NorCal Sections
State Sections
CIF-Central Section (84 schools)
CIF-Central Coast Section (119 schools)
CIF-Los Angeles City Section (62 schools)
CIF-North Coast Section (148 schools)
CIF-Northern Section (67 schools)
CIF-Oakland Section - no website (6 schools)
CIF-Sac Joaquin Section (156 schools)
CIF-San Diego Section (95 schools)
CIF-San Francisco Section - no website (12 schools)
CIF-Southern Section (515 schools)
NorCal Sections
Merged Sections
Acalanes NCS - DFAL
Alameda NCS - ACCAL
Albany NCS - BSAL
Alhambra NCS - DFAL
Alisal CCS - MBL
Alvarez CCS - MBL
Amador SJS - MLL
Amador Valley NCS - EBAL
American (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
Analy NCS - SCL
Anderson NS
Anderson Valley NCS - NCL III
Antioch NCS - BVAL
Anzar CCS - MTAL
Aragon CCS - PAL
Arcata NCS - H/DN - Big 5
ArchbishopMitty(B) CCS - WCAL
ArchbishopMitty(G) CCS - BVAL
ArchbishopRiordon CCS - WCAL
Argonaut SJS - MLL
Armijo SJS - MEL 1
Aromas-SanJuan CCS
Arroyo (San Lorenzo) NCS - HAAL
Athenian NCS - BCL East
Atwater SJS - CCC
Balboa SF
Beacon NCS
BearCreek SJS - SJAA
BearRiver SJS - CVC B
Bellarmine CCS - WCAL
BellaVista SJS - CAL
Benicia SJS - MEL 2
Bentley NCS - BCL East
Berean Christian NCS - BCL East
Berkeley NCS - ACCAL
Bethel SJS - MEL 2
Beyer SJS - CCC
Big Valley NS
Biggs NS
Bishop O'Dowd NCS - HAAL
Bishop Quinn NS
Branham CCS - BVAL
Branson NCS - MCAL
BretHarte SJS - MLL
BrooksideChr.(except ftbl) SJS - SVCL
BuhachColony SJS - VOL
Burbank SJS - CAL
Burlingame CCS - PAL
Burney NS
Burton, Philip & Sala SF
Butte Valley NS
Calaveras SJS - MLL
California NCS - EBAL
California School for the Deaf NCS - BCL East
Calistoga NCS - NCL II
CalvaryTemple SJS - MVL
Campolindo NCS - DFAL
Capital Christian NS
CapitalChristian SJS - GEL
Capuchino CCS - PAL
Cardinal Newman/Ursuline NCS - NBL
Carlmont CCS - PAL
Carmel CCS - MTAL
Carondelet NCS - BVAL
Casa Grande NCS - SCL
CasaRoble SJS - CAL
Cascade NS
Castilleja(G) CCS - PSAL
Castlemont Oakland
Castro Valley NCS - HAAL
Center SJS - CVC A
Central Valley NS
CentralCatholic SJS - SL
Ceres SJS - CCC
Champion Christian School NS
Chester NS
Chico Sr. NS
ChristianBrothers SJS - SVC
CitadelChristian SJS - SVCL
Clayton Valley NCS - BVAL
Clear Lake NCS - NCL I
Cloverdale NCS - NCL I
Colfax SJS - CVC B
College Park NCS - DFAL
College Prep NCS - BCL East
Colusa NS
Concord NCS - DFAL
Contra Costa Christian NCS - BCL East
Convent NCS - BCL West
Cordova SJS - SVC
Corning NS
Crystal Spring Uplands NCS - BCL West
Cupertino CCS - SCVAL
DavisSr. SJS - MEL 1
De La Salle NCS - BVAL
DeAnza (El Sobrante) NCS - ACCAL
Deep Valley Christian NCS - NCL III
Deer Valley NCS - BVAL
Del Norte NCS - H/DN - Big 5
DelCampo SJS - CAL
Delhi SJS - SL
DelOro SJS - SFL
Delta NS
Denair SJS - SL
Dixon SJS - CVC A
DonPedro SJS - MVL
Downey SJS - CCC
Downieville NS
Drew College Prep NCS - BCL West
Dublin NCS - DFAL
Dunsmuir NS
Durham NS
East Bay Athletic League
East Nicolaus NS
EastsideCollegePrep CCS - CPSAL
EastUnion SJS - VOL
Edison SJS - SJAA
El Cerrito NCS - ACCAL
El Molino NCS - SCL
ElCamino CCS - PAL
ElCamino SJS - CAL
ElDorado SJS - SVC
Elk Creek NS
ElkGrove SJS - DELTA
Elsie Allen NCS - NBL
Emery NCS - BCL East
Encina SJS - GEL
Encinal ( Alameda) NCS - ACCAL
Enterprise NS
Escalon SJS - TVL
Esparto NS
Etna NS
Eureka NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Fairfield SJS - MEL 2
FaithChristian SJS - CVCL
Fall River NS
Ferndale NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Florin SJS - DELTA
Folsom SJS - DELTA
Foothill SJS - CVC A
Foothill NCS - EBAL
Foothill NS
Foresthill(N) SJS - SVCL
ForestLakeChristian SJS - CVCL
Fortuna NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Franklin SJS - SJAA
Franklin(N) SJS - DELTA
Freedom NCS - BVAL
FreedomChristian SJS - SVCL
Fremont CCS - SCVAL
Fremont (Oakland) Oakland
FremontChristian CCS - PSAL
French American NCS - BCL West
Ft. Bragg NCS - NCL I
Galileo Academy SF
Galt SJS - SVC
Gateway NCS - BCL West
Geyserville NCS - NCL III
Gilroy CCS - MBL
GoldenSierra SJS - GEL
GoldenValley SJS - CCC
Gonzalez CCS - MTAL
GraceDavis SJS - CCC
Granada NCS - EBAL
GraniteBay SJS - SFL
Greenfield CCS - MTAL
Greenville NS
Gridley NS
Gunderson CCS - BVAL
Gustine SJS - SL
HalfMoonBay CCS - PAL
Hamilton City NS
Hanna Boys Center NCS
Happy Camp NS
Harbor CCS - SCCAL
HarkerSchool CCS - CPSAL
Hayfork NS
Hayward NCS - HAAL
Head Royce NCS - BCL East
Healdsburg NCS - SCL
Herlong NS
Highlands SJS - CVC A
Hillsdale CCS - PAL
Hilmar SJS - TVL
HiramJohnson SJS - METRO
Hogan SJS - MEL 2
Holy Names (Oakland) (girls only) NCS - BSAL
Homestead CCS - SCVAL
Hoopa NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Hughson SJS - TVL
ImmaculateConception(G) CCS - PSAL
Independence CCS - BVAL
Irvington (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
J.F. Kennedy (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
J.F. Kennedy (Richmond) NCS - BSAL
James Logan (Union City) NCS - MVAL
Jefferson CCS - PAL
Jesuit SJS - DELTA
JimElliotChristian SJS - MVL
Johansen SJS - CCC
John Swett (Crockett) NCS - BSAL
Johnson(West) SJS - CVC B
Justin-Siena NCS - MCAL
Kelseyville NCS - NCL I
Kennedy SJS - METRO
KingCity CCS - MTAL
LagunaCreek SJS - DELTA
Las Lomas NCS - DFAL
Las Plumas NS
Lassen NS
Laytonville NCS - NCL III
Leadership NCS
Leadership NCS - BCL West
Leggett Valley NCS - NCL III
LeGrand SJS - SL
Leigh CCS - BVAL
Leland CCS - BVAL
Liberty NCS - BVAL
Liberty Christian NS
LibertyBaptist CCS - CPSAL
Lick Wilmerding NCS - BCL West
Lincoln CCS - BVAL
Lincoln SJS - CVC B
Lincoln, Abraham (SF) SF
Lincoln-S SJS - SJAA
Linden SJS - MLL
Lindhurst SJS - GEL
Live Oak NS
LiveOak CCS - MBL
Livermore NCS - EBAL
Livingston SJS - TVL
Loretto SJS - CAL
Los Molinas NS
LosAltos CCS - SCVAL
LosBanos SJS - VOL
LosGatos CCS - SCVAL
Lowell SF
Lower Lake NCS - NCL I
Loyalton NS
Lynbrook CCS - SCVAL
Manteca SJS - VOL
Manteca(#4) SJS - VOL
Maria Carrillo NCS - NBL
Marin Academy NCS - BCL West
Marin Catholic NCS - MCAL
Mariposa SJS - SL
Marshall, Thurgood SF
MartinMurphyMiddleSchool CCS
Marysville SJS - GEL
Maxwell NS
McAteer SF
McClatchy SJS - METRO
McCloud NS
McClymonds Oakland
Mckinleyville NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Mendocino NCS - NCL III
Menlo(G) CCS - GPSL
Menlo-Atherton CCS - PAL
MenloSchool(B) CCS - PSAL
Merced SJS - CCC
Mercy NS
Mercy-Burlingame(G) CCS - PSAL
Mercy-SanFrancisco(G) CCS - PSAL
MesaVerde SJS - CVC B
Middletown NCS - NCL II
Mid-Peninsula CCS - CPSAL
Mills CCS - PAL
Milpitas CCS - SCVAL
MiraLoma SJS - CVC B
Miramonte NCS - DFAL
Mission SF
Mission San Jose (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
Modesto SJS - CCC
ModestoChristian SJS - SL
Modoc NS
MontaVista CCS - SCVAL
Monte Vista NCS - EBAL
Monterey CCS - MBL
MonteVistaChristian CCS - SCCAL
Montgomery NCS - NBL
Moreau Catholic (Hayward) NCS - HAAL
MotherLodeChristian SJS - MVL
MountainView CCS - SCVAL
Mt. Diablo NCS - DFAL
Mt. Eden (Hayward) NCS - HAAL
Mt. Shasta NS
Mt.Madonna CCS - SCCAL
Mt.Pleasant CCS - BVAL
Mtn.ViewAcademy CCS - CPSAL
Napa SJS - MEL 1
Natomas SJS - SFL
Natomas(2) SJS - GEL
NevadaUnion SJS - METRO
New Vistas Christian NCS
Newark Memorial NCS - MVAL
NewLifeChristian SJS - SVCL
North Bay Marin NCS
North Bay Orinda NCS
North Valley Christian School NS
Northgate NCS - DFAL
NorthMontereyCounty CCS - MBL
NorthSalinas CCS - MBL
NorthValleyBaptistSchool(boysonly) CCS - CPSAL
NotreDame-Belmont CCS - GPSL
NotreDame-Salinas(G) CCS - MBL
NotreDame-SJ(G) CCS - PSAL
Novato NCS - MCAL
Oakdale SJS - VOL
OakGrove CCS - BVAL
Oakland Oakland
Oakland Technical Oakland
Oakmont SJS - CVC B
OakRidge SJS - SVC
Oceana(Tennis&Swimmingonly) CCS - PAL
O'Connell SF
Orestimba SJS - SL
Orland NS
Oroville NS
Overfelt CCS - BVAL
PacificGrove CCS - MTAL
Palma(B) CCS - MBL
PaloAlto CCS - SCVAL
Paradise NS
Patterson SJS - TVL
Pescadero NCS - BCL West
Petaluma NCS - SCL
Piedmont NCS - BSAL
PiedmontHills CCS - BVAL
Pierce NS
Piner NCS - NBL
PinewoodSchool CCS - PSAL
Pinole Valley NCS - ACCAL
Pioneer CCS - BVAL
Pitman(N) SJS - VOL
Pittsburg NCS - BVAL
Placer SJS - SFL
Pleasant Valley NS
Point Arena NCS - NCL III
Ponderosa SJS - SVC
Portola NS
Potter Valley NCS - NCL III
Presentation(G) CCS - BVAL
Princeton NS
Prospect CCS - BVAL
PUC Prep School NCS
Quincy NS
R.L.Stevenson CCS - MTAL
Rancho Cotate NCS - NBL
Red Bluff NS
Redwood NCS - MCAL
RedwoodChristian CCS - PSAL
Richmond NCS - ACCAL
Rincon Valley Christian NCS - NCL II
Rio Vista NS
RioAmericano SJS - CAL
RioLinda SJS - CVC A
Ripon SJS - TVL
RiponChristian SJS - TVL
Riverbank SJS - TVL
RiverCity SJS - CVC A
Rocklin SJS - SFL
Rodriguez(N) SJS - MEL 2
Rosemont(N) SJS - SVC
Roseville SJS - SFL
Round Valley NCS - NCL III
S. F. University NCS - BCL West
S. F. Waldorf NCS
Sacramento SJS - CAL
SacramentoCountryDay SJS - CVCL
SacramentoLutheran SJS - CVCL
SacramentoWaldorf SJS - CVCL
SacredHeartCathedralPrep(B) CCS - WCAL
SacredHeartCathedralPrep(G) CCS - GPSL
SacredHeartPrep CCS - GPSL
SacredHeartPrep(B) CCS - PSAL
Salesian (Bay FB League) NCS - BSAL
Salinas CCS - MBL
San Domenico NCS - BCL West
San Leandro NCS - HAAL
San Lorenzo NCS - HAAL
San Marin NCS - MCAL
San Rafael NCS - MCAL
San Ramon Valley NCS - EBAL
SanBenito CCS - MBL
SanFranciscoChristian CCS - CPSAL
SanJose CCS - BVAL
SanJuan SJS - GEL
SanLorenzoValley CCS - SCCAL
SanMateo CCS - PAL
Santa Rosa NCS - NBL
Santa Rosa Christain NCS - NCL III
SantaCatalina(G) CCS - MTAL
SantaClara CCS - SCVAL
SantaCruz CCS - SCCAL
SantaTeresa CCS - BVAL
Saratoga CCS - SCVAL
ScottsValley CCS - SCCAL
Seaside CCS - MTAL
Sequoia CCS - PAL
Serra CCS - WCAL
Shasta NS
Sheldon SJS - DELTA
Sierra SJS - VOL
SilverCreek CCS - BVAL
Sir Frances Drake NCS - MCAL
Skyline Oakland
So.SanFrancisco CCS - PAL
Soledad CCS - MTAL
Sonoma Valley NCS - SCL
Sonora SJS - VOL
Soquel CCS - SCCAL
South Fork NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Southern Trinity NCS - H/DN - Little 6
St. Bernard NCS - H/DN - Little 6
St. Elizabeth (Oakland) (Bay Football NCS - BSAL
St. Helena NCS - NCL I
St. Joseph Notre Dame (no football) NCS - BSAL
St. Mary's (Berkeley) NCS - BSAL
St. Patrick/St. Vincent (Vallejo) NCS - BSAL
St. Vincent NCS - NCL II
St.Francis SJS - DELTA
St.Francis(B) CCS - WCAL
St.Francis(G) CCS - SCVAL
St.Ignatius CCS - WCAL
St.Ignatius(G) CCS - GPSL
St.LawrenceAcademy CCS - CPSAL
St.Mary's SJS - SJAA
St.ThomasMore(supp.) CCS - CPSAL
Stagg SJS - SJAA
StocktonChristian SJS - MVL
Summerfield Waldorf, Santa Rosa NCS
Summerville SJS - MLL
Surprise Valley NS
Sutter NS
Tamalpais NCS - MCAL
Tennyson (Hayward) NCS - HAAL
Terra Linda NCS - MCAL
TerraNova(noboystennis) CCS - PAL
TheKing'sAcademy CCS - PSAL
Tioga SJS - MVL
Tokay SJS - SJAA
Tomales NCS - NCL II
Tracy SJS - SJAA
Trinity NS
TrinityPrep SJS - SVCL
Triple Junction NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Tulelake NS
Turlock SJS - CCC
TurlockChristian SJS - MVL
Ukiah NCS - NBL
UnionMine SJS - SVC
Upper Lake NCS - NCL II
Urban NCS - BCL West
Vacaville SJS - MEL 1
VacavilleChristian SJS - SVCL
Vallejo SJS - MEL 2
Valley SJS - DELTA
ValleyChristian SJS - SVCL
ValleyChristian-Dublin CCS - PSAL
ValleyChristian-SJ CCS - BVAL
Vanden SJS - CVC A
VictoryChristian SJS - CVCL
Vintage SJS - MEL 1
Waldorf NCS - BCL West
Wallenberg SF
Washington (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
Washington, George (SF) SF
Waterford(N) SJS - SL
Watsonville CCS - SCCAL
Weed NS
West Valley NS
Westmont CCS - BVAL
Westmoor CCS - PAL
Westwood NS
Wheatland NS
Wilcox CCS - SCVAL
Williams NS
Willits NCS - NCL I
WillowGlen CCS - BVAL
Willows NS
WiltonChristian SJS - CVCL
Windsor NCS - SCL
Winters NS
Wood SJS - MEL 1
Woodcreek SJS - SFL
Woodland(#2) SJS - CVC A
Woodland(1) SJS - METRO
WoodlandChristian SJS - CVCL
Woodside CCS - PAL
WoodsidePriory CCS - PSAL
YerbaBuena CCS - BVAL
Ygnacio Valley NCS - BVAL
YorkSchool CCS - MTAL
Yreka NS
YubaCity(1) SJS - METRO
YubaCity2 SJS - SFL
North Coast Section (NCS)
Acalanes NCS - DFAL
Alameda NCS - ACCAL
Albany NCS - BSAL
Alhambra NCS - DFAL
Amador Valley NCS - EBAL
American (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
Analy NCS - SCL
Anderson Valley NCS - NCL III
Antioch NCS - BVAL
Arcata NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Arroyo (San Lorenzo) NCS - HAAL
Athenian NCS - BCL East
Beacon NCS
Bentley NCS - BCL East
Berean Christian NCS - BCL East
Berkeley NCS - ACCAL
Bishop O'Dowd NCS - HAAL
Branson NCS - MCAL
California NCS - EBAL
California School for the Deaf NCS - BCL East
Calistoga NCS - NCL II
Campolindo NCS - DFAL
Cardinal Newman/Ursuline NCS - NBL
Carondelet NCS - BVAL
Casa Grande NCS - SCL
Castro Valley NCS - HAAL
Clayton Valley NCS - BVAL
Clear Lake NCS - NCL I
Cloverdale NCS - NCL I
College Park NCS - DFAL
College Prep NCS - BCL East
Concord NCS - DFAL
Contra Costa Christian NCS - BCL East
Convent NCS - BCL West
Crystal Spring Uplands NCS - BCL West
De La Salle NCS - BVAL
DeAnza (El Sobrante) NCS - ACCAL
Deep Valley Christian NCS - NCL III
Deer Valley NCS - BVAL
Del Norte NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Drew College Prep NCS - BCL West
Dublin NCS - DFAL
East Bay Athletic League
El Cerrito NCS - ACCAL
El Molino NCS - SCL
Elsie Allen NCS - NBL
Emery NCS - BCL East
Encinal ( Alameda) NCS - ACCAL
Eureka NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Ferndale NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Foothill NCS - EBAL
Fortuna NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Freedom NCS - BVAL
French American NCS - BCL West
Ft. Bragg NCS - NCL I
Gateway NCS - BCL West
Geyserville NCS - NCL III
Granada NCS - EBAL
Hanna Boys Center NCS
Hayward NCS - HAAL
Head Royce NCS - BCL East
Healdsburg NCS - SCL
Holy Names (Oakland) (girls only) NCS - BSAL
Hoopa NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Irvington (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
J.F. Kennedy (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
J.F. Kennedy (Richmond) NCS - BSAL
James Logan (Union City) NCS - MVAL
John Swett (Crockett) NCS - BSAL
Justin-Siena NCS - MCAL
Kelseyville NCS - NCL I
Las Lomas NCS - DFAL
Laytonville NCS - NCL III
Leadership NCS - BCL West
Leadership NCS
Leggett Valley NCS - NCL III
Liberty NCS - BVAL
Lick Wilmerding NCS - BCL West
Livermore NCS - EBAL
Lower Lake NCS - NCL I
Maria Carrillo NCS - NBL
Marin Academy NCS - BCL West
Marin Catholic NCS - MCAL
Mckinleyville NCS - H/DN - Big 5
Mendocino NCS - NCL III
Middletown NCS - NCL II
Miramonte NCS - DFAL
Mission San Jose (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
Monte Vista NCS - EBAL
Montgomery NCS - NBL
Moreau Catholic (Hayward) NCS - HAAL
Mt. Diablo NCS - DFAL
Mt. Eden (Hayward) NCS - HAAL
New Vistas Christian NCS
Newark Memorial NCS - MVAL
North Bay Marin NCS
North Bay Orinda NCS
Northgate NCS - DFAL
Novato NCS - MCAL
Pescadero NCS - BCL West
Petaluma NCS - SCL
Piedmont NCS - BSAL
Piner NCS - NBL
Pinole Valley NCS - ACCAL
Pittsburg NCS - BVAL
Point Arena NCS - NCL III
Potter Valley NCS - NCL III
PUC Prep School NCS
Rancho Cotate NCS - NBL
Redwood NCS - MCAL
Richmond NCS - ACCAL
Rincon Valley Christian NCS - NCL II
Round Valley NCS - NCL III
S. F. University NCS - BCL West
S. F. Waldorf NCS
Salesian (Bay FB League) NCS - BSAL
San Domenico NCS - BCL West
San Leandro NCS - HAAL
San Lorenzo NCS - HAAL
San Marin NCS - MCAL
San Rafael NCS - MCAL
San Ramon Valley NCS - EBAL
Santa Rosa NCS - NBL
Santa Rosa Christain NCS - NCL III
Sir Frances Drake NCS - MCAL
Sonoma Valley NCS - SCL
South Fork NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Southern Trinity NCS - H/DN - Little 6
St. Bernard NCS - H/DN - Little 6
St. Elizabeth (Oakland) (Bay Football NCS - BSAL
St. Helena NCS - NCL I
St. Joseph Notre Dame (no football) NCS - BSAL
St. Mary's (Berkeley) NCS - BSAL
St. Patrick/St. Vincent (Vallejo) NCS - BSAL
St. Vincent NCS - NCL II
Summerfield Waldorf, Santa Rosa NCS
Tamalpais NCS - MCAL
Tennyson (Hayward) NCS - HAAL
Terra Linda NCS - MCAL
Tomales NCS - NCL II
Triple Junction NCS - H/DN - Little 6
Ukiah NCS - NBL
Upper Lake NCS - NCL II
Urban NCS - BCL West
Waldorf NCS - BCL West
Washington (Fremont) NCS - MVAL
Willits NCS - NCL I
Windsor NCS - SCL
Ygnacio Valley NCS - BVAL
Northern Section (NS)
Anderson NS
Big Valley NS
Biggs NS
Bishop Quinn NS
Burney NS
Butte Valley NS
Capital Christian NS
Cascade NS
Central Valley NS
Champion Christian SchooNS
Chester NS
Chico Sr. NS
Colusa NS
Corning NS
Delta NS
Downieville NS
Dunsmuir NS
Durham NS
East Nicolaus NS
Elk Creek NS
Enterprise NS
Esparto NS
Etna NS
Fall River NS
Foothill NS
Greenville NS
Gridley NS
Hamilton City NS
Happy Camp NS
Hayfork NS
Herlong NS
Las Plumas NS
Lassen NS
Liberty Christian NS
Live Oak NS
Los Molinas NS
Loyalton NS
Maxwell NS
McCloud NS
Mercy NS
Modoc NS
Mt. Shasta NS
North Valley Christian SNS
Orland NS
Oroville NS
Paradise NS
Pierce NS
Pleasant Valley NS
Portola NS
Princeton NS
Quincy NS
Red Bluff NS
Rio Vista NS
Shasta NS
Surprise Valley NS
Sutter NS
Trinity NS
Tulelake NS
Weed NS
West Valley NS
Westwood NS
Wheatland NS
Williams NS
Willows NS
Winters NS
Yreka NS
SAC-Joaquin Section (SJS)
Amador SJS - MLL
Argonaut SJS - MLL
Armijo SJS - MEL 1
Atwater SJS - CCC
BearCreek SJS - SJAA
BearRiver SJS - CVC B
BellaVista SJS - CAL
Benicia SJS - MEL 2
Bethel SJS - MEL 2
Beyer SJS - CCC
BretHarte SJS - MLL
BrooksideChr.(except SJS - SVCL
BuhachColony SJS - VOL
Burbank SJS - CAL
Calaveras SJS - MLL
CalvaryTemple SJS - MVL
CapitalChristian SJS - GEL
CasaRoble SJS - CAL
Center SJS - CVC A
CentralCatholic SJS - SL
Ceres SJS - CCC
ChristianBrothers SJS - SVC
CitadelChristian SJS - SVCL
Colfax SJS - CVC B
Cordova SJS - SVC
DavisSr. SJS - MEL 1
DelCampo SJS - CAL
Delhi SJS - SL
DelOro SJS - SFL
Denair SJS - SL
Dixon SJS - CVC A
DonPedro SJS - MVL
Downey SJS - CCC
EastUnion SJS - VOL
Edison SJS - SJAA
ElCamino SJS - CAL
ElDorado SJS - SVC
ElkGrove SJS - DELTA
Encina SJS - GEL
Escalon SJS - TVL
Fairfield SJS - MEL 2
FaithChristian SJS - CVCL
Florin SJS - DELTA
Folsom SJS - DELTA
Foothill SJS - CVC A
Foresthill(N) SJS - SVCL
ForestLakeChristian SJS - CVCL
Franklin SJS - SJAA
Franklin(N) SJS - DELTA
FreedomChristian SJS - SVCL
Galt SJS - SVC
GoldenSierra SJS - GEL
GoldenValley SJS - CCC
GraceDavis SJS - CCC
GraniteBay SJS - SFL
Gustine SJS - SL
Highlands SJS - CVC A
Hilmar SJS - TVL
HiramJohnson SJS - METRO
Hogan SJS - MEL 2
Hughson SJS - TVL
Jesuit SJS - DELTA
JimElliotChristian SJS - MVL
Johansen SJS - CCC
Johnson(West) SJS - CVC B
Kennedy SJS - METRO
LagunaCreek SJS - DELTA
LeGrand SJS - SL
Lincoln SJS - CVC B
Lincoln-S SJS - SJAA
Linden SJS - MLL
Lindhurst SJS - GEL
Livingston SJS - TVL
Loretto SJS - CAL
LosBanos SJS - VOL
Manteca SJS - VOL
Manteca(#4) SJS - VOL
Mariposa SJS - SL
Marysville SJS - GEL
McClatchy SJS - METRO
Merced SJS - CCC
MesaVerde SJS - CVC B
MiraLoma SJS - CVC B
Modesto SJS - CCC
ModestoChristian SJS - SL
MotherLodeChristian SJS - MVL
Napa SJS - MEL 1
Natomas SJS - SFL
Natomas(2) SJS - GEL
NevadaUnion SJS - METRO
NewLifeChristian SJS - SVCL
Oakdale SJS - VOL
Oakmont SJS - CVC B
OakRidge SJS - SVC
Orestimba SJS - SL
Patterson SJS - TVL
Pitman(N) SJS - VOL
Placer SJS - SFL
Ponderosa SJS - SVC
RioAmericano SJS - CAL
RioLinda SJS - CVC A
Ripon SJS - TVL
RiponChristian SJS - TVL
Riverbank SJS - TVL
RiverCity SJS - CVC A
Rocklin SJS - SFL
Rodriguez(N) SJS - MEL 2
Rosemont(N) SJS - SVC
Roseville SJS - SFL
Sacramento SJS - CAL
SacramentoCountryDay SJS - CVCL
SacramentoLutheran SJS - CVCL
SacramentoWaldorf SJS - CVCL
SanJuan SJS - GEL
Sheldon SJS - DELTA
Sierra SJS - VOL
Sonora SJS - VOL
St.Francis SJS - DELTA
St.Mary's SJS - SJAA
Stagg SJS - SJAA
StocktonChristian SJS - MVL
Summerville SJS - MLL
Tioga SJS - MVL
Tokay SJS - SJAA
Tracy SJS - SJAA
TrinityPrep SJS - SVCL
Turlock SJS - CCC
TurlockChristian SJS - MVL
UnionMine SJS - SVC
Vacaville SJS - MEL 1
VacavilleChristian SJS - SVCL
Vallejo SJS - MEL 2
Valley SJS - DELTA
ValleyChristian SJS - SVCL
Vanden SJS - CVC A
VictoryChristian SJS - CVCL
Vintage SJS - MEL 1
Waterford(N) SJS - SL
WiltonChristian SJS - CVCL
Wood SJS - MEL 1
Woodcreek SJS - SFL
Woodland(#2) SJS - CVC A
Woodland(1) SJS - METRO
WoodlandChristian SJS - CVCL
YubaCity(1) SJS - METRO
YubaCity2 SJS - SFL
San Francisco Section (SF)
Balboa SF
Burton, Philip & Sala SF
Galileo Academy SF
Lincoln, Abraham (SF) SF
Lowell SF
Marshall, Thurgood SF
McAteer SF
Mission SF
O'Connell SF
Wallenberg SF
Washington, George (SF) SF
Oakland Section (Oak)
Castlemont Oakland
Fremont (Oakland) Oakland
McClymonds Oakland
Oakland Oakland
Skyline Oakland
Oakland Technical Oakland
Central Coast Section (CCS)
Alisal CCS - MBL
Alvarez CCS - MBL
Anzar CCS - MTAL
Aragon CCS - PAL
ArchbishopMitty(B) CCS - WCAL
ArchbishopMitty(G) CCS - BVAL
ArchbishopRiordon CCS - WCAL
Aromas-SanJuan CCS
Bellarmine CCS - WCAL
Branham CCS - BVAL
Burlingame CCS - PAL
Capuchino CCS - PAL
Carlmont CCS - PAL
Carmel CCS - MTAL
Castilleja(G) CCS - PSAL
Cupertino CCS - SCVAL
EastsideCollegePrep CCS - CPSAL
ElCamino CCS - PAL
Fremont CCS - SCVAL
FremontChristian CCS - PSAL
Gilroy CCS - MBL
Gonzalez CCS - MTAL
Greenfield CCS - MTAL
Gunderson CCS - BVAL
HalfMoonBay CCS - PAL
Harbor CCS - SCCAL
HarkerSchool CCS - CPSAL
Hillsdale CCS - PAL
Homestead CCS - SCVAL
ImmaculateConception(G) CCS - PSAL
Independence CCS - BVAL
Jefferson CCS - PAL
KingCity CCS - MTAL
Leigh CCS - BVAL
Leland CCS - BVAL
LibertyBaptist CCS - CPSAL
Lincoln CCS - BVAL
LiveOak CCS - MBL
LosAltos CCS - SCVAL
LosGatos CCS - SCVAL
Lynbrook CCS - SCVAL
MartinMurphyMiddleSchool CCS
Menlo(G) CCS - GPSL
MenloSchool(B) CCS - PSAL
Menlo-Atherton CCS - PAL
Mercy-Burlingame(G) CCS - PSAL
Mercy-SanFrancisco(G) CCS - PSAL
Mid-Peninsula CCS - CPSAL
Mills CCS - PAL
Milpitas CCS - SCVAL
MontaVista CCS - SCVAL
MonteVistaChristian CCS - SCCAL
Monterey CCS - MBL
MountainView CCS - SCVAL
Mt.Madonna CCS - SCCAL
Mt.Pleasant CCS - BVAL
Mtn.ViewAcademy CCS - CPSAL
NorthMontereyCounty CCS - MBL
NorthSalinas CCS - MBL
NorthValleyBaptistSchool(boysonlCCS - CPSAL
NotreDame-Belmont CCS - GPSL
NotreDame-Salinas(G) CCS - MBL
NotreDame-SJ(G) CCS - PSAL
OakGrove CCS - BVAL
Oceana(Tennis&Swimmingonly) CCS - PAL
Overfelt CCS - BVAL
PacificGrove CCS - MTAL
Palma(B) CCS - MBL
PaloAlto CCS - SCVAL
PiedmontHills CCS - BVAL
PinewoodSchool CCS - PSAL
Pioneer CCS - BVAL
Presentation(G) CCS - BVAL
Prospect CCS - BVAL
R.L.Stevenson CCS - MTAL
RedwoodChristian CCS - PSAL
SacredHeartCathedralPrep(B) CCS - WCAL
SacredHeartCathedralPrep(G) CCS - GPSL
SacredHeartPrep CCS - GPSL
SacredHeartPrep(B) CCS - PSAL
Salinas CCS - MBL
SanBenito CCS - MBL
SanFranciscoChristian CCS - CPSAL
SanJose CCS - BVAL
SanLorenzoValley CCS - SCCAL
SanMateo CCS - PAL
SantaCatalina(G) CCS - MTAL
SantaClara CCS - SCVAL
SantaCruz CCS - SCCAL
SantaTeresa CCS - BVAL
Saratoga CCS - SCVAL
ScottsValley CCS - SCCAL
Seaside CCS - MTAL
Sequoia CCS - PAL
Serra CCS - WCAL
SilverCreek CCS - BVAL
So.SanFrancisco CCS - PAL
Soledad CCS - MTAL
Soquel CCS - SCCAL
St.Francis(B) CCS - WCAL
St.Francis(G) CCS - SCVAL
St.Ignatius CCS - WCAL
St.Ignatius(G) CCS - GPSL
St.LawrenceAcademy CCS - CPSAL
St.ThomasMore(supp.) CCS - CPSAL
TerraNova(noboystennis) CCS - PAL
TheKing'sAcademy CCS - PSAL
ValleyChristian-SJ CCS - BVAL
ValleyChristian-Dublin CCS - PSAL
Watsonville CCS - SCCAL
Westmont CCS - BVAL
Westmoor CCS - PAL
Wilcox CCS - SCVAL
WillowGlen CCS - BVAL
Woodside CCS - PAL
WoodsidePriory CCS - PSAL
YerbaBuena CCS - BVAL
YorkSchool CCS - MTAL