Create LYNX files
- Data Entry into res_pubRR.xls (PPL_File tab) - Select NAME column and change all ',' to '.' - Create PPL file with LynxRRppl.doc (Copy data into first worksheet tab) - Run WORD, turn 'Special Characters' ON and check for hidden page breaks (use ABC, no merge) - Copy & Paste into LYNX.PPL file - SAVE and then COPY into correct directory - To make BIB # labels: OPEN RaceLabs.DOC Then MERGE and print on laser labels (1" x 2.75")Setup LYNX Camera
Iris = 11ish Zoom = 12.5 Focus = Infinity (5M - check clarity) Camera must be at least 4' from where the nearest finisher might cross If auto-detect IP address doesn't work, then set IP addresses to: 192.168.0.xx Black Lynx Box Hub = NOFinishLynx for a Road Race
Start up Lynx Create a new event (be sure PPL file is in the correct directory) Set Image Orientation (Blue Camera Icon - SETUP) Evaluate by ID# (Blue Camera Icon - SETUP) Automatic Capture (Blue Camera Icon - Capture, Automatic & Pre-Cropped) - check it (Put back to MANUAL & uncheck PRE-CROPPED to use capture button, and check what COM is used for USB - usually COM4.) RESULTS/DEFAULT PRECISION (hundreths for track, tenths for XC & road races) To Manual Start the race... EVENT/MANUAL START/Space Bar To add xx minutes to the start time... RESULTS/FILTERS, offset must be checked ON, mm:ss.0 format in box If using ACM - click on 'capture button' with red line thru it to activate ACM Capture some data (pass a hand thru camera) Crop the picture (unless in ACM mode) Save the file 30 seconds before first finisher turn on Continuous Capture switch Crop and Save every 2 minutes (no more than every 2:30 minutes) Evaluate all runners as you can Continue Evaluate, Crop, Save every 2 minutes ALT-K will capture the image displayed If you want to work on one race while capturing a different race, be sure ACM is turned OFF for the race you want to work on, SAVE & CLOSE the event, then turn ACM on for the race you want to capture, and then you can open the race you want to work on. Test to be sure that ACM captures for the correct event. To Toggle between races - Alt 1, 2, 3 (warning... Alt F4 closes the program)Running RP for results
Scan results directory every 30 seconds. RP should be running on the same system as Lynx (browsers just point to RP files) Boxes checked are: Competition Name, Event Name, Competition Date, Auto Refresh HTML, Rebuild all HTML Settings are: Place=Place=30, (Athlete ID=Race#=80), Athlete Name=Pl-Name (age)=190, Affiliation=Sex/Age Grp OR Team=100, Time=70 [AUTO checked], (Liscense=Event=70) Rebuild ALL HTML on every check - every 55 seconds (ReBuild Special - ON) RP must have PROCESS FILES checked when running Can print places 1-n off of RP (be sure OfficeJet LX is default printer) If you don't want the picture printed then delete the JPG file - for pages 2+ do a PRINT PAGES. Age groups must be created via LIF file and loaded into Excel and managed or RUN the BASIC programs. If you want event records to be include in the HTML results, store as a PST file and have box checked ... or ... Create a LIF file (see excel file TRACK/DUAL_REC.xls for example). For TRACK events, you must have the ID# box checked or the Meet Records won't display completely.Age Group & Team Results
To run either the Age Group and/or the Team results BASIC program you must be sure that a LIF file currently exists for any event that you will be timing. The LIF file must look as follows: 0,0,0,Men_4mi,, 1,,,No Results Yet,,Check back later,,,,, and in this example the name of the file would be 'Men_4mi.lif' There must be a second line in the LIF file or the BASIC program will stop. The BASIC programs are set up to sleep for 30 seconds and to score the Top 5 - make any appropriate changes. There must be a file called '0stop.txt' that has the word 'stop', 'nostop' or 'once' as line #1. Shift F5 to start the BASIC program.Age Group awards in Excel
- Open LIF file with WORDPAD/NOTEPAD - Use res_pubRR.xls (LIF tab) - Copy/Paste LIF file into cell A2 If it doesn't automatically put in columns then: Select column A2 thru last entry Data/Text to Columns, delimited (by comma), Finish - Sort as needed and Print. Age Groups (sort F - A) By Place (sort J - A) - Before printing do a PRINT PREVIEW so you only print the pages needed