Combined SECTION results - 2011
ASSUMPTIONS: 1 - Only Section marks were used. 4 - By Division with Combined Results at end. 2 - No consideration was made based on weather. 5 - There were 3689 boy and 3281 girl Section participants. 3 - All times are based on Woodward Park times: 6 - Will start posting Saturday, adding thru the week. Based on a 19:00 girl and a 16:00 boy. CCS (Toro) - * 1.001, about -:01 for girls, -:01 for guys CCS (Crystal) - * 1.024, about :23 for girls, :19 for guys NCS (Hayward) - * 1.038 & 1.033, about :41 for girls, :30 for guys SJS (Willow) - * .957 & .9646, about -:49 for girls, -:34 for guys CS (Woodward) - N/A NS (West Vly) - * 1.008 & 1.027, about :08 for girls, :25 for guys SF (GGP) - * .9605 & .9635, about -:45 for girls, -:35 for guys Oak (JM Park) - * .8636 & .8947, about -3:00 for girls, -2:00 for guys SS (MSAC) - * 1.0229 & 1.0208, about :25 for girls, :20 for guys SS (MSAC-rain)- * .9842 & .9594, about -:18 for girls, -:39 for guys Is this correct or should they be switched? SDS (Morley) - * 1.0877 & .976, about 1:40 for girls (2.75mi), -:37 for guys (3.04mi) LA (rain 5K) - * 1 & 1, about :00 for girls, :00 for guys Conversion times were given to me from coaches an/or XCStats. Coaches - If you see conversion times that are incorrect, please email me the correct conversion.