Hans Templeman, Carlmont HS (B: Jan 1, 1954 – D: Jan 24, 2009)
Who is Hans Templeman, Carlmont HS (Belmont), Class of 1971? If you’re a hardcore Central Coast Section (CCS) distance runner, then the chances are you’ve heard of him. If you haven’t, today’s your lucky day – read on and be in awe. Hans started off running the way most distance runners do, in high school P.E. class. He had no clue how good he was or how good he could become. Because Hans was the fastest runner in his freshman P.E. class, the P.E. teacher would send him out first to run to the top of "The Loop", a very steep loop trail in the hills behind Carlmont HS. He took numbered sticks to hand out to each runner to prove they had run to the top. One of Hans’ friends hated running at the time, so each time they had to run “The Loop”, he would ask Hans to either hide a stick for him at the bottom of the hill, or bring one down for him at the end. Even though they were such close friends, Hans always refused. He was too honest to breach the teacher's trust. That pretty much sums up Hans' integrity. Hans then began to run for the famous/infamous Loren Lansberry, a coach who established a winning attitude at Carlmont that continues to this day. This was in the late 60’s and early 70’s when running 70 miles a week was common practice for JV as well as Varsity (only the Frosh got cut some slack by running ONLY 50 miles a week). Hans entered his senior year in the position of “Top Dog” (or should I say “Top Scot”) after his 9:30.1 two-mile time as a junior. No one was prepared for what would happen next. It started off easy enough with a 5-way meet at San Carlos HS with a win. Next up was a home meet on Carlmont’s cross-country course, where Hans won, running the #2 all-time mark on that two mile course with a 9:37 clocking. He won on his home course again the following week, running a solo 9:39 as a tune-up for the Susanville Invitational. The pattern continued. Golden Gate Park Center Meet – 1st, Coyote Center Meet – 1st (and Course Record), GGP Center Meet – 1st, and so it went. His only setback was the 2 Mile National Postal meet where he took 3rd, losing to Mike Hart (Willow Glen) and Chuck Mort (Washington), the two worthy competitors who ended up sharing NorCal Runner of the Year laurels with him. His 3rd place time of 9:14.0 in that race ranked him 8th in the Nation that year for 2 miles. Next came the South Peninsula Athletic League Finals at Golden Gate Park, where Mr. Templeman led his team to something that no CCS school had done before and only the ’89 Gunderson team has done since. The Carlmont boys finished 1 – 5, for a perfect score of 15 points. Team scorers were as follows: 1 Hans Templeman Carlmont 12:23.0 12 2 Steve Miller Carlmont 12:23.0 10 3 Scott Carvey Carlmont 12:23.0 12 4 Russ Black Carlmont 12:27.0 11 5 Chuck Oliver Carlmont 12:27.0 11 Even comedian Dana Carvey was unable to beat the “Scot Ace”. As a 12 year old, the SNL host had some “wheels” of his own and thought he had the “Kiddie Run” ½ mile race at a local summer fair in the bag. Well, this tall kid with a blonde afro shows up and takes off like a jet! At the finish Dana asked, “What’s your name?” and the answer was one word, “Hans.” Hans was a soft-spoken athlete who would get so nervous before some high pressure races that he would “toss his cookies” before, during and after. Scott Carvey (Carlmont teammate and Hans’ close friend) told me, “He was so shy that if I passed him in the hall at school he would just look ahead.” Shy and quiet though he may have been, he also had a wicked sense of humor and would love to laugh until it hurt. Hans was a chess player and a tropical fish geek (he was in the “Peninsula Aquarium Club”) while at Carlmont. He was a boy who loved to play poker, and he usually won. After graduating from Carlmont, Hans went on to college in Montana, where he cultivated his love for running and put in one of the most impressive summers of racing during 1975. His training that summer consisted of LSD (Long, Slow Distance), where he would “jog” 30 milers all the time. For him, “lots of slow made him fast.” On his drive back to the Bay Area after school was out he stopped off in Eugene and ran a 4:03 mile at a local All-Comers meet. Then came the onslaught of wins & records for his summer of racing: Ilsanjo Classic (10 mi) – Course Record Pier To Park (5 mi) – CR Lafayette 10K – 5th (workout, for he was racing the very next day at…) Race To the Redwoods (6.9 mi) – CR Wharf To Wharf (5.9 mi) – CR Lafayette Rim Run (5.7 mi) – 1st Dammit Run (5 mi) – CR Bass Lake ½ Marathon – 1st And so it went. He continued to race for a few more years and then “hung up the racing flats.” He said he quit running races because he was no longer nervous at the starting line. He said, “I think that's when you know you're done.” Go figure; I wouldn't be nervous either if I knew I was gonna win!!!!