Missy was born and raised on the East Coast - Massachusetts to be exact. In high school Missy ran the 440/880 (sub-60 PR in the 440). She got into running because her older brother took her out for a 3 mile spin one day and she fell in love with the sport. With her brothers encouragement she went to the Track coach and asked to try out for the team. After High School Missy went to the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. She never continued her running career in college, although she always wished she had. After college, her major in Communications and Film Studies landed her a job for a local TV station in Boston. A co-worker there ran for the Cambridge Running Club and convinced her to join the club and begin road racing. In the fall of 2000, Missy and her husband moved to San Jose. Missy worked in HR and Immigration until the birth of her son, Anil, in 2002. This began a new career for Missy, that of stay-at-home mom. Which now allows her to begin a third career, Cross-Country coach at Lynbrook HS. She loves running and is very passionate about her sport. She wants to be that encouraging HS coach that she believes every athlete should have the opportunity to experience. "It's great to combine your work with your passion!" PR's: 440 - sub 60 Mile- 5:18.6 (summer of 2004) 5K - 17:42 10K - 36:55