All-CCS Teams - 2023

FITCHEN-YOUNG, Eli 11 Santa Cruz
MORGENFELD, Grant 12 Palo Alto
HEDLUND, Carson 11 Pioneer
COOK, Miles 11 Sacred Heart Cathedral
BOUIE, Benjamin 11 Crystal
STEFANOPOULOS, Aydon 11 Los Gatos
MURILLO, Alijah 10 Branham
GUZMAN, Joshua 11 Gilroy
HURST, Samuel 10 Los Altos
MOORE, Luke 12 Sacred Heart Cathedral
WRIGHT, Trey 11 St. Ignatius
IYER, Adarsh 12 Lynbrook
DOHERTY, Aidan 12 Menlo Atherton
DALZIEL, Shane 12 Westmont
PARIKH, Tanay 11 Monta Vista
MULLANE,Matthew 12 St. Francis
CHETTIAR, Shrey 11 Bellarmine
FRAKE, Dylan 11 Cupertino
CRIBARI, Landon 11 Westmont
MCMAHON,Dominic 11 Santa Clara
BIDMEAD, Jensen 12 Los Gatos
BAKER, Tarik 11 Crystal
ROBERTS,Luciano 11 St. Ignatius
SEEFELDT,Andrew 12 Branham
FITCHEN-YOUNG, Eli 11 Santa Cruz Runner of the Year
MORGENFELD, Grant 12 Palo Alto Senior of the Year
FITCHEN-YOUNG, Eli 11 Santa Cruz Junior of the Year
MURILLO, Alijah 10 Branham Sophomore of the Year
AGRAWAL, Arnav 9 Milpitas Freshman of the Year
BOOTHBY, Ashlyn 12 Scotts Valley
MARHEINEKE,Evie 11 Archbishop Mitty
OLESEN, Tatum 12 Menlo Atherton
BHARADWAJ,Amaya 10 Palo Alto
SIDHU, Jasleen 12 Los Altos
PFLAUM, Annie 12 Menlo Atherton
CILLEY, Caitlin 11 St. Francis
CHEN, Ruby 12 Evergreen Valley
HOORNAERT,Kylie 11 Prospect
DECLEVE, Ava 10 Scotts Valley
PAN, Jacqueline 12 Mills
DRAPER, Lauren 10 St. Francis
ELMORE, Shea 11 Los Gatos
ZANETTO,Sabrina 11 St. Francis
BACKHOLM,Olivia 12 Mountain View
KAUSHEK, Ariya 10 Menlo
SALTER, Anna 10 Crystal
LEWIS, Emma 10 Los Altos
HOOPS, Rachel 12 Aptos
SOOBRIAN, Emily 11 Los Altos
CARINO, Nora 9 Evergreen Valley
KAELBER,Lillian 12 St. Francis
SOETAERT,Hannah 10 Branham
NEWMAN, Stella 10 Burlingame
OLESEN, Tatum 12 Menlo Atherton Runner of the Year
OLESEN, Tatum 12 Menlo Atherton Senior of the Year
MARHEINEKE, Evie 11 Archbishop Mitty Junior of the Year
BHARADWAJ, Amaya 10 Palo Alto Sophomore of the Year
CARINO, Nora 9 Evergreen Valley Freshman of the Year