 17 - 15 (53%) / 19 - 14 (57%) JVB 27 - 4 (87%) / 20 - 10 (66%) / 20 - 8 (71%) JVG 18 - 5 (78%) / 19 - 10 (65%) / 28 - 8 (77%) VB 19 - 13 (59%) / 4 - 16 (20%) / 8 - 28 (22%) VG 23 - 6 (79%) / 3 - 16 (15%) / 15 - 18 (45%) - Coach has to fill out delinquencies and you have to get them. 2007 2006 2005 - VG team GPA is 3.6939 3.6326 3.8039 - VB Team GPA is 3.2917 3.4791 3.6667