2014 SCVAL Coaches List - Updated 08/23/14

2014 SCVAL Coaches List School Coach Home Phone Work Phone FAX/Pgr/Cell # E-Mail Address CUPERTINO Paul Armstrong 408-244-6431 408-691-3022 cell coacha@prodigy.net FREMONT Mark Shields 408-243-8861 408-691-3898 sylvmarks@yahoo.com GUNN PattiSue Plummer 650-949-1116 650-533-4527 psplumer@aol.com GUNN Hal Daner 650-964-9996 haltrack@hotmail.com GUNN Curtis Liang curtisliang@gmail.com HOMESTEAD Kenrick Sealy 408-410-7654 kenricksealy80@hotmail.com LOS ALTOS Andrew Zaeske 650-248-9671 azaeske@gmail.com LOS ALTOS Pam Harris pamharris54@gmail.com LOS ALTOS Charles Alexander charlesa1105@gmail.com LOS GATOS Matt Snee 408-472-8306 m.snee2007@gmail.com LOS GATOS Brad Armstrong 408-315-6215 prebeliever@yahoo.com LYNBROOK Jake White 408-353-4329 jakeantoin@yahoo.com MILPITAS Nastassia Hamor 408-386-0416 nastassia.hamor@gmail.com MILPITAS Bernie Ramos 408-836-7669 bernie_ramos27@yahoo.com MILPITAS Ronald Huynh ronaldhuynh12@yahoo.com MILPITAS Bridget Hall 925-586-3496 bhall@musd.org MONTA VISTA Kirk Flatow 408-893-7021 coachflatow@gmail.com MTN VIEW Jim Bordoni 650-968-5074 dmdnomo@aol.com MTN VIEW Craig Blockhus 650-669-9436 swenrunner@comcast.net PALO ALTO Paul Jones 650-329-0426 650-329-3961 650-329-3753 pauljones854@comcast.net PALO ALTO Kelsey Feeley 650-814-4868 swimwithkelsey@yahoo.com SANTA CLARA Julie L'heureux 408-247-9779 408-247-9779 jolheureux@aol.com SARATOGA Dan Ambrico dambrico@yahoo.com SARATOGA Danny Moon 408-379-6360 rocketman.runner@sbcglobal.net WILCOX Walt Van Zant 408-246-2651 408-206-7903 cell408-249-7548 waltvz@aol.com WILCOX Becki Kriege beckivz@emcware.com SCVAL AD Rep Brian Sullivan (Monta Vista) 408-366-7628 brian_sullivan@fuhsd.org BVAL Comm Barbara Beard 408-265-5409 SCVAL Comm Tony Nunes 408-275-9448 408-275-9680 ajnunes@nbnsports.com Starter/SchedulerJohn Wise The.One.Wise.One@gmail.com Web Site Hank Lawson 408-460-6785 hanklawtrack@gmail.com E-mail all SCVAL Coaches & AD Rep (if it doesn't work then RIGHT CLICK on the link and select COPY EMAIL ADDRESS then create a new email and PASTE into your TO box)