Crystal Springs letters from Rush & Tapia - 2015
Bob Rush
Dear Race Directors and Associates of Crystal Springs.
Attached is the Final Schedule for the 2015 Cross Country Season. I have tried to give everyone a chance to review and make any
necessary changes. I stated in an earlier memo, that the final schedule would be out about by Sept. 1st. This is the final schedule
and no changes will be allowed from this schedule.
We have 27 race competitions scheduled this year including the CCS Championships on Nov. 14th. This is a lot of races.
We must all co-operate and make sure we all do our part to preserve and protect the running course and keep the impact
to a minimum on the surrounding neighborhood.
We need to do a better job of communicating the various rules and regulations concerning Crystal Springs. A lot of teams
and individuals don’t realize that College of San Mateo is the only organization who has a permit to use and regulate the
CSM Crystal Springs Cross Country Course.
All teams and individuals are in reality, guests of the college. The college has the right and privilege to close and lock up
the facility. This will be done this year if the course becomes muddy and footprints are possible as they harden when the
sun comes out and cause an unsafe running condition.
Last season we had several situations in which some of the basic rules and regulations were not followed correctly.
Some coaches arrived at the course without their teams medical cards. This will not be tolerated. If the Race Director
knowingly allows a team to run without their cards, both the Race Director and the Coach’s Principal or President,
will receive a letter stating their rule violation. Those teams will not be allowed to return to Crystal (this includes
practice and races) until the principal has verified to the AD at CSM that a discussion between the principal and
the coach has taken place concerning the rules of conduct at Crystal. The Race Director is responsible to make
sure all participating teams are aware of this rule.
Another rule that was violated on several occasions were teams practicing on the course without a basic medical
kit and the above mentioned medical cards on site, not out in the car, van, or bus. This rule is spelled out at the
bottom of the schedule. All Race Directors and Coaches should read this statement.
Another situation that I would like to see improved is the clean up procedures at the conclusion of the competition.
Picking up the papers, and other garbage has not been very good. This includes the area around the chemical toilets
(we have latex gloves in the shed for this). We do not have custodian, or maid services at Crystal. The shed should
also be swept out and straightened up. No cardboard boxes in the debris box and do not throw any garbage or
containers in the garbage barrels in Hallmark Park.
All should be aware of proper procedures in the neighborhood. No double-parking to load or unload passengers.
Stay out of private property, this includes driveways. Stay in Hallmark Park or on the course until your ride arrives.
Teams are not to go out on Hallmark Drive without the supervision of a coach. No warming up on Hallmark.
Buses are NOT to go to the end of Hallmark to turn around.
Let us all see if we can do a better job this season. CSM has the permit, but the Crystal Springs Course belongs
to all of us. Have a good 2015 Cross Country Season.
Bob Rush
CSM Crystal Springs Cross Country Course Director.
Cell 415-730-8299 Home/office 650-595-3619
NEW!!!! Email address:
Peter Tapia
Crystal Springs Cross Country Course Race Directors, Users;
As of today the final schedule has come out from Bob Rush and the Board of Directors of Crystal Springs Cross Country Course,
I have each of your races that are on the schedule staffed with a Medical Staff Person. This person will do the following:
** Introduce themselves to the Race Director, obtain the needed information for the “Meet Sheet”
** Verify that of the Adult Safety Coordinator and explain the job functions to that person, If there is not one assigned then
** Last but not least will have the final say if due to heat/ Humility if the Competition will be postponed
** Prove an event radio to the Adult Safety Coordinator
If there is an athlete needing additional care and transport to the hospital we will make the call for the ambulance/fire/ police.
At that point we will submit the needed paperwork to CSM and the a copy will be sent to the email of the race director on file.
If there are any other questions, please ask
PO BOX 833
PENNGROVE, CA 94951-0833
415-722-8876 VOICE
707-528-3007 FAX