
CONSENSUS -- Thanks to Joe Hartman and his voting panelists!
2008 XC Sac-Joaquin Section All-Star Teams
Boys Coach of the Year Terri McKillop - Woodcreek HS Successful Timberwolves girls coach adopted boys team in 2008 and convinced them anything was possible, namely two results no one saw coming: an SFL league title and the D2 Section banner. In her spare time, she led the WHS girls to an upset win over Oak Ridge in the D2 section barnburner.
Honorable Mention: Bill Gregg - Davis In twelve years at the helm, it's now 14 section team titles combined for the Blue Devils girls and boys harriers under Coach Gregg.
Girls Coach of the Year Rob Fairley - Oak Ridge HS With asst. John Mansoor, Fairley has spent long hours assembling and developing youthful Oak Ridge into the force of the future. Trojans claimed SVC league title, second in D2 sections, 7th at state. Honorable Mention: Nathan Woods - Galt HS Led Galt girls to first-ever State Meet appearance.
Boys Runner of the Year: Matt Peterson - Sr. - Davis Sr. HS Girls Runner of the Year: Maria Malone - Sr. - Folsom HS

All-SJS Boys First Team Matt Peterson - Sr. - Davis Sr. HS 1st Team All NorCal All State Seniors 2nd Team Garrett Seawell - Sr. - Woodcreek HS 2nd Team All NorCal Dan Mitchell - Sr. - Del Campo HS 2nd Team All NorCal Chris Haworth - Sr. - Kennedy HS 2nd Team All NorCal Roberto Rosas - Jr. - Grace Davis HS 3rd Team All NorCal All State Juniors 2nd Team Amjed Aboukhadijeh - Jr. - Oak Ridge HS HM All NorCal All State Juniors 3rd Team Kurt Ruegg - Jr. - Napa HS HM All NorCal All State Juniors 3rd Team

All-SJS Boys Second Team Drew Peterson - Sr. - Davis Sr. HS Roberto Alvarez - Sr. - Weston Ranch HS TJ Singh - Sr. - Fairfield HS Matt Airola - Sr. - Bret Harte HS Jared Lester - Jr. - Fairfield HS HM All NorCal Adam Kelly-Strong - Jr. - Jesuit HS HM All NorCal Trevor Halsted - So. - Davis Sr. HS All State Sophs 2nd Team
All-SJS Boys Honorable Mention Chris Izquierdo - Sr. - Grace Davis HS Evan Bornstein - Sr. - El Camino HS Jon Ahmann - Sr. - Pleasant Grove HS Josh Mercado - Sr. Del Campo HS Matthew Pence - Sr. - Armijo HS

All-SJS Girls First Team Maria Malone - Sr. - Folsom HS 1st Team All NorCal All State Seniors 2nd Team Sarah Tusting - Sr. - Benicia HS 2nd Team All NorCal All State Seniors 3rd Team Nicole Mendoza - Sr. - St. Francis HS HM All NorCal Lauren Peterson - Sr. - Galt HS HM All NorCal Hayley Scott - Jr. - Oak Ridge HS HM All NorCal Brooke Holt - So. - Granite Bay HS 2nd Team All NorCal All-State Sophs 2nd Team Stephanie Romo - So. - Woodcreek HS HM All NorCal

All-SJS Girls Second Team Sara Mikesell - Sr. - Bret Harte HS Modesto Bee All-District Courtney Crosta - Jr. - Woodcreek HS HM All NorCal Christine Bowlus - Jr. - Davis Sr. HS Juliana Green - Jr. - Davis Sr. HS Kristine Lozoya - Jr. - Oakmont HS Denise Julian - So. Bear River HS Brittney Putman - So. - Oak Ridge All-SJS Girls Honorable Mention Samantha Diaz - Sr. - Ponderosa HS Shannon Harcus - Jr. - Placer HS Breanne Mitchell - So. - Bear River HS LeeAnn Hold - Fr. - Oak Ridge HS Frosh All NorCal Maxine Goyette - Fr. Oak Ridge HS Frosh All NorCal All-State Frosh 3rd Team |