WBAL Finals - 11/08/24
You can enter your athletes on athletic.net. Go to + add a meet and find WBAL Finals on November 8th. Add your school. You should be able to register your athletes from there. If you have any problems entering your athletes, please email me and hanklawtrack@gmail.com. The deadline to enter your athletes is Monday, November 4 at 6pm. A reminder that at least your top 5 runners must run in the varsity races. If you had an athlete who missed both league meets, you will need to share documentation on why they missed in order for them to be cleared to run at the league finals. Please email those documents to me. Lastly, since Friday, November 8th is after daylight savings, the schedule will be as follows. 1:30pm Coach's Meeting 2:00pm Girls JV 2:30pm Boys JV 3:00pm Girls Varsity 3:30pm Boys Varsity 4:15pm Award Ceremony honoring seniors and distribution of medals and plaques.