Notes on these Rankings: - All times have been converted to reflect the athletes time based on Crystal Springs course, using XCStats Course Converter Tool. - All the teams "so called" best performance is listed and team point value is based on ALL tracked teams performances. - To be a "tracked team" the Top 5 athletes must be able to break 20:00(M)/24:00(F) on Crystal (this will be dropped to 18:00/22:00 as more times qualify). - Only major Invites or large Cluster Meets will be used unless a notable time is achieved on a respectable course (meaning no 2.0 - 2.3 flat "bunny" courses will be used, unless I choose to). - All Division race times will be used. - If schools have not yet competed in a qualifying type meet then they will not yet be ranked. - And most importantly, do not shoot the messanger, it's the computer that does the calculations. - Starting in October, only courses of 2.7 or greater will be used.