Last Blast with some last minute updates...

Fri, Sept 22 - El Prado, Palo Alto, starts at 5:30
Sat, Sept 23 - Gunn HS, starts at 8:30 (9;15 tours)
               Ritz, Half Moon Bay, 11:30 (BRING A JACKET!!!)
Sun, Sept 24 - Reunion Between The Reunion, Shoup Park, Los Altos, 12:00 noon

Al Bay                                     1
Albert Cuisinot + Betsy                    2
Alice Cole + Mike                          2
Alison Mink Hickman                        1
Annie Bien                                 1
Bill Shoemaker + 1                         2
Bob Anderson                               1
Bob Blasing +1                             2
Bob Humphrey                               1
Bruce Aronow                               1
Bruce Jaffe +1                             2
Caleb Hauser                               1
Carol Eidt Hammond +1                      2
Chris Montgomery Cole+1                    2
Chris Morrow + 1                           2
Christy + Pete Duignan                     2
Cindy Firebaugh Campbell + Bob             2
Dave Banks                                 1
David Meier                                1
Dean Lose                                  1
Debbie Clark Cart                          1
Debbie Gleason Campbell + Bill             2
Debbie Lose+1                              2
Dennis Bower                               2
Diane Campbell                             1
Diane Conger                               1
Doug Winslow                               1
Doug Cumming + Kelly                       2
Dwight Harbaugh +1                         2
Eric Van Stone +1                          2
Franice Hogle                              1
Geoffrey Creighton +1                      2
Hank Lawson + Marcia                       2
Howard Baldwin                             1
Jane Alhouse Gee                           1
Janet Bachelor                             1
Jed Solomon                                1
Joanne Munihiro Sugiyama +1                2
John Butterfield +1                        2
John Font + 1                              2
John Mill                                  1
John Place +1                              2
Josiane Dangler                            1
Judy Blend +1                              2
Judy Scharfin Kash +1                      2
June Okazawa                               1
Katherine Siena                            1
Kathy O'Brien +1                           2
Kenny Murray                               1
Kevin McElvain                             1
Kim Bushnell                               1
Kit Davey +1                               2
Leslie Moffit + Sister                     2
Leslie Mosher Robbins +1                   2
Linda Davick Johnson                       1
Linda Janklow +1                           2
Manuel Jurado                              1
Mark Hearn                                 1
Marsha Morton                              1
Mary Ryan                                  1
Mary Schaffer Mercogliano                  1
Melissa Jakubowitz +1                      2
Mike Casey + Patricia                      2
Mike Endsley                               1
Mike Mcgovern                              1
Nancy Newell Thompson + Jeff               2
Pat Tinney                                 1
Paul Osserman                              1
Persis Drell                               1
Randy Sacks                                1
Rich Worthington +1                        2
Rick Sutphen                               1
Robert Eicholz                             1
Robert Knutsen                             1
Roberta Currier + 1                        2
Robin Moody                                1
Sandy Schonberg                            1
Sara Tietz                                 1
Sarah Goodlin                              1
Scott Horngren                             1
Scott Stevens                              1
Shirley Monroe                             1
Steve Baloff                               1
Steve Connolly                             1
Steve Jefferies                            1
Sue Jensen                                 1
Sue Mcnamara +1                            2
Susan Schweitzer Lagerstrom                1
Susan Gere                                 1
Ted Herr                                   1
Tim Anderson                               1
Tim MacDonnell                             1
Vickie Purchase Perkins + Charles          2
Vincent Ritson                             1
Wayne Shijo                                1
Wendy Wong                                 1
Will Driscoll                              1

Totals                                   133

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