From: To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Subject: AD & CCS Meetings Date: Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:34 PM Here are a few brief notes from the SCVAL ADs meeting and the post-season CCS meeting. AD Notes Our Commissioner agreed that he had made a mistake. So, we can run varsity, FS, and JV races for both the boys and girls at the league finals next year. CCS Notes The CCS president asked a few months ago that a committee be formed to study what to do about division placement of teams in volleyball, XC, and basketball. The committee met and has written its recommendations. These recommendations were presented to the various league reps last night and unanimously approved by the coaches. It will now be presented to the CCS AD committee, then the league commissioner, and finally to the CCS Executive Committee, which will make the final decision. The proposal is as follows -- Divisions will be determined by enrollment, which is presently done. The total number of schools will be determined as of approximately 4/1 each year and divided by 5. This number of teams will be allocated to each of the 5 divisions. If the total is not divisible by 5, the excess teams will first be allocated to division 1, then to division 2, etc. As an example, if there are 103 teams, 21 teams would be allocated to divisions 1, 2, and 3, and 20 to divisions 4 and 5. Division placement for state championship sports, including XC will be determined as of approximately 4/1 each year. Division 5 teams may elect to move up to division 4 for a 2-year period but must do so for all state championship sports. The first 2-year period will start for 2010/2011 but also can be done for the 2009/2010 year. After, the 2-year period, the Div 5 school can elect to go up to division 3, stay in 4, or go back to 5. The election to move up by a division 5 team must be made by 3/15. Remember. This is a proposal. It could ultimately be accepted, modified or rejected. The coaches liked Hank Lawson's idea of awarding certificates to all CCS contestants and the CCS will refer the idea to its Awards Committee. The coaches liked the idea of the races being run at the CCS meet in the same order as done at the State meet. The CCS office will consider the proposal.

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